00:03:328 (2,3,4) - i think this too far if you make it walk or if you make it dash it not clear.
reduce 00:03:952 (3) 1.2-1.3x ?
00:11:244 (3,4) - This is too much ds for a walk and doesn't feel to need emphasis for dash. please reduce
00:12:286 I would add a note here, which would be antiflow of 00:11:661 (5,6) - (stacked with (5)) making the (1) easier to trigger a dash/to read as a dash for player.
00:25:202 (3,1) - This is unclear as a dash or a walk. You could stack (3) to previous slider (or give the previous slider a reverse) and make more distance between for clearer playing
00:38:900 (5) - wrong snap (should be 1/6 like in the other diffs). although i think it would be more intuitive for salad level players to stick to 1/2, since that white tick note has a sound from the guitar. you could do this to cover the drum fill with a slider: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17233043/8951
00:41:452 (2,3) - I'm not sure why this is a dash? would make more sense to put on 00:41:869 (3,4) - which covers a higher pitch.
00:48:118 (2,3) - same here, higher pitched vocal which would emphasize the song better lands on (3) sliderend
02:21:869 (3,1,2) - (1) deserves the dash more as it has a cymbal and a higher pitch guitar
Stupid 2021 me putting hdashes for snares. Applied all + added a hdash on 01:41:869 (1,2) - for consistency’s sake
00:42:286 (3,4) - seems like you want to emphasize the vocal with the slider, however these 3 notes are just a linear walk so the middle note gets almost no emphasis from the movement itself. you could try a rhythm/pattern like this instead: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17233084/6e84 it makes it much more clear what you're emphasizing
01:35:827 (4) - same here
I prefer to leave it the way it is rn, cause i want some contrast with a dash on 00:43:536 (6,7) - sound on which feels more important for me. Also i don't want to use two dashes in a row, since it's not used anywhere else on the map
00:44:994 (2,3,4) - this part is too overdone for a salad as it has too many antiflows in a small amount of time which makes it rly harsh for people of this level, please tone this section down
00:47:494 (3,4,1) - I would remove (4) because the 1/4 isn't as necessary as dashes for emphasis on kiai (intense) part
00:48:952 (1,2) - it's deserved dash imo. and instead should get rid of dash from 00:49:369 (2,3) - for making consistent diff balance in salad
but the downbeat is on 00:49:369 - while 00:49:786 - only has a snare.. also keep consistency with 00:42:286 (3) -? variations are fine but in this part the dashes are already quite unusual (skipping downbeats in favor of snares etc) that i think keeping it consistent would be better
Sorry i don't really understand what do you mean by consistency with 00:42:286 (3) and what am i supposed to change. I leave this open for now
i think it could work if you had a 1/1-slider from 00:52:494 - so there is atleast not a pause on the cymbal, like so for example: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17233094/903b
Drum here is relatively weak, and this gap makes 01:05:202 (4,5) - more impactful, which is a strong guitar + snare
01:05:411 (4) - i understand the simplification, but i think it sounds noticably off ingame to the point where it's weird to play. you could just delete this note and leave a 1/1-gap, that would also give more emphasis to the guitar here 01:05:619 -
01:07:702 (1) - 01:09:369 (1) - 01:14:369 (1) - 01:16:036 (1) - I think it might be too hard for new players to read such 1/4 standstills. They might be confused where to go after or how to move on it.
Making it some circular flowy patterning might fit way better and won't ruin other spacings.
https://imgur.com/a/7wnnKiO - how I did it and how it looks in game
01:31:036 (1) - 01:48:952 (4) - 02:23:952 (4) -
Also might feel antiflowish on some patterns so maybe will actually need small changes
01:11:036 (1,2) - 01:11:869 (4,5) - would personally simplify these as 1/1 sliders to reduce density
01:11:452 (3) - this sliderend has a guitar riff that you usually follow with a dash. I would somehow put a 1/1 dash here
01:13:119 (2) - I would put a standstill here to contrast the transition on the 1/4. it isn't pointing out the sounds here right now as it feels like 1/1 then 1/2 antiflow rn.
I don't see a problem honestly. Direction change on (2) is justified by a strong drum. Also it being a standstill will be too similar to 01:13:744 (3,4,5) - gameplaywise
01:14:369 - this not having a dash with the strong cymbal and vocals feels strange, i think for this part you could break your concept of emphasizing snares with dashes in favor of covering this (which you've done a few times before in the map) https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17233225/517d
01:18:952 (7,8) - this dash gap feels quite far, would tone this down to abt 2.5x to make it cleaner
01:25:619 (6) - this dash feels weird since there is nothing in the music here that really warrants it, except a snare but you don't really put dashes on snares in this part otherwise. 01:27:702 (1) - on the other hand feels like it warrants a dash due to the cymbal, and consistency with the rest of this part
01:26:036 (1) - this is really hard for salad. I would make it something like on screen for easier flow
01:26:036 (1,2,3,4,5) - https://imgur.com/iSxyd3m [(2) is a standstill here]
I don't think (2) being a standstill is a good idea, it will cause very clunky movement since it's followed by two unidirectional standstills on 01:26:869 (2,3,4,5) - which i'd like to keep.
