00:25:565 (25565|1) - 我不是很能接受这根意识流的 1/4 的存在
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17851220/a381 这样是最自然的摆法。
顺便 00:25:629 00:25:885 考虑 double ,我不是很能接受只 double 00:25:757 这一出的结构。感觉就是瞎几把硬force 和顶难的gap
也导致了和 00:42:039 这个part 巨大的难度差异。
00:28:439 (28439|3) - can move to 3 to avoid the 4 anchor, like other pattern, same goes to 00:31:003 (31003|0) - to 2
00:42:039 - 00:49:219. This part I personally think the patterns are overly draining on the two middle fingers, there're consecutive anchors having 4 or 5 notes on column 0 and 3. I really think this part suits with having a wider variety of patterns and I do observe that you did try to do that, but the 'outer-way trills' (yes I make-up the name but examples: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16811915/7118) are existing too often across the whole part imo.
00:50:244 到 01:06:911
不要这样的grace,特别随机。玩家也感觉不出来,打着就不会舒服。 00:50:661 (50661|3,50672|0) -
00:55:180 (55180|0) - etc,不要抓 hat。
回合很多地方比如 00:55:437 (55437|3) - 爆consistency
00:58:834 (58834|2) - 你要抓主旋律的话,副旋律不要同时摆面,要么主旋律不要摆面,不然莫名密。而且前后的过渡都难受 00:58:706 (58706|3,58770|0,58834|2,58834|1) - 和 01:00:372 (60372|3,60501|1,60629|1) -
总结,用melody和drum design简洁的pattern足矣,不要花里胡哨
00:58:834 - I find these 2 measures a bit of a difficulty spike, you should probably rearrange to do something like the beyond diff
I think I want to keep this. Becuz first in the pattern except kick other sounds are not clearly it is hard to catch their snap and I have caught synth with LN if I catch too many sounds the relax part will be too hard to express the song's emotion. And in relax part I think gap issue can make easier xwx
01:06:474 (66474|2,66559|3,66645|2,66730|3,66815|2) - i would change to this instead (https://akasalt.s-ul.eu/hfcnAT8b)
[to not make it too complicated and fit with top diff too]
01:20:489 (80489|3,80489|1,80489|0) - 这个triple有啥理由吗,而且01:19:977 (79977|0,80105|0,80233|0,80361|0,80489|0,80618|0) - 已经很难打了
01:24:090 (84090|1,84475|1) -
01:27:167 (87167|3,87552|3) -
01:28:193 (88193|1,88578|1) -
01:24:283 (84283|1,84347|3,84411|1,84475|3,84539|1,84603|2,84667|0,84731|2,84796|0) - 这里似乎可以把note和LN换一下,听起来明显是第一个音更亮,把LN给主音更合适一点
01:37:424 (97424|2,97424|0,97552|3,97616|1,97680|3,97744|1,97808|3,97808|2,97937|0,98001|3,98065|1,98129|0) - and 01:45:629 (105629|3,105629|2,105693|1,105757|0,105821|2,105885|1,105949|2,106013|1,106013|0,106078|2,106142|3,106206|0,106270|2,106334|3) - They're the parallel bar in this sentense with exact same components, but different setup was used.
And suddenly 01:49:731 - 01:51:398 had no pause in the middle, I also couldn't find any musical difference between there and 01:41:526 - 01:43:193.
Since it's extremely difficult to just hear which place having sound which place having none, I believe there's a concept behind this setup so I need the explaination from the mapper. Or else this part should also follow the rule of consistency.
01:37:424 到 01:53:834 感觉不到你面点段的规律。要我说,for consistency 和玩起来的顺畅度。以及把控 kiai 的难度。可以直接简单re一下。kick double,其余 1/4 拉满。 double后可以不要摆东西。 (然后这种类似的sb面不要了 01:38:193 (98193|3) - 面只为了synth而摆。https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17854595/54f2 (顺便离题一下,你啥时候写的谱,自己重新 self-re 一下行不行orz)
01:42:071 (102071|1,102103|3,102199|2,102231|1) - 没太看懂这个抓的是啥,感觉就正常按之前的1/4就行了吧,感觉这里过于细节反而玩家get不到,会比较突兀
01:44:079 (104079|1,104143|3,104207|0,104271|2,104335|3,104400|1,104464|2,104528|3) - for some reasons i think if you're making the synth dump from 01:43:566 (103566|2) - it feels more fitting if it were start from 01:44:592 - and 01:43:566 (103566|2,104079|1,104143|3,104207|0,104271|2,104335|3,104400|1,104464|2,104528|3) - should be combined altogether, musical change from 01:44:592 - making it seems greater and boosting its effect, or simply make it like 01:51:771 - to be consistent
01:46:398 I don't understand why the LN was separated here when the LNs are clearly representing the main rhythm. I would say 01:46:398 (106398|0) - this LN is excessive. This problem also lead to 01:48:449 having a single only. You probably should adjust these two places consistently.
01:55:874 - the triples usage of Seiran's a bit misleading, imo
-> as you can see here, 01:56:643 (116643|3,116643|2,116643|0,117028|1,117028|0,117028|2) - what are they exactly following, i believe Seiran is doing it for the spread by vaguely adding chords equally but musical logic it felt odd to follow with
(i suggest to change to something like this -> 01:56:643 - triple [stay] / 01:56:900 - [can be triple for the heavy kick] / 01:57:028 - [double] / 01:57:156 - [triple] for the kick)
01:57:680 (117680|0,117712|1,117744|2,117776|3,117808|0,117840|1,117872|2,117905|3) - 我觉得简化成js足够了,234bpm的这种roll在这个diff里我感觉太难了,甚至比主难还难打,因为主难接在对拍后面可以直接顺下去
01:59:090 (119090|0,119090|3,119090|2,119475|2,119475|3,119475|0) - 没太看懂这两个三押的意图,感觉既不在鼓的重音上也不在主旋律上
02:25:629 (145629|3) - You should probably make this an LN because you express the sound fading out using 02:25:885 (145885|0) but not express when the sound starts at 02:25:629, the sound at 02:25:629 is stronger and should be expressed
02:25:714 (145714|2,145800|1,145885|0) - I appreciate your attempt but I really think these are ghost notes indeed, having no musical symbol supporting each notes because it's one whole sound but nothing else. Other diffs are also ending their last note at 02:25:629.