mapped by myucchii
This beatmap was ranked on 6 August 2023!
nominated by Unpredictable and Ilham
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there is duplicate tags "stand by you", may remove one of them


urusai kiel -kazu- amen breaks amenbreaks higedan baddo foo mii japanese electronic breakcore stand by you pony canyon inc. ポニーキャニオン pcsp-02455 pcca-04717 traveler pcca-04822 小笹大輔 ozasa daisuki 楢﨑誠 narazaki makoto 松浦匡希 matsuura masaki 藤原聡 fujihara satoshi tv drama good bye goodbye jumpstream js dzxa remix andere frenanfloo


Marked as resolved by myucchii

00:25:841 - I think there is gap issue on Hard and Insane here, while Hard layering is same as Extra diff but the Insane is more chilling, which it might be better to swap the layering between the diffs to make a clear progression here, but any other option also possible like nerfing the Hard layer abit looking at this is indeed a chilling part


ye i swapped them now

Marked as resolved by myucchii

intro part on Hard-Insane-Extra diff has inconsistent snap on each other, since it's only vocal that reserved there, I recommend to make the snap all same

in my opinion, Extra diff has more accurate snap but the last vocal should on 1/16 later her 00:01:709


00:58:222 - please recheck also on this vocal part


01:17:703 - also on this tom sound, I think this one is accurate pls double check


should be good now

Marked as resolved by myucchii

cosas generales:tm:


El título unicode debería ser "バッドフォーミー (Dz'Xa's Amenpunk)"


Listado de tags recomendado:

Urusai Kiel -Kazu- amen breaks amenpunk amenbreaks HIGEDAN baddo foo mii japanese electronic breakcore Stand By You Pony Canyon Inc. ポニーキャニオン PCSP-02455 Stand by You PCCA-04717 Traveler PCCA-04822 小笹大輔 Ozasa Daisuki 楢﨑誠 Narazaki Makoto 松浦匡希 Matsuura Masaki 藤原聡 Fujihara Satoshi TV DRAMA good bye goodbye jumpstream js dzxa remix


Cosas del timing:

  • Hay que resetear el metrónomo en 01:18:622 porque si no las barlines de todo ese kiai quedan mal puestas



Por alguna razón la diff de urusai tiene seleccionado el sampleset "normal" y no pilla el soft-hitnormal logicamente, hay que seleccionar todas las notas de esa diff con CTRL+A y cambiar el sampleset a "auto"


fixeado :3

Marked as resolved by myucchii

can prob remove 'amenpunk' from tags since its in the title

Reopened by Unpredictable

ya that's true

Marked as resolved by myucchii