From my modding Q. Honestly nothing too much too say -- it's quite ready to go from my perspective. It's a fun map.
00:25:156 (3) - This jump does not make a lot of sense as the music is not very strong here and the jump is a bit hard in a small circle map.
00:33:856 (1,2,1) - The pattern looks great, but the distance is a bit confusing -- it tricked me thinking the latter note 1 as a 1/4. One possibility is something like this? 01:31:456 (1) - If you want to make a change also make this place consistent :)
02:09:106 (6,7,1,2,3) - I don't know. Visually they look good but the pattern has a bit sticky flow as well as tricky stackings.
02:53:206 - I also have a mixed feeling about this kiai -- it's good and quite well-designed. The distance is large and it's intentionally much harder than other parts. But is it too hard? High distance in CS8 with high HP/OD is challenging.
03:28:306 - Just wanted to remind that you have long draining time with small amount of object in the past 10s of draining time -- and that's after a quite hard kiai part. This may be a bit harsh. I know you tried to use NC for this sake but maybe think twice.
03:41:806 (2) - Easy to read as a 1/4 -- it's a well designed pattern though. Related: 03:41:806 (2,3,4,5,6) - this flow is just hard combined with stackings.
From mapper's IRC request -- specifically for Insane. I may extend this into a full mod if needed in the future.
sagirio's Insane
In general, this difficulty has three major issues:
1. Inconsistent usage of distance without specific reasons.
00:02:764 (2) - This is not a big jump, but it is unclear why the distance is not consistent with the previous two sets of objects 00:00:538 (1,2,1,2) .
00:07:100 (3,4) - This distance is just too small -- for those who are not familiar enough with the music, it's easily misread as a 1/4.
00:08:038 (1,2,3) - The previous part is in conjunct with the distance here. The rhythm is a new pattern, and having some early big distances (also see 00:09:092 (4,1) ) may trick players considering what is 1/2 and what is 1/4.
00:25:850 (1,2,3) - From a quite intensive part, your density of note drops, which fits the music, but the distance dropped again to 0.98. Within the same part of the music, the distance variances make it a bit hard to guess what the next rhythm pattern is.
01:22:100 - If you use 1x distance on 01:21:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3) , then this music emphasis could be placed with bigger distances -- the consideration of difficulty spike stopped you from making major jumps in longer streams, but it does not fit that well into the music.
01:46:944 (3,4,1) - Inconsistent distance -- nothing changes much in music but suddenly the distance drops down. Also applies to 01:48:819 (2) and 01:52:803 (8) .
2. Some choice of rhythm is a bit questionable.
00:12:256 - This place may still worth a note. The soundtrack you emphasize has changed, but the music do not show any gap here between 00:10:967 (1,2,3) and 00:11:788 (1) . Even if you track vocal, it's still a bit strange as 00:12:139 (2) is a long and continuous voice, and your missing note here is a bit empty.
00:13:311 (3,4) - And this is close to a remix -- Unsure what this note 00:13:311 (3) tracks.
01:08:272 - This drum carries information and can be a great opportunity to design some rhythm tricks together with 01:08:506 . I see the intention but seems that the emphasis is still off. Maybe think about something like this (though there are many ways around):
02:09:854 - Here the drum is 1/8 -- since later anyways you start to map 1/8 intensively, you can consider cover it (but honestly I don't think it's a good idea to cover too much 1/8 in BPM 128 song)
3. Some patterns look more like Ex rather than Insane, and this consistently shows up and finally created a big difficulty gap between Hard and Insane.
00:19:288 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Suddenly you raised the difficulty here by lots of jumps of 3.5x-4x. Some flows are relatively easy to track like 00:18:819 (6,7,1,2) , but some are quite harsh like 00:19:756 (3,4) . This creates a difficulty spike.
01:00:538 - Here is another spike of difficulty -- this part is basically 2.5-3x everywhere. If you use this distance, maybe consider setting some places to get players catch some breath. The 1/2 between 01:04:288 (9,1) does not buy much time and may confuse the players regarding the visual distance.
