00:08:741 (8741|0) - this supposed to be double since you do double before? -> 00:03:941 (3941|1,3941|2)
00:20:591 (20591|1,20591|2,20591|3) - i wouldnt personally triple here, making this a double with a LN seems a bit better since I think triple is kinda overkill. it makes since ur charting out the sample + snare hit but i think the LN with just a single note can pretty much do just that whilst u can reserve ur triples for cymbal crashes or something
00:33:791 (33791|2,33941|2,34091|2,34241|2) - this seems a bit strenous at 200bpm on a Insane diff, think you can possibly move the LN to [1] to compensate? it might make the pattern a bit easier honestly which I think is good since I dont think the pattern here should be very difficult
00:39:789 (39789|1,39789|2,40089|0,40089|1) - No entiendo muy bien cual es el criterio para utilizar los dobles aqui porque no hay ni vocals ni percusion fuerte
00:51:639 (51639|1,51639|0,51789|3,51939|3,51939|1,52089|2) - No tiene mucho sentido la forma de (no) usar jacks aqui si lo haces en 00:50:439 (50439|0,50439|1,50589|0,50739|3,50739|2,50889|3) -
Mira por ejemplo 01:34:840 (94840|3,94840|1,94990|1,95140|0,95140|2,95290|2), ahi esta resuelto mucho mejor
Esto seguramente pasa varias veces a lo largo del mapa, revisa con cuidado
01:43:841 - Un poco extraño no usar doble aqui y en sitios similares de esta seccion, pero usar doble donde no hay kick como 01:43:691 (103691|1,103691|2), parece que deberia ser al reves (doble cuando haya kick y single cuando no)
En algunas partes de esta seccion esta hecho bien, revisala con cuidado
02:33:191 (153191|2,153341|2,153341|3,153491|2,153641|3,153791|2,153791|0) - so instead of this, how about this?: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18324506/6f5e
im just really not a big fan of that 3 stack and i think it'd throw off some players for sure so i rearranged this area to compensate for the move