You seem to have forgotten to check the option "enable custom overrides", resulting in the HS file not being used. This needs to be corrected.
00:53:977 - 00:55:897
I don't really understand the purpose of the note at 00:54:037 (54037|1,54397|3,54517|3) in this passage. If we only focus on the drums, there is actually no extra sound worth expressing in the music.
In terms of playability, these notes are actually somewhat misleading. Specifically, for players whose level is just at this stage or slightly lower than this stage, they are very likely to treat 00:53:977 (53977|3,53977|2,54037|1,54337|1,54337|0,54397|3) as a triple, which is actually a completely unnecessary increase in difficulty. Therefore, even if you deliberately create a little dump feeling in this part, I don't think it is necessary. In summary, this part needs reasonable simplification.
Same part: 02:26:137