00:01:036 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - 00:08:952 (6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - why those two same parts of the song differ? one uses 1/4s which aren't really noticeable and necessary for song rhythm and the second part feels okayish for following the song. Please change them to be consistent
Some of these 1/4's on 00:01:036 - 00:08:536 are supported by sounds (1/8 drums, i chose to simplify as 1/4) So i don't want to remove 1/4's here completely. I made 00:05:827 (2,3) - and 00:02:494 (2,3) - 1/2's since they don't have sound on blue tick. Feels like a fine solution to me
00:14:681 (3) - sliders in between with 1.2x DS difference meaning that you might want to tap dash in order to catch both which is not good sometimes. Reduce it to 1.0x DS instead.
00:15:619 (1) - imo expression is not proper. strength of drum sound is same to 00:14:786 (2) -
and, 00:15:827 sound is very deserved to have actual flow not c shape slider
00:17:286 (9,1) - I would like to see this hdash cuz the sound on 00:17:702 - is cymbal, you can try this rhythm instead for use hdash https://imgur.com/arPLBHB or (9) 1/2 snap
This bpm dosn't really supports 1/1 hdashes, but made them dashes instead (except 00:50:619 (3,1) - , it just doesn't work here)
00:18:952 (1) - this slider feels super squished on the side of the screen, maybe you could move the whole pattern around a bit to give it a bit more breathing room
00:19:785 (4,1) - those distance usage can cause overshooting easily. try to move (1,2,3,4,5,6) to the right side and nerf 1/4 dashes
You know I think this 00:19:785 (2,3) could be curved even. Try to place the following notes:
(2) to x:138, (3) to x:143, (4) to x:186 and (5) to x:247.
00:19:994 (1,2) - 00:20:411 (3,4) - 00:20:931 (6,1) - they deserve to be hdash because the point all is cymbal that much loud sound
Them all being hdashes feels a bit overdone, made 00:19:994 (1,2) - 00:20:411 (3,4) - a dashes and 00:20:931 (6,1) - a hdash
00:23:535 (9) - it's unclear whenever a full dash in between 00:23:119 (8) and 00:23:952 (1) or not compare to 00:16:869 (9).
If you want to keep the initial gap at 00:16:869 (9) then the only way I see how to fix is to stack 00:23:014 (7) into 00:22:910 (5), move 00:23:119 (8,9) as 1.2x DS and somehow curve the slider 00:23:952 (1).
00:26:452 (4) - here I would like to change to 1/2 + circle https://imgur.com/1doy6mK and make them hdash because 00:26:869 is cymbal
00:27:077 (6,7) - same, 00:27:286 (7,8) - and here is the new section of the song so they can use the hdash too
00:27:702 - 00:39:161 - about this section you can make these to hdash 00:30:619 (2,3) - 00:33:952 (6,1) - 00:37:286 (2,3) - 00:38:744 (5,6) -
00:31:661 (2,3) - 00:32:494 (3,4) - using same flow in a row seems not that interesting for playing. recommend changing one of them
00:33:536 (2,3,4) - should be visually reworked, now it looks kinda messy. I suggest making something like this: https://puu.sh/IjkRD/f0024d564b.png
00:38:327 (5) - just a minor suggestion but to make this much nicer pattern remove one reverse from this 1/6 slider and place a note at 00:38:535 with x:307, move the slider anchor at x:365 and then move 00:38:744 (7) to the left until a hyperdash triggers (mine is 2.6x DS).
00:41:036 (1,2) - I would like to make this flow and make 00:41:452 (2,3) - hdash for vocal instead https://imgur.com/3ajbXI3 also for consistent like u did after that 00:44:369 (1,2) - 00:47:702 (3,4) -
I don't see much problem with it being an antiflow. Vocals here feels more distinct and important than on 00:44:369 (1,2) -, so it deserves a direction change imo
00:47:702 (4,5,6,7) - this suggestion is the same as #2725545/7509473. Reason why is because of uncomfortable pattern following the dash gap between (4).
(4) to x:253, (5) to x:266, (6) to x:303, (7) to x:358 and (8) to x:422.
