mapped by Worthlessnut9
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[stream parts]

00:21:187 - ~ 00:41:291 -

01:41:291 - ~ 02:01:396 -

03:03:595 - ~ 03:23:699 -

04:18:359 - ~ 05:33:751 -

Personally, when you have a lot of kiai, if you create it with this structure, boredom will inevitably form.

Isn't it boring for you to play the same vocal and same pattern for 5 minutes?

So I think the best option is to build up by forming density and pattern at different difficulty levels for each chorus.

Also, the reason why most of the stream patterns appear simple is that most of the time only double - single is used, and few elements of the broken stream are visible


i personally fine these patterns very fun to play. it matches very well for player around my skill level, which the map is intended to be played by. if this isn't what you meant then I don't understand what the problem is


From your point of view, it's funny and I understand to some extent that this map is right, but I've been modding a lot of bitmaps so far, so I know all the elements that this map has. So to explain more about the boredom that told you..

There's nothing wrong with using patterns that you have fun with when there aren't a lot of Kiai. But right now, about half of this map is occupied by streams with the same flow, so you can't help but feel bored when you play it

So I was suggesting that Kiai get harder and harder with the concept of build-up, otherwise it's inevitably a repeat. The song itself is a repeat, so if the pattern doesn't change, it's bound to be a repeat


should i added doubles on the vocals to fix this? i dont see how to map a build up any other way


I'll send you the attachment later. About my thoughts on the build-up

Marked as resolved by Buschan

05:35:479 (335479|3,335562|2,335645|0,335721|1) - for timing here, I think I got the most accurate timings to be snapped correctly:

05:35:467 - first LN here is probably 1/5 or 1/7(most accurate sounding to me)

05:35:526 - 2nd LN sounds like 1/7 here (try to not make the 1st LN small do smt like this so its visually more aesthetic.)

05:35:637 - 3rd LN is another 1/7 snap but its quite hard to wadge the exact snap.

05:35:679 - 4th LN is 1/9 and extend to ending LN

that's all snaps!


i simplified it to be 1/5 snaps because the snaps are so hard to hear for me

Marked as resolved by Worthlessnut9

Rather than expressing the piano with LN, 05:35:798 (335798|3) - It's cleaner from a play point of view to express the last support in LN only and the other piano in notes

Reopened by Buschan

with my head phones i dont hear much of whats going on with the piano. they arnt the best. if you can time stamp the ending of the sounds that would be great!


added and made them rice because i can not think of a fun ln ver

Marked as resolved by Worthlessnut9

the SR is pretty much bloated, this song plays like a pure 4 star map, if you're willing to reduce the lenght of the 1/8 LNs used at

00:01:082 -
03:37:521 -
03:47:573 -
04:57:940 -
05:18:044 -

down to 1/6 , thats the minimun i can give it , it will drop down to 5 star , still better than 5.6
(map will be around 4.4 sr because of the jumptrills when those LNs that i've pointed out are 1/4 lenght)


i wish it didnt bump the sr so much, i just like the patterns


i adjusted some but not all lns to represent the pitch a bit better, lower pitch = 1/6 and higher pitch = 1/8th


let me know what you think


the problem still persist, it didnt solve anything, its not about emphasy but the SR, the only other way to fix the issue is to boost the overall difficulty of the chart to match up a bit at least to 5sr minimun, but personally i would prefer if you just fixed the LN


its one of them "you lose if you do and lose if you dont" type things, i really like these types of patterns and i really hate that the sr gets buffed by them. they arnt even much harder to play. i can lower them all which imo kills the representation or i can keep it the same and you wont like it. so idk what to do


i know its not intented, but the ranking process won't be happy with it


imo its just poor sr development that lead to this, nerf ln plz


honestly yeah, I hate those LN's even though they're very comfortable for me to play
and yes LN needs a nerf, agreed with this man


I'm not going to say anything more, because i'm literally just a dirty farmer :skull:
good day gentlemen.


I'm not gonna remove the lns, I'm willing change them but not remove them


yeah i say change them, its way too comfortable anyways


How is comfort bad?


too pp farm, 340pp shouldnt be this easy to get imo
(even my 5 digit friend who rusted said its easy)


this is all im gonna say, harbyter is right on this one it does kinda play like a 4* (in some parts)


It's not my fault the sr systen is ass, I want it to be high 4 sr but na the system is ass


It's fine mate, we know that.


closing till someone else opens

Marked as resolved by Worthlessnut9

why od and hp7


What do you mean


why is the map od7 and hp7


It's for the lns, it feels better imo

Marked as resolved by Worthlessnut9

i feel like the hp could still be like 8 tho. and maybe higher the od a bit

Reopened by [-Omni-]

i like 7

Marked as resolved by Worthlessnut9

alr, other modders or bns MIGHT say smth abt it but ig it’s fine


