for all the doubled thing
we can treat this as a chord sonud 00:22:020 (22020|2,22020|0) -
00:23:466 (23466|6,23466|0,23827|2,23827|4,24189|6,24189|1) - somthing heavy
but why 00:24:550 - 00:25:454 - 00:27:442 - those doubled?
00:29:249 (29249|4,29249|0,29611|6,29611|2,29972|0,29972|4) -
00:30:695 (30695|0,31056|4,31418|1) -
i cant undetstand why those two place had different setting if you catch the beat, cuz now cealy you didn't catch me vocal (otherwise it should be 3/4), so any reason for that? Cuz for me the intensity are pretty similar
i want to highlight about this part: 00:40:815 - 00:46:237 - this part is calmer in the music wise but the pattern is becoming a little too spiky... especially if you comparing it with 00:29:249 - 00:40:454 -
also that part is having a little too big of a gap with [Easy] as well as too close of a gap with [Hard]
The 1/1 jack can be the anchor for the 1/2 stream. So 01:06:840 (66840|0,67201|0,67562|0,67924|0,68285|0) - is the anchor here and it is 5 jacks here which I think can be more optimised :
01:11:538 - while i notice that this part is following pitch relevancy, this could be very problematic to right hand space-bar player since its so heavy on right hand:
try to even it on both hands to make it better in gameplay...
example like this:
i see that you are consistenlty following vocal at the 2nd chorus as well (01:41:538 - until 01:53:105 - )
so i suggest to add note at here 01:52:201 - to keep consistently follows the vocal as what you did at here too 01:51:840 (111840|3) -
i see another very similar pattern at 01:54:189 (114189|4,114189|2,114550|0,114912|6,114912|4,115273|2,115273|0,115454|5,115635|2,115635|0,115815|5,115996|1,116358|6,116358|4,116719|1,117080|6,117080|4,117442|0,117803|4,117803|2,118165|6,118526|4,118526|2,118888|6,119249|1,119249|3,119611|0,119972|4,119972|2,120333|3,120695|4,120695|2,121056|3,121056|1,121237|5,121418|3,121418|1,121599|5,121779|0,122141|6,122141|4,122502|2,122773|4,123044|5,123044|1,123587|6,123587|4,123948|1,124337|5,124337|3,124727|0,124727|6) - where this is technically almost 90% the same amount of note and position between [Easy] and [Normal]. [Normal] needs to be buffed some more to create some spread gap with easy...
I think 01:55:996 (115996|2) - can be not at col3 because it is needed to distinguish the melody 01:55:273 (115273|2,115273|0,115635|2,115635|0) - . So I'd like to change 01:55:996 (115996|2,116719|2) - to col2 with can be consistent with 01:55:454 (115454|5,115815|5) - on col6.
For 02:07:127 (127127|0,127127|4,127527|1,127527|5,127927|2,127927|6) - 02:13:527 (133527|3,133527|6,133927|5,133927|2,134327|4,134327|1) - 02:16:727 (136727|4,136727|0,137127|2,137127|6,137527|4,137527|0) - 02:19:927 (139927|4,139927|1,140327|5,140327|2,140727|6,140727|3) - 02:23:127 (143127|6,143127|3,143527|2,143527|5,143927|1,143927|4) - 02:26:327 (146327|1,146327|5,146727|4,146727|0,147127|5,147127|1) - 02:28:727 (148727|4,148727|0,149127|1,149127|5,149527|6,149527|2) - I has the same suggestion as
02:17:527 - 02:31:096 - when comparing this part between [Easy] vs [Normal] vs [Hard], the [Easy] vs [Normal] felt the same amount note and the gap is too close (again, almost 90% same amount), while [Normal] vs [Hard] has a huge gap...
so i suggest you to buff [Normal] more to widens the gap from [Easy] and closes the gap with [Hard], for example:
03:20:191 (200191|0,200191|2,200372|4,200553|6,200553|1,200733|5,200914|0,201095|3,201276|6,201456|3) - is same as 03:14:408 (194408|3,194408|1,194589|5,194770|3,194770|1,194950|5,195131|0,195312|3,195493|0,195673|3) - . So I suggest to have a partten which is at least similar to each other. Here I recommend to change 03:20:191 because 03:14:408 is more optimised and clearer.