y'know, i said this was a banger of a song, but i had completely forgotten to look at the map
and uhhh...
I have no idea what to say, so if you were to read this, be prepared for my awful take(s).
The style is yours, and while it's a nice style, it doesn't fit this song unfortunately. There's a lot of poor rhythm choices here and there on both difficulties, mostly on the top difficulty. I could go in-depth but I'm way too exhausted righty now. Summarizing it I think there's just a lot of room for improvement, there's some imaginary sounds you have mapped out and it doesn't feel right (mainly talking about the quints, there's literally no sound there and you mapped cut-doubles for all of them). On both difficulties there's just so many inconsistencies, one section you'd map out a triplet, the next time that section plays again it's something different. I wouldn't say this is a problem but with there being inaudible sounds mapped out I can't not ignore saying this.
I like your style of mapping, really, I do. There's other maps of yours I actually like and it would make me a fool if I didn't say anything about it. But this song and your style just don't mix together. The sliders feels okay for a song like this, although I think it's just overexaggerated (not necessarily a bad thing).
Obviously I'm not trying to ruin the fun in other people trying to play this, or to you who wants to continue mapping in this style. The banner is cool, hitsounding is good, the background is fine, anyone can literally just go in the map folder and just delete the background, not that difficult. I know people are going to comment saying I have a skill issue when it comes to these kinds of maps, and you know what, I totally agree with you. I'm not even good at this game.
Just wanted to throw in a few cents. I'm not great at providing feedback (if anything I have a skill issue in doing that too), so you can always take this with a couple grains of salt. Maybe I'll map a Scratch21 song myself in the near future (though I should've asked you if I could make a gd but I am so damn shy nowadays I mostly do stuff on my own) when I'm not mapping a 2 hour 10 minute marathon, or a 23 and a half minute finger-control marathon, or when I'm not being pulled away from osu!.
Sorry for this small wall of text, just don't know the words well enough to describe how I feel without wanting to swing either side. If you like the map, you like it, if you don't, you don't. Nobody should tell you otherwise. Regardless of what I posted here, I hope you're having a fantastic day or week, and I hope this doesn't start a war in the comments below.