00:06:705 - finish
the part before 00:46:494 - didn't use any whistle which lacks feedback of vocals or instrumental
00:42:073 - could add a small drum sample on every 1/2 01:47:757 - 02:25:652 - etc...as well
00:17:441 - all kinds of these claps could add kicks cuz the music is using kick+snare, the current is soft hitnormal+additions
01:07:336 - there is so empty, could add hs as well
volume 95% in kiai is too loud and it's too high compared rest section I'd suggest 80%
02:32:915 - there are a lot of rhythm points that can be followed, and this part gives a feeling that is gonna connect to the higher intensity part, the rhythm should be more and more intense, so the long slider or spinner would be too simple on rhythm and inappropriate on presentation, I'd suggest you follow it in actual rhythm in the music here