00:22:552 (22552|3,23578|2) - 仅此一处的。单手面的切换。不怎么美丽啊
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17840585/4951 像这样重新排排?
00:29:219 (29219|0,29347|1,29475|1) -
然后不管这个难度是easy还是normal,感觉这里都得砍一下,这里明显是全曲最密的地方之一,然后单手 1/2 三联点加上叠,很明显会让这里成为难度曲线上的spike 。我的看法是,这里无论是叠还是单手 1/2 三连点都不能要。(你past难度也没叠吧)234 BPM就算是 1/2 也很快了。(主要还是产生了spike)
00:29:347 (29347|1,29475|1) - 虽然没有RC限制,但是我觉得实际上很不友好(normal限制了最多是2个note的anchor,但是easy没有对anchor的说明,很奇怪),而且你这个bpm有点太高了
01:06:825 (66825|2) - I think this note on an easy difficulty will be too difficult to play, as well as it is not recommended RC rules to put the note closer to another less than 1/2 snap, as well as this sound is much quieter than it comes before it, for example you can move it here : https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17751507/d198
01:11:526 (71526|2) - I think this Ln should be end at 01:12:039 - then add Sn at 01:12:296 -
01:24:090 - Add a note here? 01:24:090 - ,01:24:475 - ,01:27:552 - , 01:28:065 -
Also you can make 01:23:065 (83065|0,83449|3,83834|0) - Ln, 01:31:270 (91270|0,91655|3) -
01:24:090 (84090|1) - 这个音实际上非常轻,反而你在下一个地方01:24:219 - 把flow破坏掉很奇怪,所以我觉得可以把这个删掉然后在01:24:347 - 加个note
02:03:834 (123834|0) - 这里的排列不怎么 hand-balanced 吧,单手 1/2 pattern + 面 加多押。太看的起你游的萌新了。稍微有好一点? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17840587/b497
02:12:552 (132552|3) - 不太理解这里为啥和前面02:10:437 (130437|1) - 抓了不一样的音,因为我看你normal里这两个地方是一样的
02:14:603 (134603|1) - 类似,以及这一段是故意在逐渐降低密度?因为我发现在normal几乎用了重复pattern的情况下,这里你抓的音实际上是越来越少的
Note snappings of consecutive 1/4 and higher should not be used
180 * 1/4 = 45
180 * 1/3 = 60
234 * 1/3 = 78
哦,不对,我的问题,应该按照你那么算,234 * 1/4 和 180 * 1/3
刚刚去bpm 180 测出来一格1/4 差不多83
这个bpm 234 一格1/3差不多86,多多少少不行了,我还是改改