01:15:069 - This is kiai, and the difficulty looks like lower Ex. I guess another choice here is to have a real Insane and call this as something like "Another". The final kiai part also applies here.
01:24:561 (4) - This stack hides under the previous slider and combined with jump is also inconsistent with other places and creates difficulty spike.
02:19:913 (3,4,1) - Good coverage on the rhythm but it's just not an Insane pattern -- at least not this many (02:20:850 (1,2,1) 02:23:663 (1,2,3) - this is even harder)
I also have some other suggestions/comments regarding this difficulty.
00:38:038 (1,1,1,1) - A bit of combo spam -- I guess a deeper problem here is that the part is under-mapped. It is quiet and I get the point that you want to contrast, but as you have a relatively high difficulty, maybe consider make it denser.
00:45:538 - I like the build up and consistent choice of distance/rhythm in this section. Also good control of difficulty. Great work.
01:21:631 (1,2,3,1) - No need to force a stack here and tweak the distance inconsistent. It's just some cosmetic details. However it it is intentional to be consistent with 01:21:163 (1,2,3) , then it is a bit strange to separate 01:21:163 (1,2,3) as a pattern and make 01:21:397 (2,3,1) look more like a triplet.
Sorry if it sounds a bit harsh -- there are many creative patterns in the difficulty and fits very well into the music. It's generally well done and we can see the time and effort you put in. It just needs a bit more work to be a legit Insane, or a lower Ex -- depending on what you and the mapset owner decide.
Great work! I'll need to use two days to mod this (Monday night and Friday) -- and now it's done!
00:11:807 (4,5,6) - Places like here is a good use of triplets in 1/4. However, for some 3/4 sliders used in this diff like 00:11:960 (6,1) , they could be a bit overwhelming for Hard players as the first diff.
00:13:490 (1,2,3,4) - 1/2 in 196 BPM could be quite hard. My recommendation generally for this diff is to reduce the density of such arrangement to replace them as 1/2 sliders. Not saying that these cannot show up, but please consider having less of these.
01:03:388 (5,6,7,1) - Unsure if it is your intention to nerf it by making a kicking slider here, but I'd say if you want to emphasize it, make it a 1/4 holding slider. It's right after the triplet 01:02:929 (2,3,4) and can quite scare people away.
01:10:276 (8,1,2,3,4) - These 1/2 notes fall under the category of the second point I raised here. Even a bit small jumps could work, and it may give a bit more variation. Unsure if this works but maybe?
01:59:103 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - Mixed 1/2 and 1/4s together -- could use a bit easier setting. Also a bit unsure why 01:59:256 (1,2,3) - is a triplet -- didn't hear much thing to track on 01:59:256 .
02:24:817 (2,3,4,5) - Great work on the rhythm. (Seems it's consistent in your other diffs)
02:39:281 (1) - The spinner ends before 1 beat of the next slider -- but considering the high BPM, maybe pull it back a bit to end at 02:41:041 ?
03:08:286 (5,1,2) - This kind of stacking could be easily confused with 03:04:307 (3,4,5). My recommendation is to unstack the 1/2 notes like 03:04:307 (3,4,5).
00:08:286 (4,1,2,1) - Quite harsh flow for Insane -- maybe pull 00:08:899 (1) a bit closer?
00:26:807 (4) - It might be not strong enough to address with such a big jump. There's lack of a transition between the tamed part and these jumps. The jumps make it like cold start to the next part. Hay up till this part I found this: 00:36:144 (1,2,3,4) - and I agree this is a good placing of objects, but still a bit intensive for me. This just makes me wonder, maybe I'm just sometimes overwhelmed at mid-high BPM songs?
02:22:674 (1,2,1,2) - I just found this flow quite hard to follow -- 02:22:980 (1,2) - could be Ctrl+G-ed
02:36:756 (1) - Starting to wonder if this is a 3/4 instead of 1/2. The electronic sound intends to lag till the snare I believe? I like your rhythm in Hard this part.
