00:09:545 (1) - This breaks a guideline.
Dashes and hyperdashes should not be used when the destination of the dash or hyperdash is located near the left or right border of the playfield. This creates an uncomfortable movement as the catcher is forcibly stopped upon reaching the border of the playfield (x:16 on the left and x:496 on the right).
The note is on x:0, I advise not breaking this guideline because it can be uncomfortable for platter players
00:21:989 (1) - As this is lazer mapped could u find out a way to fix the later half of the slider, so that it could be perfect shaped as first half? Free to solve if u can't
00:49:543 (1,2,3,4) - i think a dash between 1 and 3 & 2 and 4 will fit the change of vocal more as it being fully walkable is underwhelming, same for 00:56:654 (1,2,3,4) - 01:10:877 (1,2,3,4) -
Could you explain this a bit better? Do you mean a dash between 00:49:988 (2) - and 00:50:432 (3) - ? Cause dashes between 00:49:543 (1) - and 00:50:432 (3) - is impossible as we ignore 00:49:988 (2). I do agree its a bit underwhelming the way it is though.
sorry for bad explanation..
what i meant is the dash between 00:49:543 (1,2) - because u could clearly hear the vocal between them is increasing, and same to 00:50:432 (3,4), but between 00:49:988 (2,3) - is a normal walk
agree, tho imo can leave 00:49:543 (1,2) - as a walk and only 00:50:432 (3,4) - a dash, to make it not too overloaded with dashes (calm song after all); same logic applies throughout kiai
After talking a bit with SadEgg, I'm going with Mashiro's suggestion. The extra dashes from 00:49:543 (1) - to 00:49:988 (2) - (same for each corresponding section after) made it feel too dashy for the calmness/bpm and "feeling off" for a lack of better term.
00:50:432 (3,4) - Shall be consist with 00:52:210 (3,4) and 00:53:988 (3,4) ? imo leaving a dash on 00:58:877 (2,3) only would enough, as the dash could emphasize high vocal. right now the dash seems came out for no reason.
I made 00:53:988 (3,4) - a dash by making 4 a vertical as i will literally have no room otherwise
00:52:210 (3,4) - is a walk due to the vocal becoming more breathy/whisper like compared to 00:50:432 (3,4)
This slider is meant to cover the vocals as the entire kiai's emphasis is based with the vocals in mind. 01:07:321 (1,2) - follows the same emphasis/snapping as 01:06:432 (3) - before it and 01:08:210 (3) - after it only with those being repeaters, however, the note in the repeater still ends on the blue ticks. If you want I can make it a repeater to follow along with 01:06:432 (3) - and 01:08:210 (3) - as there is a a bit of held vocal still between 01:07:321 (1,2) - but I do not believe it is mis-snapped.
01:17:099 (1,2) - while walkable, pls reduce/remove the gap to make it a clean stream(might wanna tilt the repeats more outwards too for that effect)