Artist: Lenny code fiction
Romanized Artist: Lenny code fiction
Title: Flower (TV Size)
Romanized Title: Flower (TV Size)
Source: オールアウト!!
Tags: all out!! op opening japanese rock j-rock jrock rugby shogunmoon
HS MODS (only based on topdiff, will check the rest when mods are applied)
00:16:109 00:16:273 00:17:421 00:18:240 00:18:732 00:18:896 00:20:044 00:20:699 00:20:863 00:21:402 00:22:667 00:32:011 00:39:880 00:53:650 00:54:306 00:54:962 whistles for vocals
00:19:060 00:20:372 00:25:945 00:35:781 00:36:109 00:53:486 00:54:142 00:54:798 whistles are not necessary since there is no vocals here
00:18:404 delete whistle
01:13:650 missing hs for drum roll
maybe change mp3 to better quality?
offset is same
old mp3 spec -
new mp3 spec -
imo if you used whistles to emphasize 1 layer of the song per section it would sound less spammy & help w/ feedback
ex 01:13:109 (2,3,4,5,6) - is overdone
01:22:617 -> 01:22:617 - has no whistles for either guitar or vocals even tho u prioritize vocal w/
00:16:387 -> 00:26:879 - whistles aren't really emphasizing any part of the song (?)
also check other parts cuz im lazy