03:26:348 (4) - Looks a bit better visually on distance if moved to the right a bit:
killian's Extra
It's just great! Lots of fun from playing this diff, and several patterns are quite well designed -- 00:15:939 (1,2,3) - Consistent patterns like this in intro; 02:53:899 (1,1) - firework; 03:11:041 (1) - slowdown arrangement
00:37:674 (4) and 00:42:572 (4) - under-hitsounded? Some snares are there, so soft claps or normal? Also applies here: 01:36:450 (4) and 01:41:348 (4) .
01:00:633 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - I just found the flow here quite sticky and don't really have a great idea how to fix it. Maybe moving 4 to the right a bit can help.
01:34:613 - I sort of got the reason you want to put nothing here, but it feels quite empty especially considering the background music. Or you may want to just remove the next note 01:34:766 (1) to fully focus on vocal?
02:11:960 (3,1) - One possibility here is to exchange the two notes to be consistent with 01:13:184 (1,2) -- could be your intention though, but I like 01:13:184 (1,2) better as 02:12:266 (1) can also be misread as a 1/2 jump.
02:38:490 (4) - A bit out of my cognition about what this note is for -- does not sound like an emphasis in music. This short section has a bit confusing rhythm arrangement. If you want to track the electronic sound, then 02:38:388 is more likely to be a note, and 02:38:286 is a snare. I'd recommend things like this:
From Atrue's modding queue -- sorry for a late post :)
A general comment here is that the first part of the map is too tamed -- and this gives people a feeling that the AR is too much for a difficulty like this. I like the intensity after the kiai though. My general recommendation is that while you can still keep the contrast, try to make the first part not so slow and tamed.
Some of the sliders can be made more stretched -- you've got a quite slow SV, and slides like 01:47:063 (3) makes the movement quite limited in a small space. I'll make notes on places like this.
00:24:681 (1) - I got the point that you want to track the vocal here -- I'd say it's just hard to justify where the vocal ends -- how about just be consistent with 00:28:749 (1) where you end on the red tick -- here the vocal also should be addressed somewhere before that.
00:49:088 - You may want to build the intensity up here already as the song build up here. Making the SV faster a bit like 0.8? (or 0.9 and make later SV even faster)
01:10:199 - Space is a bit messy -- extend it out and place it somewhere also 2x?
01:29:013 (6) - 01:33:080 (5) - Similar issues as above -- partial stacking makes the flow a bit stopped.
01:54:182 (1,2,3,4) - The use of space is a bit limited here -- you can make a bit more extended sliders like this:
02:11:470 (4,5) - Similar suggestion as above -- the actual cursor move is quite limited with sliders this way.
02:51:131 (1) - Could use a bigger jump to make the pattern cleaner and address the vocal emphasis.
02:58:250 (10,11,1,2) - Another place that you may want to consider cleaning the pattern a bit. Flow is good though.
03:00:029 (2) - 03:02:063 (6) - Several more places you may want to unstack the notes to make patterns cleaner and flow smoother
04:19:851 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Could be easily a difficulty spike here -- consider making it a stream? The slider at the end is not quite identifiable and making it a stream will ease it up a bit.
05:11:291 (1,2) - Stacking on the slider head of the longer slider makes more sense.
Pretty good set and I think it's on the final push to getting ranked, but I am personally most concerned with your HS. While you inherit it from other ranked sets, depending on your objects and rhythms, some of the objects got weird emphasis and some got almost inaudible objects with jumps or streams.
Minor issue here: Some sliders touches the HP bar in default skin under 4:3. For example: NM: 00:24:304 (2) IN: 00:58:281 (1) , etc.
00:17:009 (1) - I honestly tried all three kinds of hitsound of drum-soft and found that maybe whistle works best? Clap snare sounds distinct here without other snare objects.
00:34:113 - This is a general suggestion for the Easy difficulty: the slider tick could be the snare to follow the music. It may not be necessary but can make the HS better (:
01:19:191 - Consider an NC here to address the rhythm change would be helpful for beginners.
