You should poke this person and ask them if they have a better mp3 quality for this TV Size. Current quality is rankable, but it still is 128kbps.
00:08:654 remove hitlclap, even though looks like there actually is, it would match better if your strong sound is covered only by the cymbal
00:10:018 00:13:654 remove cymbal and add hitclap
00:09:109 00:12:745 add soft-hitclap instead of a drum-hitclap
00:10:927 00:11:836 miss hitclap
00:14:109 01:21:382 a cymbal would match better
00:16:836 00:18:654 00:35:927 00:39:563 00:45:927 00:49:563 01:07:291 01:08:654 01:10:927 01:12:291 01:15:927 remove cymbal
00:30:359 00:32:063 00:37:632 00:44:904 00:48:541 add whistle for vocals
01:26:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - referring from the insane but also in the whoe map ig, this cymbal spam gives too much feedback to the song and it would bring into a cover over the music. It would be better add the cymbal only in neccessary parts like these 01:27:063 01:27:745 01:28:200 01:28:541 while the rest would match better with some hitclap. with this change you can be able to fit with the density song
In the whole of the map, sound like these 00:16:382 00:18:200 00:20:018 etc. replace them with a hitclap. Hitwhistle is usually used to cover vocals or instrument parts, your actual usage is for some snare or active parts where it's not the right usage
I'm sorry to say it but i need to mention this.
Easy, Normal and Insane are very centered mapped.
Normal (least problematic)
How you can see, comparing from your diffs and the IWEJ's one, your playfield is very minimal with the most of the time it focuses exclusively on the center. This brings to a 2 mapping problems:
I think you don't wish these problems happens if you wanna push this map to rank and ppl judge your map as "bad one" just cause your playfield, so what's should you do in this case? You might recheck your diffs and understand if you have the possibility of changing some pattern position so to include angles or sides where it allows you to have a larger space when you use mapping editor. If you wanna know more about the playfield you can check also this page for more clarifications.
00:55:472 - Is this intentionally without drum-hitfinsh?
hard diff
01:12:291 - Is this intentionally without drum-hitfinsh?
01:14:109 (1) -
Video must be encoded in H.264.
Current one uses AVC. I've seen that you used handbrake to edit this video, there's a guide that might help you:
It would be nice to have volume changes for slower and calmer parts of the song and louder volumes for the chorus and outro part of the song. Currently you're using 60% volume for everything. I'd recommend AT LEAST a 60% ~ 80% volume distinction.
Artist: 林原めぐみ
Romanized Artist: Megumi Hayashibara
Song Title: Successful Mission (TV Size)
Romanized Title: Successful Mission (TV Size)
Source: セイバーマリオネットJ
current tags: Marionette Doll Lime Cherry Bloodberry 林原めぐみ IWEJ Anime Japanese
add to tags: Seibā Marionetto Jei Saber Marionette J 1997 1990 1900's op opening rock pop jrock jpop j-pop j-rock