unused green line in lower difficulty (primitive past present beyond)
To mapper: I think it's fine to keep the greenlines consistent between diffs. (Even there's no notes in some diff.) To satisfies… OCD? remove is also good ofc
If I am right. Single greenline won't influence the gameplay as redline. Also there's no RC disallowing ghost lines? Just like bookmarks.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Current: Electronic Instrumental Esoteric Order Lagrange Arcaea Song Contest Pack featured artist Crystallized- FLeVI lowiro limited video game Seiran-
chiptune speedcore j-core frumsdotxyz
-Timerains- [RT]Alleyne
"Arcaea Song Contest Pack" → "Arcaea Song Contest 2020 Arcaea楽曲コンテスト2020 winner grand prize"
"featured artist" → "featured artist FA"
Copy-paste: Electronic Instrumental chiptune speedcore j-core Esoteric Order Lagrange Arcaea Song Contest 2020 Arcaea楽曲コンテスト2020 winner grand prize featured artist FA frumsdotxyz [RT]Alleyne Crystallized- -Timerains- Seiran- FLeVI lowiro video game
[Hitsound File]
[SB File]
i think advanced doesn't fit with this game's difficulty name?
would suggest Beginning > Past > Present > Future > Beyond wdyt
can we talk about the overlay gimmick usage on the Lower difficulty?
Primitive : 01:34:720 (94720|3) - can be very unreadable with storyboard on for the target audience < i'm totally emphasizing on the 'target audience'
Past : 01:34:335 (94335|1,94592|2,94720|3) - can be very unreadable with storyboard on, this is even harder to read than Present & Future difficulty (due to 1/2 + LN release)
i really love SB overlay gimmick in map, its fun! but please, if anything, storyboard elements that obscure playfield better be avoided in easier difficulty. i find its only fitting appears 2 diffs below the top (Beyond, Future, Present) and leave the total cover empty on Past & Primitive.
tempestissimo & singularity (hi kk!) are the example where the lower diff doesn't have the full SB overlay, the code lines are embedded in individual .osu file
its also possible that player just need to disable storyboard (and most people don't play with storyboard on to begin with), but i don't think that's the point of this post, people have the option play with storyboard on, and making it accessible to most people is optimal imo.
you mean only leave the overlay storyboard in Beyond, Future and Present, and move elements to background in other diffs?
And should it be available to leave the texts in overlay?
lmao, tbh I actually have the same concern earlier. I've mentioned this at
#3167179 (edit: used the wrong link earlier.
(even most of my mods are in Chinese but I put that in English cuz I think it might be controversial.)
Also I've did some other irc discussion with the mapper about the thing as well.
The main reason I give it a pass is because
@MD : what i'm trying to emphasize is, primitive & past are supposed to be an introduction for low rank players, i don't think its that difficult in practice however the total cover in that part gives a visual spike where low ranked / rookies will likely to mess up. they might not missed the note or missed altogether, and they would definitely get disoriented on their first try with storyboard on, which is rather questionable by level-design standpoint
@Alleyne : i think that'll be great to leave the animated text as overlay, sb\dimming_overlay , sb\black , & sb\top_dimmer_overlay can be moved to background
i would think sb\dimming_overlay can be still be put as overlay, but i would suggest you to put lower opacity (change from 0.9 to 0.6-0.8 for example) towards the end so it still won't obscure the playfield, but the overlay effect can be still visible
@Muse Dash Ah I'm editing them ;w;
@Arzenvald There're some other layers like back_texture.png, text_phrase_blur.png, etc in the overlay, but the opacity is kinda low. What do you think of?
for the text & the line, it's really up to you since the overlay occurs when there's no notes playing.
for the back_texture, i would suggest to put that in background, also raise the F / opacity to 0.6?? its a bit too unnoticable at the moment
the glaring problem was with sb/black, but also the way the keyframe are being laid down, i would suggest you to move the elements carefully & double check if some animation looks janky after you moved it from overlay to background
that animated text and that back texture looks so sweet btw!
I don't wanna change the opacity for other layers except dimming ;w; since I wanna follow Arcaea
yo md about #3175266/8583285
just because scores are decent doesnt indicate they struggled with the section, you have variables like:
id defo take archies advice here, i think removing it altogether from the lower diffs would be the most beneficial however due to it becoming a pain for newer players with sb, which i think already is the outcome of this mod
just wanted to confirm the point about replays here
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
also applied some Abraxos' mods
Changed the beginning of storyboard and will changed the opacity of the dark part
FA tags not necessary imo? In rules ‘If the song mapped is a licensed one in the Featured Artist library, featured artist must be added to tags.’ 这曲子不在 FA 曲库里,理论是不需要加 FA 的。你对此确定没事的话可以直接 resolve。
The MP3 your using says 128kbps and the cutoff for it is ~17.2KHz which is lower than the recommend 192Kbps (~19.2KHz cutoff)
I suggest finding a new mp3 if you want to find a new audio file
bruh not changed yet. I want to change it before it's ready because you know this contains storyboard and changing the file may cause unnecessary troubles
Under song setup, change the artist field from Silentroom vs Frums -> Silentroom vs. Frums (the difference being vs & vs.)
This is because according to the general RC:
"Any form of vs., VS, etc. must be written as vs. when used as an indicator for collaboration between two or more artists. Alternative casing may be used to match the rest of the field."
Mapset Verifier also mentions this:
"Small deviations in metadata or obvious mistakes in its formatting or capitalization are for the most part eliminated through standardization. Standardization also reduces confusion in case of multiple correct ways to write certain fields and contributes to making metadata more consistent across official content.
but official sources including Arcaea this game do use vs so this also comfuses me. Keep for now
Well having found several mapsets, the music of which is also from Arcaea, contain vs. so changed
I don't think the OD jump between past and present is reasonable. I also find OD/HP 9 to be a bit too high.
I recommend:
Primitive - 6.5-6.6 OD/HP
Past - 7.0-7.1 OD/HP
Present - 7.5-7.6 OD/HP
Future - 8.0-8.1 OD/HP
Beyond - 8.5-8.6 OD/HP
^ Fixes progression and high OD/HP
If you want better progression to OD/HP ~9:
Primitive - 6.5 OD/HP
Past - 7.1 OD/HP
Present - 7.7 OD/HP
Future - 8.3 OD/HP
Beyond - 8.9 OD/HP
I suggest making text_phrase_blur.png and text_phrase_blur_mirror.png have less opacity because comparing the storyboard to the actual game
So I suggest making them have less opacity if you want them to be accurate to the actual game.
Also I suggest using dimming_overlay.png since the actual game has the effect looking splotchy(?) and this storyboard doesn't look like that so I suggest doing this if you want this to look exactly/close to the actual game.
I suggest adding lowiro to tags since lowiro is the company behind Arcaea.
Sidenote: On lowiro's official website it says their official name is lowiro limited so maybe add lowiro limited instead? I'm not sure tho.
maybe you can use this background? i think it looks more cooler :))
16:9 ver i edit for you