i bussed 1809 times to this
i bussed 1980 times
fire in horl
+1 good map
not only it's a banger and an artist i've never heard of, it feels so fuckin good to play. this is what we need in the mania ranking section, a good rest from the tournament style maps/chordjack maps.
BN's should really start taking damn notes.
waiting for another discussion page that's gonna take forever to read
is it just me or the map feels much more uncomfortable to play?
00:03:810 - missing long note.
Zhekosss shouldve played this during release, it was better back then
looks fun lmao
It's fine mate, we know that.
this is all im gonna say, harbyter is right on this one it does kinda play like a 4* (in some parts)
too pp farm, 340pp shouldnt be this easy to get imo (even my 5 digit friend who rusted said its easy)
yeah i say change them, its way too comfortable anyways
I'm not going to say anything more, because i'm literally just a dirty farmer :skull: good day gentlemen.
honestly yeah, I hate those LN's even though they're very comfortable for me to play and yes LN needs a nerf, agreed with this man
nah were not complaining, in fact this is quite comical. its gonna haunt top plays again
idk what you did there but that's weird.