Well it's not okay just because of this dash gap 00:47:702 (4) meaning that it may confuse the player on how to dash it or not
00:48:119 (4,5) - seem like you want to follow guitar should try this rhythm instead https://imgur.com/19HM5ot and on (7,8) you can make it hdash
00:54:577 (3) - move this note to x:217 and 00:54:785 (4) to x:112 for 1.0x DS movement
00:55:619 (1,2) - not a fan of this consider that you've added a HDash after (2) on an unknown sound. You could probably replace it with a reversed vertical slider placing at x:147 with a slider anchor at x:119.
00:56:869 (1,2) - I would make the (1) a 1/2 slider so it follows the vocals better. Either way it feels like it's overmapped, no representation in the melody itself. Also consistent to 01:03:536 (1,2) -
01:04:994 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - could reduce spacing in between these objects as it looks and feels kinda weird to walk
01:04:994 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - 4 should be on 01:05:176, 1 on 01:05:280 and 2 on 01:05:376
better ask someone more proficient with timing though
Sounds overcomplicated to me. I think it's okay to simplify this. Made 01:05:202 (1,2,3) - 1/5. It's correct snapping i believe
01:08:848 (6,7) - would be nice if you can make this hdash for emphasize the guitar + snare 01:08:952 (7,8) - also dash for emphasize guitar
01:17:286 (6,1,2,3) - if me I would try smth like this https://imgur.com/CjnI4Mg *try to emphasize the sound on white line more
01:17:952 (3,4,5) - this sequence of antiflows might look very anxious for rain players. Please nerf movement
01:18:119 (4,5,6) - instead of an antiflow make a 1/5 triple note facing to the left with 1.2x DS and place it at x:236
I prefer to focus on kicks on 01:20:202 (3,4,5) -, and (5) being a slider kinda kills it for me
01:23:536 (1,2) - unintuitive hdash placement here, i don't think that red tick warrants it, especially since the pattern is already really complex because of the rhythm and hectic movement. moving 01:23:536 (1) - to x:321 would fix it. also i think 01:24:369 (1) - deserves a hdash instead of it, due to the cymbal
Removed a hdash on 01:23:536 (1,2) - and adjusted a pattern to make 01:24:265 (6,1) - a hdash instead
After the fix the combination of dashes 01:23:744 (2,3,4) - is quite a difficulty spike for a Rain, and also breaks the guideline "Edge dashes may only be used singularly (not in conjunction with other dashes or hyperdashes)", as the dash (2,3) is quite close to trigger a hyperdash. (3) should be moved more to the left, at least towards x:304.
Changed emphasis on 01:26:765 (6,1,2) -. I don't want to change anything on 01:27:286 - since i map 1/8's this way all across the map, and don't see a way to add some movement here without undermapping 1/8 sounds
01:26:869 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - all of this is a huge difficulty spike for Rain, after the whole section was pretty hard already. i think you can delete the note at 01:27:390 - (since it's not a drum in the song anyway) and rearrange the pattern like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17234627/3a0e , the 1/2-gap would give some breathing room and make the whole section a bit more lenient
01:28:952 - here it's a really left-rightish stream which feels too easy/not emphasizing. I would make some variety, for instance by:
01:30:619 (1,2,3) - making this a consistent right big flow then hdash into (1) to the right instead (so ctrl+h rest of the stream until...) 01:32:285 (3,4) - make the (2,3) a hdash after applying and make the slider standstill, then on th left of it put (4) which would be horizontal towards right
01:33:223 (2,3,4) - unrankable as dashes need to be 62ms+ (way too precise to hit with dash from 01:33:119 (1,2) -
01:47:702 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1) - this is really cool to play, i love it
01:50:202 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think you should distinguish these triples more, since they are diffrent rhythm. Now, they look the same, but plays a bit differently. I'd make it like this: https://puu.sh/Ijl7d/635bb09a9e.png
01:50:202 (4) - this triple isn't fitting at all to the drums. Make a similar note placement as 01:49:785 (1,2,3) but the second note after first is 1/3 at 01:50:341.
It's 1/5 actually, as on 01:49:785 (1,2,3) -
Fixed the snapping, however i left note placement pretty much the same since it emphasizes the vocals on 01:50:202 (4) - nicely
01:50:619 (4,5) - try adjust stream to C shape and make 01:50:931 (5,1) - hdash also remove dash on 01:50:619 (4,5) -
01:52:286 (7,1) - should be dash/hdash, pretty strong vocal. Even better would be to make dash/hdash to 01:52:702 instead
Turned 01:52:286 (7,1) - into a dash and made (1) horizontal to emphasize vocals on 01:52:702
01:56:452 (4,5) - this is a very sudden jump since all of these similar jumps with 1/1 gap is always a regular dash but here it's not. Try to change it into a regular jump instead.