Also i don't think (1) is really that hard. It comes after a walk pattern and followed by a walk as well. And the bpm is pretty low so i'm sure it's not a problem
01:29:369 (1) - moving it to the left would allow you to have more spaced patterns and more flowish patterns imo. buff it to 0.8-1.0 and it will play very nicely
01:29:785 (2,1) - standstill is too less for this. it's more intense that previous 1/1 sliders and should have at least a walk here so it doesn't differ. Please add some movement.
My suggestion is to make 01:28:118 (2) - standstill and move 01:28:952 (1,2) - the the left for movement
Standstill for contrast with 01:29:785 (2) -
I don't feel like it's noticeably stonger than previous slider, but it's definitely weaker than (2)
01:32:077 (3,1) - this feels a bit oddly emphasized. I mean vocals really seam the leader here. I would make (1) converted into 1/4 circles as shown on screen https://imgur.com/a/Z9pf0yv flows pretty similar but shows vocals
01:34:369 - to 02:01:036 - dash usage in this part is also pretty confusing, they mostly seem to be used for snares but then skip a lot of them also. it's highly inconsistent within itself, and also in comparison to the first kiai. i recommend to go through it and make them consistent, examples 01:37:702 (1,2,3,4) - vs 00:44:369 (1,2,3,4,1,2) -, 01:35:202 (2,3,4,5) - vs 01:41:869 (5,1,2,3,4) - etc. suggestions i made on the first kiai also apply here largely
02:07:702 - to 02:34:369 - this part has similar problems
01:36:452 (5) - I would rotate it by 90 degrees to be towards left so you start to stop walking to the left and get ready for a dash to the right. now it stops awkwardly the flow.
01:51:661 (2,3,1) - uh here I would do the same but stack sliderbeginning with (2) so it flows to the right for (1)
02:11:869 (3) - same here but it's not as easy to execute. Tho I think putting 02:12:286 (4,1) - to the left side of are (ctrl+h) would allow make it nicely flowish
I want it to be a direction change for a strong beat, so i moved (5) to the right instead. Plays better now. Did something similar for 01:43:119 - Also shifted a direction change from 01:51:036 (1,2) - onto 01:51:869 (3,1) - to be more comfortable and did what said on 02:11:661 (2,3,4) -
01:39:994 (5,6) - I would remove this dash as it's where the snares end which feels wrongly emphasized
01:40:202 (1,2,3,1) - this is a 1.5x 1/1 walk which is really edgy, please nerf (might need to change a bit the shape of the end slider so you have any movement to the next objects.
01:44:785 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - move this whole pattern to x:371 for 2.4x DS dash in between these notes 01:44:577 (4,1)
01:50:202 (2,3,4,5) - this is a really complex timing. I think if you wanna stay with this song representation, you should definitely change pattern, because even a 3 digit as me thought of a dash between objects with such ar.
I suggest making some straight-lined (with more little spacing), like a standstill or horizontal pattern going to the left with easy walk.
00:11:244 (5) - nc
00:45:202 (1) - remove
00:45:619 (2,1) - reswap
00:48:535 (1,2) - reswap
01:00:202 (1,3) - reswap
01:04:369 (1) - remove
01:36:035 (5) - nc
01:58:119 (3) - nc for cymbals
02:09:368 (5) - nc
02:16:035 (5) - nc
02:04:369 (2,3,1) - could convert these sliders into c-shapes for better movement (https://imgur.com/a/NY4oGIk)
02:04:369 (1,2,1,2) - I'm pretty concerned about these wiggles. They might be overdone as it's first time you show such a long sequence of repetitive lots of movement. Also I think it's too hard for salad.
I think putting 1/2 standstills everywhere or making the horizontals change direction each 3rd note would work way better as it might put more easy flow on player which. Also would allow to put a one small wiggle 02:06:869 (2) - here so it shows the end of the consecutive notes and entry of new part
"it's first time you show such a long sequence of repetitive lots of movement"
Yes because it's the first section with this kind of repetitive strong beats. The player is already introduced to 2/2 wiggles since i used those in previous parts. The bpm is pretty low to justify this kind of 1/2 chains. And the movement from one reverse to another is pretty smooth flow-wise and gives the player enough time witout direction changes imo.
02:11:869 (4,1) - here 1.34x is very big imo. Would make 1.0x to be consistent with other antiflows.
02:15:827 - another instance where leaving the pause for the melody (and skipping 02:16:036 -) would work a lot better if it was covered by a slider, since that would emphasize the hold note of the melody more https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17233279/140c
02:23:952 (4,5) - this is too hard to be caught for salad players. They will move to the right while the notes would be already caught and then you have movement to the left which feels really weird (and also it's a dash so probably always missing).
changing (3) into horizontal stream towards left with a direction change to the right into (4) which is reverse allow will execute a flow for the dash. Screen: https://imgur.com/a/B3RUxqc
02:24:786 (1,2) - distances are quite ambiguous, i can't rly tell whether you intended to make these walks or dashes, would either make them clear walks or dashes
would personally make them walks so dash movement isn't as repetitive and also would be a bit easier for players of this level
02:32:702 (5,1) - I would remove amount of direction changes (remove wiggle) it's so hard for salad imo