mapped by BPChingu
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1st part kiai from 01:17:802 - to 01:33:802 -
and also 02:35:135 - 02:51:135 -

I do get what you want to do with those part. But by just using simple 1/2 on both part, it kinda make a gap in diff spread between Oni & highest diff. If you still want a low density on those 1st part, at least both part could use one triplet per downbeat.


sure, buffed a bit

Marked as resolved by BPChingu

slightly nerf the 5plet in this part? 02:05:802 - 02:11:135 -
Not quite sure this small part deserve that much spike compared to kiai


sure, made it kkkkd

Marked as resolved by BPChingu

01:17:800 ~ 01:36:467 (and similarly, 02:35:133 ~ 02:53:800)

Unless I'm missing something, the coloring in this kiai has a weak connection to the music. Much of the music follows a strong 3/2-type rhythm in this part of the chorus. Ideally this would be reflected on how the notes are colored especially since this kiai is just mostly 1/2 notes. This would look something like consistent 3/2 kats matching the cymbals/snares (like for example 01:19:133 - 1/2 kdkkdkk to match vocals), with maybe some deviations depending on how you follow the vocals or guitars (like for example 01:21:800 - 1/2 kddkdkd to match the vocals as well).

Top diff suffers from a similar issue as well, but is less noticeable due to the presence of finishers taking the emphasis spotlight. Finisher usage is currently inconsistent though (see #4371100) and will probably be changed, so you might want to recheck coloring in top diff as well.


#4371100/11639535 i at least sorted now the confusion of finishers. ill take care of the coloring soon


revised coloring in both diffs

Marked as resolved by BPChingu

Consider limiting the usage of 1/4 finishers in places where there's no clear sound for a 1/4 to map. Those are still fairly awkward for players at the intended level to hit.

Happens quite often throughout the whole map, see for example 00:32:383 (kinda) / 00:40:383 (kinda) / 01:09:717 / most of the 1/4 finishers in 01:17:800 ~ 01:36:133 / 01:44:383 and similar kiai / etc. etc. (not gonna list all of them)


should be revised now

Marked as resolved by BPChingu

Issue summary
The end of the first and third kiai don't hit as hard because they are awkward.
I think you should remap it to match the sound/intensity better. I have some suggestions that should be simple enough to feel consistent with previous patterns. These suggestions might undermine the buildup to the finishers. So definitely feel free to try something else.

(Remember to apply to both sections 01:34:133 and 02:51:467)

Recommended example
I'd recommend changing 01:35:133 to a finisher.
if you want to match the previous parts better, add a triple on 01:35:300.

This should make the progression into finishers feel natural as opposed to before.
For reference 01:32:633 o o o ooo matches the same structure but with a final buildup!

Alternative ideas to consider
If that didn't feel right consider changing 01:36:133 to a finisher.
or alternatively remove 01:36:300 for a break into the final part.

This is where the shift occurs. It feels a bit unnatural otherwise.


sure do, it pretty works.

Marked as resolved by BPChingu