According to the official site's notation ,
the artist name should be " かめりあ feat. かめりあ ", not " かめりあ (feat. かめりあ) ".
And romanized artist should be " Camellia feat. Camellia " , not " " Camellia (feat. Camellia) ".
mp3 quality
The quality is currently 128 kbps, but I would like to suggest that it can be improved for 192 kbps.
spectro :
offset fix = current offset
Soft-hitnormal doesn't have an appropriate volume imo and this could cause a little issue since the rule of " Hitsounds must be audible. Their purpose is to provide feedback, so hitsounds with extremely low volume or samples that blend with a song's samples are unacceptable. Specific game modes list exceptions to this rule on their respective ranking criteria. "
Use this example :
Or try to find something more audible soft-hitnormal by yourself
offset is a little off, the first redline should be put some ms later, try 1427, then of course the rest of the redlines should be adjusted accordingly
if i get another offset issue after this i am literally going to cry
will fix right when i'm done with the other mods
Since the average bitrate of the audio file in this beatmap is about 16.7KHz, which means it's about 128kbps, the audio file in this beatmap should be converted into 128 kbps as well, preventing the waste of file space.
Use this converted audio file instead: or find high-quality mp3. You might have to adjust the offset as well after you apply the new mp3, so don't forget that too.
So, apply the new mp3 file after you solve all of my suggestions because it may not fit the timeline of the sentence I suggested.
Basic : need W at 00:10:481 - 00:11:187 - 00:14:011 -
Novice : Need F at 00:38:127 - 00:38:480 - 00:38:833 - 00:59:539 - 01:00:245 - 01:00:480 - 01:04:245 - 01:05:186 - 01:05:421 - 01:06:127 - 01:54:479 -
Novice : Need W at 00:38:363 - 00:38:480 - 00:38:598 - 00:38:716 - 00:58:598 - 00:59:539 - 01:00:245 - 01:00:480 - 01:05:186 - 01:05:421 - 01:06:127 - 01:53:538 - 01:54:244 - 01:54:479 -
Novice : Need C at 01:53:538 -
Novice : Remove HS at 00:57:304 - 00:58:715 - 00:59:657 - 01:00:363 - 01:02:951 - 01:04:363 - 01:05:304 -
Advanced : Need F at 00:15:070 - 00:57:421 - 00:58:598 - 00:58:833 - 01:55:185 - 01:55:420 - 01:55:891 - 01:56:126 - 01:56:597 - 01:56:832 -
Advanced : Need W at 00:15:187 - 00:16:481 - 00:16:599 - 00:57:421 - 00:58:598 - 01:04:480 - 01:10:479 - 01:55:185 - 01:55:420 - 01:55:891 - 01:56:126 - 01:56:597 - 01:56:832 -
Exhaust : Duplicated HS at 00:09:070 -
Exhaust : Need W at 00:15:187 - 00:16:775 - 00:16:834 - 00:16:893 -
Exhaust : Need C at 00:16:952 -
Exhaust : Need F at 00:57:186 -
Maximum : Need W at 00:41:304 - 00:56:715 - 00:57:421 - 01:48:714 -
Maximum : Duplicated HS at 00:41:422 -
Maximum : Need F at 00:58:127 - 01:48:714 -
Lastdiff : Need W at 00:38:716 - 00:38:774 - 00:40:363 - 00:40:480 - 00:40:598 - 00:41:245 - 00:41:598 - 00:41:774 -
Lastdiff : Need F at 00:39:892 - 00:40:598 - 00:56:480 -
Lastdiff : Need C at 00:47:421 -
Lastdiff : NeEd Tom at 00:47:480 - 00:47:598 - 00:47:774 - 00:47:833 - 00:47:892 - 00:47:951 -
Lastduff : Need soft-hitwhistle at 00:54:186 -
okay, i'm fairly certain every single on of those is due to the fact i modified the patterns without reapplying the hs
( Official source: , )
Add " BENAMI beatmania オリジナル Original The 9th KAC コンテスト contest " into tags field and change " Eclipse " into " Eclipse- " and delete " ysg "
" BENAMI beatmania " is for the info that it belongs to the BENAMI series
" オリジナル Original " is for the info that the official genre of this song is " SVDXオリジナル "
" The 9th KAC コンテスト contest " is for the info of this song is belongs to that contest.
And I'd like to ask you where did you get " 5 v " in tags field. Since I couldn't find it on any official website.
Inconsistent tags between "TRANSCENDENTAL" and "BASIC", difference being "electronic japanese".
i believe this is a mistake on your end, maybe try reupdating every diff as i update the set very often