mapped by Marfuri
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a lot of antiflow walks after dashes are too overspaced making it feel like dash -> dash which isnt rankable (01:23:535 (3,1,2) - for reference and any others that fit this category) make it about 0.8x spacing if antiflow so its easier to catch

Marked as resolved by Marfuri

00:19:785 (2,3,1) -
00:44:785 (3,1,2) -
01:16:661 (3,4,1) -
01:23:535 (3,1,2) -
01:39:577 (5,6,1) -
01:51:452 (3,1,2) -
02:08:118 (2,3,4) -

All of these jumps are higher-snapped dashes that are followed with antiflow, which isn't recommended to be used.
It is a slow and quite not demanding salad, so I wouldn't use them and exchange them with more forgiving patterns (flow).

Although if you like them and wanna keep spiceness, as the song is quite chaotic and dynamic, you could slightly nerf walk distances after each, so it makes more sense for a slow salad. 00:06:660 (3,4,1) - this is a good example of nerfed distance so player has more reaction time for antiflow.

The last timestamp is higher-snapped walk so I would remove the antiflow regardlessly.


Don't really see a problem with antiflow dashes here, since the bpm is quite low and all of these are followed by 1/1 gap. And the gaps themselves seem fine to me. x1.2 feels pretty comfortable even after a direction change. I believe an average salad player is not going to have any problem with those.

For 02:08:118 (2,3,4) - if i flip (3,4) it would be really clunky to play, because of movement in the same direction after standstill, so current version feels like a better option to me

Marked as resolved by Marfuri

dashes throughout the diff are highly inconsistent. they seem to mostly emphasize snares, but often times the snares have walks anyway, and other strong sounds like cymbals or vocal/guitar you are emphasizing don't get dashes. i'll point out some suggestions on the timeline to cover these, although it won't cover all of them.
however i think your best solution would actually be to rework the dashes entirely, since the song in itself is quite complex and a really clear dash structure would help the intuitiveness of this Salad a lot. that could mean putting dashes on cymbals and strong downbeats for example, and avoiding them for the rest (although gimmicks like these 1/1-rhythms 00:43:536 (6,7,1) - where you put the dash on the snare instead of the downbeat are done consistently and work fine).


Not sure if it's fixed now, but i tried to make it more consistent across the diff (and kiais especially). I've applied all of your suggestions and changed some stuff on my own. I hope it's better now.

Marked as resolved by Marfuri

density is very high in a lot of parts of the map, higher than it needs to be for spread (since currently Salad and Platter are quite close to each other). even with regards to the low BPM, 1/2-chains like 00:44:369 - 01:13:744 - 01:23:536 - and many more feel quite long, and even include 1/4 within them. the rhythm often times follows multiple layers at once, which leads to this high density, for example here 00:48:327 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - you have a note on every 1/2-beat that cover drums, vocals and guitar all at once. more 1/1-sliders would already help in places like these, for example 00:49:369 - could be a 1/1-slider since the drum at 00:49:577 - is only weak. i recommend going through the map and nerfing the rhythm in places where there are long chains without rests like these, would help make it a lot more newbie friendly!


Added some breaks on 1/2 chain parts, made some 1/2 sliders 1/1 instead and overall attempted to decrease rhythm density. I hope now it's better.

Marked as resolved by Marfuri

Your salad diff feels like a platter, just without hypers. You should simplify almost every 1/4 rhythm to 1/1 and 1/2, or just remove it. As RC says, salad should only use 1/4 patterns sparingly, while your diff is filled with it, making it look like an platter. Also, as -Rustyy said, there're too many 1/2 dashes, which adds to the problem. I think your usage of dashes is still pretty harsh, even after fixes


I think density is just fine, just looking at the combo spread it's pretty solid. Could be applied for 1/4s maybe but that's it, but it differs from platter.

Although 1/2 dashes aren't a problem. It's what is used even in high bpm maps, while this song is just 144bpm so it's not as hard imo.

Even if at some places dashes are dense, it seems they are justified by the song intensity and then giving a break right after with a long period of walkable patterns.

Anyways Salad is kinda just platter without hypers sometimes lol


Nerfed the shit out of 1/4's. 1/2 dashes are fine tho. Bpm is relatively low and as Mniam said, they are followed by a long walk pattens in every case. if there are some particularly problematic 1/2 dashes, feel free to point them out

Marked as resolved by Marfuri

00:01:869 - 00:10:619
You might want to consider nerfing spacing for the long (1/1) jumps since they are hardily walkable yet not dashable.

It's just a salad + intro so I think instead 1.32x, 1.0x or something around would fit perfectly to make it comfy to play


Changed to 1.15x, seems optimal

Marked as resolved by Marfuri

for me i think normal walk like
00:45:619 (4,1,2) -
00:18:952 (1,2,3) -
00:22:285 (1,2,3,4) -
it too hard and for should reduce it like 1.0x-1.2x it play better and not hard


Reduced spacing on these and some other similar patterns

Marked as resolved by Marfuri

my main concern for this diff is that it uses too much 1/2 dashes, do note that salads are the difficulties that introduce dashes for newer players and using such higher-snapped dash would be too overwhelming for them since they require too much precision for them

another one is the 1/2 dashes you adding a tad bit too far that it looks like an edge dash for the first time seeing it

like i said on #2640516 , try to simplify the rhythm and lessen the dashes so newer players wouldnt have a hard playing the map


Made spacing on 1/2 dashes consistently x2.4 across the map and toned down some sections with dashes. Dunno if it fixes the problem, but if not it'be pointed out in further mods

Marked as resolved by Marfuri

*it'll be


00:27:702 - 00:38:536

while i understand that you are following the drums, this part is unfortunately too dense than the kiai and for a salad since it uses too many 1/2 rhythm

try to simplify what you are doing in here so newer players wont get too overwhelmed by this part. you could try adding 1/1 sliders or gaps and map only the strong sounds in here

same goes to 01:21:036 - 01:30:619 but its way more dense since it uses too many 3/4 rhythm

i highly recommend using 1/1 slider and gaps here in replace of the 3/4 sliders for simplification like this:


Yea, agreed. Both parts are nerdfed. For 00:27:702 - 00:38:536 i've shifted focus to the vocals and mapped it for 1/1 and added gaps. On 01:21:036 - 01:30:619 i've just simplified rhythm and made it 1/1 as you said.

Marked as resolved by Marfuri



check aimod


i forgor

Marked as resolved by Marfuri