Here we go owo
1. Insane
clean map, nitpicking
00:17:562 (17562|1) - prefer removal as sound is hardly audible, compare 00:19:995 (19995|2,19995|3,19995|0) -
00:45:616 (45616|2) - thinking about moving it right and turning into a long note, because col 4 is used for vocal chops. should adjust 00:45:508 (45508|3) if taken
2. Hard
00:37:995 - maybe differentiate this section from the last in a way similar to the top diff, like this? using stairs for 「はい!」 and something else for the remainder
3. Normal
02:02:238 (122238|3) - move forward to the next 1/1 snap, the "so" vocal is noticably shorter than "I'm" so the notes 02:01:995 (121995|0,122238|3) shouldn't be the same length imo
Thanks for modding my map! Here's yours in return:
I don't like how this diff is mapped and improvised. I don't know how to do general advice though, so just some nitpicks.
00:30:991 (136) - Since the song is pretty calm here, I find improvising 1/4 streams in a bit questionable. Good to remove. Same for 00:32:362 (143) (the non-improvising choice there is to move to 00:32:534 but I still don't like that)
00:45:648 (224,225,226,227,228) - The improvisation ignores a significant sound in the vocal samples/lead layer at 00:45:905. The rhythm would be better represented with setups to emphasize it, like d--kk-d or d-kd-dk. You did it well at 00:51:134.
00:56:620 (296,297,298,299,300) - This don't do the sudden dip in intensity here well. Consider simplifying.
02:20:848 (200,201,202,203) - minor preference to differentiate this from 02:20:505 (198,199) - by like changing colors
03:51:048 (90,91,92,93,94,95) - This six-note pattern looks very questionable here as per Ranking Criteria "1/4 patterns which are longer than five notes should avoid complicated colour changes." Personally, the first note don't correspond to a clear layer and should be removed.
03:55:419 (125) - make another 1/1 break here for consistency? also prefer to add a note at 03:55:848
also 04:09:305 (223) -
04:00:991 (168) - prefer moving to 04:00:562 (and maybe adding note at 04:00:819), or removal
04:06:734 - This dip in intensity of mapping looks unjustified; denser patterns would be better here. This should work:
00:22:745 - slight preference to remove 00:22:647 (102) - and put dk-dkkd here for vocals
also 01:55:667 (714) and 01:57:226 (726)
02:19:141 - add note like 02:17:583 (868)? also slightly prefer kkdkk at 02:18:849 (877) if doing so
so here's your mod, as you are taking this to rank:
00:06:152 (6152|1,6152|2,6489|1,6489|0,6573|2,6657|3,6742|2) - drums are 1/3 here
00:11:545 (11545|1,11629|0,11713|1,11798|2,12051|2) - drums are 1/3 here
00:17:444 (17444|3) - should be at 00:17:388 instead?
00:22:331 (22331|3,22331|3,22416|2,22500|0,22669|3,22753|0,22879|1) - drums are 1/3 here
00:47:949 (47949|1,47949|0,48034|3,48034|2,48118|0,48118|1,48202|2,48202|3) - sounds different from 00:47:612 (47612|0,47612|1,47697|3,47697|2,47781|0,47781|1,47865|2,47865|3) - could have some differentiation
01:26:376 - this section's chord usage seems like the common generic usage - for drums - but things like 01:26:882 (86882|2,86882|0) - are constantly proving me wrong? some explanation would be helpful
01:47:191 - very slight preference to double 01:47:191 (107191|2) - and 01:47:360 (107360|1) - instead of 01:47:275 (107275|3,107275|0) - for tom drum
03:40:534 (220534|3) - less intense than 03:40:365 (220365|1,220702|0,221039|3) - probably worth reducing to rice
00:06:152 (6152|1,6152|2,6489|1,6489|0,6573|2,6657|3,6742|2) - drums are 1/3 here
00:11:545 (11545|1,11629|0,11713|1,11798|2,12051|2) - drums are 1/3 here
00:17:444 (17444|3) - should be at 00:17:388 instead?
00:22:331 (22331|3,22331|3,22416|2,22500|0,22669|3,22753|0,22879|1) - drums are 1/3 here
00:47:949 (47949|1,47949|0,48034|3,48034|2,48118|0,48118|1,48202|2,48202|3) - sounds different from 00:47:612 (47612|0,47612|1,47697|3,47697|2,47781|0,47781|1,47865|2,47865|3) - could have some differentiation
01:26:376 - this section's chord usage seems like the common generic usage - for drums - but things like 01:26:882 (86882|2,86882|0) - are constantly proving me wrong? some explanation would be helpful
01:47:191 - very slight preference to double 01:47:191 (107191|2) - and 01:47:360 (107360|1) - instead of 01:47:275 (107275|3,107275|0) - for tom drum
03:40:534 (220534|3) - less intense than 03:40:365 (220365|1,220702|0,221039|3) - probably worth reducing to rice
00:22:745 - slight preference to remove 00:22:647 (102) - and put dk-dkkd here for vocals
also 01:55:667 (714) and 01:57:226 (726)
02:19:141 - add note like 02:17:583 (868)? also slightly prefer kkdkk at 02:18:849 (877) if doing so
00:30:991 (136) - Since the song is pretty calm here, I find improvising 1/4 streams in a bit questionable. Good to remove. Same for 00:32:362 (143) (the non-improvising choice there is to move to 00:32:534 but I still don't like that)
00:45:648 (224,225,226,227,228) - The improvisation ignores a significant sound in the vocal samples/lead layer at 00:45:905. The rhythm would be better represented with setups to emphasize it, like d--kk-d or d-kd-dk. You did it well at 00:51:134.
00:56:620 (296,297,298,299,300) - This don't do the sudden dip in intensity here well. Consider simplifying.
02:20:848 (200,201,202,203) - minor preference to differentiate this from 02:20:505 (198,199) - by like changing colors
03:51:048 (90,91,92,93,94,95) - This six-note pattern looks very questionable here as per Ranking Criteria "1/4 patterns which are longer than five notes should avoid complicated colour changes." Personally, the first note don't correspond to a clear layer and should be removed.
03:55:419 (125) - make another 1/1 break here for consistency? also prefer to add a note at 03:55:848
also 04:09:305 (223) -
04:00:991 (168) - prefer moving to 04:00:562 (and maybe adding note at 04:00:819), or removal
00:17:562 (17562|1) - prefer removal as sound is hardly audible, compare 00:19:995 (19995|2,19995|3,19995|0) -
00:45:616 (45616|2) - thinking about moving it right and turning into a long note, because col 4 is used for vocal chops. should adjust 00:45:508 (45508|3) if taken
02:02:238 (122238|3) - move forward to the next 1/1 snap, the "so" vocal is noticably shorter than "I'm" so the notes 02:01:995 (121995|0,122238|3) shouldn't be the same length imo