01:23:731 ~ 01:27:404
something i'd like to see in every diff is lowering intensity here a little bit as the drum layer gets a lot calmer with the lack of the snare drum, currently it feels like this neat little thing in the song is just completely ignored which doesn't feel that wrong while playing but it could definitely feel better and more representative of the song
i understand you wanna use hs volumes to make triples and other stuff like that easier on ears but it feels random sometimes in lower diffs especially when the hs is just copied and there's no triple or anything
i also think you could vary hs volumes a bit more consistently section-wise
for example 01:18:833 - from here to the next kiais i don't think it all needs to be 100% hs volume because it takes contrast away from the kiais which i think you want to be more intense, something like 80%-90% would provide at least a little contrast like you did here 00:20:057 -
would appreciate if you revised your hs volumes in each diff separately
add the
for "as the wind blows"
add mpg tags mappers' guild mpg mg
could also add piano
haven't seen anyone use jordivdhulst
, could replace it with just his name jordi van der hulst
unless it's happy30's preference