You can improve this map a lot by increasing visual spacing between all the patterns of kiai sections, they look very similar and i feel they don't really do something to give the song choruses a way to stand out from the rest of the map
I'd replace 00:56:607 (7) with just a circle, i think works better emphasizing the drums :)
In general all i can say is that the whole map is lacking recognizable patterns, is lacking emphasis and a lot of consistency between all the sections of the song, i'm not gonna leave a lot of mods explaining every inch of the map that at the end is going to be pointless, first you need to gather a quite decent amount mapping experience to start getting some more "up to the standards" type of map, i suggest to move on and map something different. Use other ranked maps as reference, analyze how they are made and how they work, you'll get there with enough time and practice on mapping, you still have a long way to go so good luck with your upcoming new maps! :D
00:53:708 (1) - To represent the triplet here properly you can add a kickslider, i think this works very good
03:18:458 (1,2,3) - You can follow the guitar here if you do something like this to represent it accurately :D
I know this might be the mapping style of the map in general, but i'd like to see more dynamics being applied to the map, especially variable spacing since most of the map uses similar ds making parts like 02:24:458 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) kinda underwhelming (i feel the song here demands at least any sort of differentiation from the rest of the sections nearby)
01:49:958 (1,2,3,4) - Song intensity here allows for a bigger spacing, something like this feels very good to play:
I moved 00:08:940 (1,2,3) a bit so it hass less movement tho i can't tell if its enough (I feel the map good to play lol), reopen if you have more suggestions / disagreements :D
Its just giving visual continuity to 02:38:380 (4) so 02:38:380 (4,6) works as a central axis on that pattern (which is visually different)
Try to follow the main layers of the song, basically the most prominent sounds or instruments. This will draw the attention of whoever is playing the map while playing making them feel like they are actually clicking to the songs rhythm (you know what i mean, follow the song wisely)
Do not put circles just because of the sake of putting circles in the playfield, try to find a reason why are those circles there and how do they affect gameplay. Keep this in mind so you can start to evade those "randomly" placed objects on the map!
Also try to understand the concepts of aesthetics, spacing, emphasis, strain and those things that deal with the map and gameplay itself, try to play your own maps so you can tell if something is wrong or shouldn't be there or should be changed :)