DQ on mapper's request to reply to Niks' mods
General check ❗
\To be fair, we have so many ranked [Yoasobi - Idol] map that metadata shouldn't be a problem now xD\
*Unicode Artist: YOASOBI ✅
*Romanized Artist: YOASOBI ✅
*Unicode Title: アイドル ✅
*Romanized Title: Idol ✅
Source: 【推しの子】 ✅
Tags: ✅
【Oshi no Ko】Oshi no Ko her fans Their idol's children 星野 愛久愛海 瑠美衣 Hoshino Akuamarin Aquamarine Aqua アクア Ruby Rubii ai アイ Aidoru My Star 幾田りら ikuta lilas ikura ayase jpop j-pop pop rap anime japanese opening op das-[hikari]- -h_i_k_a_r_i- hikari
Timing: ✅ \while its fine, take a look again to timing if the new audio are added in\
**OD/HP:**✅ while this is somewhat fine, i suggest to make the OD/HP more spread...
BG: ❗
Files: ✅
Hitsound ✅
after taking a look at all of the diff, there is quite a problem in difficulty spread in most of the difficulties.
But there is a bigger issue that i noticed later on, which is...
There is a very huge gap difference between [Insane] and [Hikari's Expert], i think the gap between them is very huge that it affected both [Hard], [Normal] and even [Easy] as well, technically it kind of make [Hard] and [Normal] a little squeezed because of how under-mapped [Insane] is when it compared to [Hikari's Expert]... i pointed this out at here so it can be easier to read,
but to simplify whats happening there is that i suggest to buff [Insane] more to close the gap to [Hikari's Extra] so the difficulty spread from [Insane] will have a domino effect of breathing space to [Hard] and [Normal] so it can be buffed a little too, i like to use this analogy if my words here is a bit too long to read...
my mod in each of the difficulties timestamps mainly explains about difficulty spread gap issues, but if you able to apply what the analogy that i've talked about, the issues in the each difficulty timestamp that i've said should immediately solved as well...
just noticed there is a big gap in pattern between [Easy] and [Normal], mainly in choruses..:
So i suggest to buff [Easy] a bit more. mainly to buff the chorus part because the most noticeable gap in this two difficulties is at those 3 choruses...
example is to add note every clap sound at the choruses like: 00:55:635 - 00:56:358 - 00:57:080 - and so on...