00:17:830 - Recommend to reduce to 1/2 rhythm. Violin is much more clear to follow than the building up drum and later you chose to not follow the drum track.
00:51:928 - Wondering if adding a note here would be a better choice on addressing the clap here.
00:52:838 (2) - Almost not audible hitnote stacked – suggested to add something to address its existence as feedback.
00:53:736 (6) - I would recommend making the slider two notes as the music here addresses both sides of the slider. The music is also building up so the intensity could be justified as well.
01:24:819 (6,7,8,9) - Two subsequent stacks with different rhythms can lead to confusions in reading. I would recommend separating one of these stacks.
00:25:570 (2) - Consistency of whistles: if you want to use whistles on vocal then here should be one.
01:22:454 (1,2,3) - Emphasis is on the start of the triplet – while the HS currently fits the music, your rhythm arrangement may be a bit off in places like this. I would remove the note 2 to make this a jump. Unsure where you will put this kick slider but just pulling this away a bit will do the trick.
00:11:367 (2) - HS audible issue: you increase the distance to make big jumps, but the feedback of clicking the notes is barely audible.
00:59:922 (1,2,3,4) - Jump here is quite big compared with 00:58:281 (1,2,3,4) , but the two places has similar intensity. Suggested to make the distance closer for the later jump.
Minor issue here: Some sliders touches the HP bar in default skin under 4:3. For example: NM: 00:24:304 (2) IN: 00:58:281 (1) , etc.
00:17:009 (1) - I honestly tried all three kinds of hitsound of drum-soft and found that maybe whistle works best? Clap snare sounds distinct here without other snare objects.
00:52:838 (2) - Almost not audible hitnote stacked – suggested to add something to address its existence as feedback.
00:53:736 (6) - I would recommend making the slider two notes as the music here addresses both sides of the slider. The music is also building up so the intensity could be justified as well.
01:24:819 (6,7,8,9) - Two subsequent stacks with different rhythms can lead to confusions in reading. I would recommend separating one of these stacks.
00:25:570 (2) - Consistency of whistles: if you want to use whistles on vocal then here should be one.
01:22:454 (1,2,3) - Emphasis is on the start of the triplet – while the HS currently fits the music, your rhythm arrangement may be a bit off in places like this. I would remove the note 2 to make this a jump. Unsure where you will put this kick slider but just pulling this away a bit will do the trick.
00:11:367 (2) - HS audible issue: you increase the distance to make big jumps, but the feedback of clicking the notes is barely audible.
00:59:922 (1,2,3,4) - Jump here is quite big compared with 00:58:281 (1,2,3,4) , but the two places has similar intensity. Suggested to make the distance closer for the later jump.
A general comment here is that the first part of the map is too tamed -- and this gives people a feeling that the AR is too much for a difficulty like this. I like the intensity after the kiai though. My general recommendation is that while you can still keep the contrast, try to make the first part not so slow and tamed.
Some of the sliders can be made more stretched -- you've got a quite slow SV, and slides like 01:47:063 (3) makes the movement quite limited in a small space. I'll make notes on places like this.
00:24:681 (1) - I got the point that you want to track the vocal here -- I'd say it's just hard to justify where the vocal ends -- how about just be consistent with 00:28:749 (1) where you end on the red tick -- here the vocal also should be addressed somewhere before that.
01:10:199 - Space is a bit messy -- extend it out and place it somewhere also 2x?
01:29:013 (6) - 01:33:080 (5) - Similar issues as above -- partial stacking makes the flow a bit stopped.
01:54:182 (1,2,3,4) - The use of space is a bit limited here -- you can make a bit more extended sliders like this:
02:11:470 (4,5) - Similar suggestion as above -- the actual cursor move is quite limited with sliders this way.
02:51:131 (1) - Could use a bigger jump to make the pattern cleaner and address the vocal emphasis.
02:58:250 (10,11,1,2) - Another place that you may want to consider cleaning the pattern a bit. Flow is good though.
