mapped by [Emiria]
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another diff gap problem, this time 00:46:599 - 00:54:550 - are almost 90% the same with [Easy] and felt like copy-pasted (its fine to copy paste it but try to make it not to obvious) and making the gap between [Easy] and [Normal] almost nonexistent and its also a little to far from [Hard]

  • i suggest to buff [Normal] part, mainly to add more notes for vocal, example like this:

  • what i did in this screenshot here is that i add note for every vocal here (marked note), while i delete the single note every 2/1 that appear at 00:47:321 - 00:48:044 - 00:48:767 - and so on, and i keep it 2 notes every snare sound but keep it two notes even if there is vocal overlapped with the snare, example at 00:46:960 - 00:48:406 - and so on...

  • even if you no need to agree with the screenshot there, my main focus here is to buff [Normal] to widens the gap with [Easy] and close the gap with [Hard] so it will be more evenly spread, whatever the way you wanted to...



Marked as resolved by [Emiria]

01:29:972 - 01:41:538 - another very similar diff gap problem where note pattern AND position with [Easy] and [Normal] is too similar and making the spread gap of both difficulty too close...

  • best to buff this part in [Normal] to spread the gap some more

try my best to buff this part

Marked as resolved by [Emiria]

03:25:974 (205974|0,205974|6,206336|5,206697|4,207059|3,207420|0,207782|1,208143|2,208505|3,208866|6,209227|5,209589|4,209950|3,210312|1,210583|5,210854|3) - this part is literally just a copy paste of [Easy] and almost the same with [Hard] in amount of note wise...

buff this more in [Hard] and buff [Normal] too...
example will be like this: left is [Hard], right is [Normal]


ye change but use another way for Normal

Marked as resolved by [Emiria]