Yeah after the addition of the double on vocal it is much less enjoyable imo, but I do what I have to do for rank i guess
[OD, HP Suggestion]
current: 8.7 | 8.3
we will consider is to lower the OD to 8 considering the over-release guitar LN, not the OD amount for stream
also i think HP can also be increased to 8.5 for unity with HP and OD
General check 🟥 / 🟨 / 🟩
Metadata: HERE
Unicode Artist: TEARS OF TRAGEDY
Romanized Artist: TEARS OF TRAGEDY
Unicode Title: Epitaph
Romanized Title: Epitaph
Tags: japanese symphonic melodic power metal rock j-rock MAKI Hiro Toru Hayato Haruka Vocals Keyboards Guitars Walküre Records Single PixelGlory Pixel Glory pixelglorygd
Add: jrock Classical CSX42
"jrock" for searchability purposes
"Classical CSX42" because they made the hitsounds and therefore should also be credited in the tags so they can be searched up, and these are their old and new username so it makes it easier to search
Remove: Pixel Glory
"Pixel Glory" there has never been any username or claim from the user to be put in tags like this when contributing to other sets. also it's already fine without space since that's their exact username
"Vocals Keyboards Guitars" These all are present in the song, keyboard and guitar is the instrumental part while the vocals are for the lyrics and therefore do not need to be in tags. tags should be used for genres and not for the song's content (what instruments are being used for the song, if it contains any lyrics ect.)
Final tags, copy and paste these --> japanese symphonic melodic power metal rock jrock j-rock MAKI Hiro Toru Hayato Haruka Walküre Records Single PixelGlory pixelglorygd Classical CSX42
Audio: Audio file seems fine, if you happen to find a source with a better audio use the higher quality one
Timing: Good
Offset Good
Metronome Resets Good
Correct Timing Signature Yes
Preview Point Yes
Kiais All good
OD/HP: Check OD/HP values make sense
High rice:LN ratio -> usually higher OD, and vice versa
Heavy LN or chord jack -> usually lower HP
For balancing purposes, the OD/HP values are very forgiving
I'd recommend using OD 8.7 / HP 8.3 since the map is quite heavy on rice with some small LN parts that can easily lower accuracy because of their ends, otherwise for simplicity you can use 8.5/8.5
BG: Looks fine
Not sure if the storyboard hitsounds are intentional. I'd recommend asking for confirmation, otherwise you should remove them.
Files: 🟨
For the most part they are acceptable, but "HHC" has a 3ms delay
Use THIS instead, removed that 3 ms delay
Misc: #4276635
I can see why you used some LNs like this but it raises alot of concerns about whether is map is justifiable for ranking. It's not your fault, for sure, but it doesn't help that this map plays like a mid to high 4* map.
The only thing i can really recommend you to do with the LNs is something like #4293269/11427843 where the LNs start from 1/4 to prevent heavy star rating inflation. There is gonna be some still but it's gonna be way less.
Good luck with your beatmap it's really fun and I can see your efforts too!
honestly some of the patterns here got changed which kind of threw me off and made me choke, but honestly some parts need a buff, this is honestly just all mapped based off the instrumentals
I mean just saying, map the Vocals and the other sfx aswell.
i am a mania player, i play mania and mania maps, this is a mania map, i played this mania map and liked it, i am a real mania player.