I would reconsider the intro (00:02:570-00:16:284). Advanced and Hard are mapped, but Easy, Normal, and Insane are not. Although I understand not mapping the intro on easier levels, not mapping it on Insane is questionable because you play shorter on this diff while on Advanced and Hard you play a bit longer (and the intro duration is about 14 seconds). I prefer to leave this topic to others to see what they think - is it necessary or not, should it be left as is, etc.
The audio you used is too high (195 kbps). You need to find audio that is not higher than 192 kbps and not lower than 128 kbps. https://imgur.com/Mq97lXv
How is it that the file "normal-hitnormal2.ogg" is the only one among the hitsound files in .ogg format? Although ranking criteria allow for the use of .wav or .ogg files, while reviewing ranked maps, I noticed that the files were in the same format, so if you could, please convert this file to .wav format to keep all files uniform.
yeah this is a remix from Miqz but i feel like that the original creator of this song deserves at least a tag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3HjTpX5IfA