03:00:029 (2) - 03:02:063 (6) - Several more places you may want to unstack the notes to make patterns cleaner and flow smoother
04:19:851 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Could be easily a difficulty spike here -- consider making it a stream? The slider at the end is not quite identifiable and making it a stream will ease it up a bit.
05:11:291 (1,2) - Stacking on the slider head of the longer slider makes more sense.
01:00:633 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - I just found the flow here quite sticky and don't really have a great idea how to fix it. Maybe moving 4 to the right a bit can help.
01:34:613 - I sort of got the reason you want to put nothing here, but it feels quite empty especially considering the background music. Or you may want to just remove the next note 01:34:766 (1) to fully focus on vocal?
02:11:960 (3,1) - One possibility here is to exchange the two notes to be consistent with 01:13:184 (1,2) -- could be your intention though, but I like 01:13:184 (1,2) better as 02:12:266 (1) can also be misread as a 1/2 jump.
02:38:490 (4) - A bit out of my cognition about what this note is for -- does not sound like an emphasis in music. This short section has a bit confusing rhythm arrangement. If you want to track the electronic sound, then 02:38:388 is more likely to be a note, and 02:38:286 is a snare. I'd recommend things like this:
00:11:807 (4,5,6) - Places like here is a good use of triplets in 1/4. However, for some 3/4 sliders used in this diff like 00:11:960 (6,1) , they could be a bit overwhelming for Hard players as the first diff.
00:13:490 (1,2,3,4) - 1/2 in 196 BPM could be quite hard. My recommendation generally for this diff is to reduce the density of such arrangement to replace them as 1/2 sliders. Not saying that these cannot show up, but please consider having less of these.
01:03:388 (5,6,7,1) - Unsure if it is your intention to nerf it by making a kicking slider here, but I'd say if you want to emphasize it, make it a 1/4 holding slider. It's right after the triplet 01:02:929 (2,3,4) and can quite scare people away.
01:10:276 (8,1,2,3,4) - These 1/2 notes fall under the category of the second point I raised here. Even a bit small jumps could work, and it may give a bit more variation. Unsure if this works but maybe?
01:59:103 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - Mixed 1/2 and 1/4s together -- could use a bit easier setting. Also a bit unsure why 01:59:256 (1,2,3) - is a triplet -- didn't hear much thing to track on 01:59:256 .
02:24:817 (2,3,4,5) - Great work on the rhythm. (Seems it's consistent in your other diffs)
02:39:281 (1) - The spinner ends before 1 beat of the next slider -- but considering the high BPM, maybe pull it back a bit to end at 02:41:041 ?
03:08:286 (5,1,2) - This kind of stacking could be easily confused with 03:04:307 (3,4,5). My recommendation is to unstack the 1/2 notes like 03:04:307 (3,4,5).
00:08:286 (4,1,2,1) - Quite harsh flow for Insane -- maybe pull 00:08:899 (1) a bit closer?
00:26:807 (4) - It might be not strong enough to address with such a big jump. There's lack of a transition between the tamed part and these jumps. The jumps make it like cold start to the next part. Hay up till this part I found this: 00:36:144 (1,2,3,4) - and I agree this is a good placing of objects, but still a bit intensive for me. This just makes me wonder, maybe I'm just sometimes overwhelmed at mid-high BPM songs?
02:22:674 (1,2,1,2) - I just found this flow quite hard to follow -- 02:22:980 (1,2) - could be Ctrl+G-ed
02:36:756 (1) - Starting to wonder if this is a 3/4 instead of 1/2. The electronic sound intends to lag till the snare I believe? I like your rhythm in Hard this part.
03:26:348 (4) - Looks a bit better visually on distance if moved to the right a bit:
It's just great! Lots of fun from playing this diff, and several patterns are quite well designed -- 00:15:939 (1,2,3) - Consistent patterns like this in intro; 02:53:899 (1,1) - firework; 03:11:041 (1) - slowdown arrangement
00:37:674 (4) and 00:42:572 (4) - under-hitsounded? Some snares are there, so soft claps or normal? Also applies here: 01:36:450 (4) and 01:41:348 (4) .