Instead i added a hdash on 01:43:119 (6,7) - as well. These two and 02:19:785 (5,6) - have a strong guitars on them, which wasn't featured in previous instances of these 1/1 beats
01:56:869 (4) - why is this just a standstill? 100% make it hyper, like on the next note 01:57:286 (5) -
01:56:869 (4,5) - feels noticeably stronger than 01:56:452 (3,4) - and i want it to have more impact. Plus i can't really add any movement on (3,4) without ruining hdash on (4,5). Standstill here feels justified to me anyway tho
01:58:015 (4,5) - increase it to have dash or hdash but for me 01:58:119 (5) - ~x:40 would be nice
02:00:063 (5) - actually imo it on 1/6 also can add note triplet 1/6 here for me for hdash to 02:00:202 (6) -
02:16:452 (2,3,4) - (RC) Hyperdashes that are basic-snapped should not be used consecutively when different beat snaps are used. For example, a 1/1 hyperdash followed by a 1/2 hyperdash.
While this is an objective guideline, i just don't see how this is a problem in this case. I don't think there are any issues in terms of playability/readability on these patterns. I could change those into dashes, but i don't really know why i should?? I leave it unchanged for now, untill someone could clarify to me why this is an issue in this particular case
02:17:285 (1,2,3,4) - this feels really blant and you don't feel the doubles on drums. I would make either (2,3) a standstill or (1,2) and (3,4) standstill with jump between them so you can feel the rhythm and make it a bit forgiving
02:17:702 (1,2,3,4) - the snap here imo should be https://imgur.com/OxI0iRi (2) on 1/5 snap (3,4) on 1/4
02:18:744 (1,2,3,4) - should add just the emphaize to this https://imgur.com/MDgljmT also would be nice if hdash on (2,3) and (5,6)
02:19:629 (3) - this is 1/6 02:19:647 -
02:21:713 (3,4) - this is 1/6 in the song too, which is weird because it was 1/8 in earlier sections :(
02:22:286 (9,10,11) - this rhythm is also not accurate. the snap that's closest to the music would be 1/7, weirdly enough, something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17234681/a7da however this would make the gap towards the next object only 59ms and therefore not allow a hdash anymore. however, the 1/7 is actually slightly late so if you add timing points it's possible to snap it accurately while keeping the hdash
(then use 1/4 and it will be more than 59ms allowing a hdash here)
or if you want to keep 146 1/7 then anyways it's wrong on salad and platter as it's placed on 1/4s snapping that's why I reopen.
Please either change it to 136bpm and use 1/4s or change salad and platter snappings to 1/7s
02:22:390 (10) - should adjust to 1/2 and add note on 02:22:702 - with hdash for emphasize cymbal https://imgur.com/UIraLIu (10,11) hdash
02:25:826 (7,8,9) - weird spacing moment after (6) so try to stack (9) with (7) and move to x:414. Then after that move 02:26:035 (10) to x:244 to make a hyperdash on (9).
02:26:868 (2,3) - if u hold walk u underwalk this pattern cuz of how snappy 02:26:660 (1,2) - is w its hyper so buff spacing
02:28:119 (4,5,6,7) - 02:29:577 (4,5,6,7) - make hdashes here for consistency with previous patterns which put those on intense drums/fast drums
Maybe i don't get your suggestion, but 1/8 hdashes on rain are unrankable for this bpm.
If you're talking about 02:28:431 (6,7) - there's not enough space for this to be a hdash, and it resemnles similar patterns from 00:13:952 - this section which use dashes for this sound
For 02:29:577 (4,5,6,7) - dash is fine since i use dash for this kind of drums all across the map
02:33:327 (6,1,2) - ranking criteria recommends to avoid hdashes of different snap in a row, and while i think this one plays fine due to the low BPM, maybe you could have a different pattern that avoids this, for example https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17234572/e2ca gives some unique emphasis to those last 3 notes by being linear