mapped by Kukkai
This beatmap was ranked on 11 April 2023!
nominated by coolkid and wwwww
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00:04:557 (2,3) - I think the 3 feels a little overbearing at the end of this pattern. I would shift it to the 1/4th blue tick behind the 2 instead. This helps to better emphasize the vocal since there is a extra one coming before rather than after.



Marked as resolved by Kukkai

00:08:757 (2) - Was expecting a curve for more movement instead of a standstill, would make it into curve for more emphasis


Same for 01:12:357 (1) would just curve a tiny bit



Marked as resolved by Kukkai

00:16:557 (1) - This just feels a little underwhelming and I think you can complicate the rhythm a bit more here personally.

Something I found that can work is shortening the length of this slider to white, red, white, and adding an extra note after it on red tick. This sounds more nice, but there are plenty of ways to complicate the rhythm and add better emphasis here.

00:39:757 (4) -
00:41:357 (3) -
00:42:957 (4) -

You use the same shape almost in the same spot 3 times simultaneously. I think you could change one of these to soft antiflow like you use here 00:46:157 (1) .



Marked as resolved by Kukkai

00:20:957 (4,1) - doesn't feel like it should break the guideline



Marked as resolved by Kukkai

01:01:957 (2,3) - This sounds a little awkward and does a somewhat poor job of emphasizing the long vocal into the glitchy vocal part.
You could try and match Zonda's diff by adding a spinner where he does or try your own solution like extending slider (2).



Marked as resolved by Kukkai

01:16:157 (2,3) - Similar to to the change mentioned here 00:16:557 (1) - because this is the end of the kiai you chose to add power to (2) by making it a 1/3rd repeat slider.
I think you could make better emphasis if you shortened this sliders length and added the extra note to add an ending type of stream.



Marked as resolved by Kukkai

01:19:357 (3) - This snap is quite hard to distinguish whether it's 1/6 or 1/8 but to me it sounds like 1/8 is the better snap here.
It fits the middle tick better and it's easier to notice the inconsistency when you have 1/6


yoop fixed all diff

Marked as resolved by Kukkai

01:22:157 (1,2,3) - could add more strength to this part here. (1) and (2) could have a small spacing increase, especially since it's the last section of this map and the vocal gets quite high here, just feels a bit dry to have it as basic 1x spacing. For (3) you can increase the curve of the slider to the left so it's easier for the Salad level players to flow easily from Point A of the slider to Point B, as of right now the curve kind of forces the player to do a tiny reposition (salad players lack this honestly) to catch both the droplets and the slider end.


i make 1 2 more fat walk and 3 dash

Marked as resolved by Kukkai