00:20:057 -> 00:39:649 I'd avoid using 3 active circles through this section this is the first section of the map, you don't use 3 active circles on the kiai section at 00:39:649, and it's very intense for a part which essentially plays like 100 BPM instead of 200 like on 01:28:629. I'd stick to 1/1 sliders for better progression throughout the map.
00:48:221 (6)00:58:017 (6,7) - I'd change this into a 1/1 reverse into a circle, since playing four times the same rhythm as 00:39:649 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) can be monotonous and doesn't show the pitch change.
01:18:221 (3) - why not make this two 1/1 circles? since you have a 2/1 gap before it leaves enough time for the players to react to it, and it could act nicely as a transition to the 200bpm part of the song.
also could apply to 02:16:996 (6).
01:21:588 (5) - Trying to capture the piano melody on this repeat feels a bit forced since there's not really any good grouping to made with the drums being a bit more sped up compared to 01:16:384 (1) - , maybe could try something like this here? https://i.imgur.com/VU6by9x.png
01:46:996 (5) - same with 01:18:221 (3), I wouldn't make it a slider here, I'd make 01:46:995 active, leave a 2/1 gap and use a circle on 01:47:608 as a drum transition into the most intense part of the song.
by the way, this pattern could potentially be confusing for newer players. If you really want to keep it, at least space out 01:48:221 (1) from the sliderend of (5).
02:10:261 (4,5) - would avoid blankets like this in easy diffs since the spacing between the sliderhead and tail is the same so newer players may confuse the tail for the head
this can be easily fixed by just rotating the slider a bit for example: