00:03:157 (2) - This slider feels really underwhelming as is and needs a buff. Especially since you have way more movement with these 00:05:957 (3,4) - sliders even though the sound is extremely similar.
It can be a simple buff like moving out to the left a bit but anything to give more emphasis to this slider would benefit the map.
00:04:157 (2,3,4) - Pattern feels really uncomfortable for the very start of the map, throwing antiflow stuff at the player like this feels a bit overkill, would just make it regular flow
00:04:757 (4,5,6) - Would be better incorporated with a reverse slider rather then a stand still here. I don't feel like there is enough movement here for such a vocal.
Sort of a similar principal to 00:03:757 (1) - as previously mentioned.
you got a few unrankable higher-snapped hyperdash used in conjunction with dash 00:06:757 (5,1) 00:03:557 (3,1) 00:25:957 (3,1) - 1/2 hdash is higher-snapped this bpm so u got 1/2 dash into 1/2 higher-snapped hdash for these 3 timestamps
all of them are ~1.7x, if u compare with your other 1/2 dash ds value e.g - 00:33:357 (1) 00:34:157 (1) - 00:34:557 (4) - 00:34:957 (1) 00:37:357 (1) - etc all of them 2x so yeah
00:32:957 (2) - You can make this a triple instead to have it fit in better with the end of this section. This can also benefit the emphasis of the saxophone sound quite a bit.
01:15:357 (3) - Can you please make the slider consistent with the other ones by changing it to a horizontal?
As of right now it just sticks out way too much and the flow just feels uncomfortable with everything else in this surrounding section for no exact reason.