00:02:764 (2) - This is not a big jump, but it is unclear why the distance is not consistent with the previous two sets of objects 00:00:538 (1,2,1,2) .
00:07:100 (3,4) - This distance is just too small -- for those who are not familiar enough with the music, it's easily misread as a 1/4.
00:08:038 (1,2,3) - The previous part is in conjunct with the distance here. The rhythm is a new pattern, and having some early big distances (also see 00:09:092 (4,1) ) may trick players considering what is 1/2 and what is 1/4.
00:25:850 (1,2,3) - From a quite intensive part, your density of note drops, which fits the music, but the distance dropped again to 0.98. Within the same part of the music, the distance variances make it a bit hard to guess what the next rhythm pattern is.
01:22:100 - If you use 1x distance on 01:21:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3) , then this music emphasis could be placed with bigger distances -- the consideration of difficulty spike stopped you from making major jumps in longer streams, but it does not fit that well into the music.
01:46:944 (3,4,1) - Inconsistent distance -- nothing changes much in music but suddenly the distance drops down. Also applies to 01:48:819 (2) and 01:52:803 (8) .
00:12:256 - This place may still worth a note. The soundtrack you emphasize has changed, but the music do not show any gap here between 00:10:967 (1,2,3) and 00:11:788 (1) . Even if you track vocal, it's still a bit strange as 00:12:139 (2) is a long and continuous voice, and your missing note here is a bit empty.
00:13:311 (3,4) - And this is close to a remix -- Unsure what this note 00:13:311 (3) tracks.
01:08:272 - This drum carries information and can be a great opportunity to design some rhythm tricks together with 01:08:506 . I see the intention but seems that the emphasis is still off. Maybe think about something like this (though there are many ways around):
00:19:288 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Suddenly you raised the difficulty here by lots of jumps of 3.5x-4x. Some flows are relatively easy to track like 00:18:819 (6,7,1,2) , but some are quite harsh like 00:19:756 (3,4) . This creates a difficulty spike.
01:00:538 - Here is another spike of difficulty -- this part is basically 2.5-3x everywhere. If you use this distance, maybe consider setting some places to get players catch some breath. The 1/2 between 01:04:288 (9,1) does not buy much time and may confuse the players regarding the visual distance.
01:24:561 (4) - This stack hides under the previous slider and combined with jump is also inconsistent with other places and creates difficulty spike.
02:19:913 (3,4,1) - Good coverage on the rhythm but it's just not an Insane pattern -- at least not this many (02:20:850 (1,2,1) 02:23:663 (1,2,3) - this is even harder)
00:38:038 (1,1,1,1) - A bit of combo spam -- I guess a deeper problem here is that the part is under-mapped. It is quiet and I get the point that you want to contrast, but as you have a relatively high difficulty, maybe consider make it denser.
01:21:631 (1,2,3,1) - No need to force a stack here and tweak the distance inconsistent. It's just some cosmetic details. However it it is intentional to be consistent with 01:21:163 (1,2,3) , then it is a bit strange to separate 01:21:163 (1,2,3) as a pattern and make 01:21:397 (2,3,1) look more like a triplet.
00:25:156 (3) - This jump does not make a lot of sense as the music is not very strong here and the jump is a bit hard in a small circle map.
00:33:856 (1,2,1) - The pattern looks great, but the distance is a bit confusing -- it tricked me thinking the latter note 1 as a 1/4. One possibility is something like this? 01:31:456 (1) - If you want to make a change also make this place consistent :)
02:09:106 (6,7,1,2,3) - I don't know. Visually they look good but the pattern has a bit sticky flow as well as tricky stackings.
03:41:806 (2) - Easy to read as a 1/4 -- it's a well designed pattern though. Related: 03:41:806 (2,3,4,5,6) - this flow is just hard combined with stackings.