ultimately up to you and i know it was already sort of discussed but i think it might be worth having it as a separate issue: i really think 360 first and 365 second would be significantly better in terms of a) following the chronological release order of the tracks, b) following the track order on the album, c) 365 being a de facto derivative of 360 given a) and b), c) it would just be really cool to have the last part of the map be this 02:34:987 section both musically and gameplay wise
im pre sure charli herself literally said smth about 365 being a transition back to the album again
https://www.tiktok.com/@charlixcx/video/7390100973827394848 the current order is more true to charli and this album lol
talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
sb: would be cool to have the bg be "365" instead of having it be "360" while its playing 365 lol idk it makes more sense to me that way
i've noticed that some sections in both songs have some drifts in timing so i've made a lot better timing of it
(check this with new audio that i sent to you)
would personally replace the soft-hitfinish mp3 files w/ this: https://leviathan.s-ul.eu/modding/J8EuJ537
current ones are encoded in aac (and are actually full-on mp4 files) which osu has trouble with, unless you're fine with them currently and you want to go with the "it works so its a feature" sentiment you should replace them i think
can you change SliderTrackOverride to SliderBorder color and reverse cuz theres no way anyone would use current skin without a pistol behind their back
i'm a bit confused by this mp3. why is 365 before 360, and what is the correlation that connects those two with Everything is romantic? Eir seems very out of place here.
Combinations of 2 songs should be clearly and closely related. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, being iterations of the same series of songs, related in lyrics or motifs, similar in tone and/or genre, etc.
how would 360+365 break this guideline..? they’re two songs from the same artist, same album, follow the same theme, 365 literally samples and interpolates both the lyrics and instrumental of 360? you can tell there’s going to be a similarity just from the song titles alone. there’s just no way
another thing, in what situation would a listener be listening to 365 first? 360 is the first track, and 365 is the last in the track listing. when you get to 365 in the album for the first time, it generally makes you think like “Oh it’s like a remix of 360, that’s a nice touch” or something along those lines, no? plus the Bumpin’ that lyric flip? it wouldn’t make sense if you didn’t hear it in the context of the first track. having 365 first basically defeats and muffles the whole concept of the album itself. there is no situation in where this wouldn’t work
there was a rule I think where if you combine 2 songs they have to exclusively be released together? Which 365 and 360 were not bc they were in an album with other songs
With the order I can switch them via the mp3 and all will be good bc I love love love everything is romantics dramatic ending
idk if id be down to do that bc id love to keep these 3 together (and bc jas is creating his own set) but ty if were all fine with it id be down! just need to check bc someone told me that having just 2 songs together that werent exclusively released together (not just in the same album) would be unrankable if i dont create a full spread of the shortest song in it
i spread the misinformation mb i thought that two songs in an album wasn't considered as exclusively released cause that means that any two songs from an album could be mapped and i kinda thought the point of the rule was to avoid that
also bluirre could keep eir without a problem even if its not super related bc having 3 songs makes it a songs comp which doesn't need to follow the guidelines or rules mentioned above so its up to bluirre
likeee i get the argument and i can readd it im indifferent but i do get why ancelysia spoke up bc eir didnt fit at all, i just mapped it bc of the 2 song minimum but now its fine bc apparently 365 and 360 are close enough and eir was fun to map anyway and its hopefulyl a gd on another set !! :D