Source field cannot be "BMS" as stated in the RC, "SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN" should be used instead (Sources: ,
Also, even if the song is used in sound voltex, the genre should not be "Video Game" as the song is not exclusive to any game, use "Electronic" instead
I suggest you add "Nostalgraph" to tags since junk is also known by that name (you can see it on his soundcloud, for searchability purposes
03:39:802 - here you seem to be using LNs for the more strong string sounds in this section, I like the idea but I think there are some LNs that you shouldn't use and some others that you should: 03:41:802 (221802|0) - this one is a think a very quite string sound so I don't think you should use a LN (same for this one 03:44:469 (224469|2) - ). 03:43:969 (223969|3) - this one you shouldn't use specially because you didn't use one here 03:41:302 - which sounds the exact same. And lastly I think you should add one here 03:44:969 (224969|1) - although I guess this one might have been skipped since it's right in the transition to the other section.
Also, 03:45:136 - here you should put the long notes in the same places you put the long notes in the previous section since they sound the same
03:45:219 (225219|5,225386|5,225552|5,225719|5,225886|5,226052|5,226219|5,226386|5,226552|5,226719|5,226886|5,227052|5,227219|5,227386|5) - 03:47:719 (227719|1,227886|1,228052|1,228219|1,228386|1,228552|1,228719|1,228886|1,229052|1,229219|1,229386|1,229552|1,229719|1,229886|1,230052|1) - I think these anchors might be a bit too much for insane diff, you should make this pattern a little easier, maybe re-arrange the pattern like this ?
03:28:219 (208219|4) - delete this note since the sounds you're mapping here stop being 1/4 at 03:28:136 -
03:13:136 - 03:15:302 - this isn't a problem but I suggest you better spread the notes here so that there's a similar amount in each column instead of going from all notes in the right to all notes in the left, since I find this arrangement quite strange considering the rest of the section is not like this
03:11:802 (191802|0,191802|6,191802|2) - make this a double since this is just a kick and you used doubles for every other kick in this section
03:12:636 - 03:12:802 - I think you should add LNs in those two timestamps for the melody sounds, i don't see a reason not to considering you also did it for these 03:09:969 (189969|4) - 03:10:136 (190136|2) -
03:15:302 - 03:15:469 - same thing applies here, you should add LNs in those timestamps, and also move this one 03:15:802 (195802|3) - to 03:15:636 - and add another one here 03:15:969 -
01:47:802 - 02:03:802 - I really don't understand the layering here, I don't know if you are following the strings, the drums, both or something else I'm not noticing. Either way, it really doesn't make much sense, because for example 01:49:136 (109136|3) - why would this be a single note? when the sound is not only a kick but also a quite strong string sound, and yet something like this 01:52:969 (112969|6,112969|3,112969|4) - which is much quieter in comparison is a triple. So the amount of notes used in each timestamp really don't seem to be related to anything. So I would say you should redo this section with a more clear reasoning behind each note, unless you have an explanation for this, in that case tell me and I'll mod this section around that explanation
03:29:136 - 03:39:802 - same thing
ok, I had asked a couple more people to test it and I've gotten different results this time, it seems that you were right, the pattern is harder (slightly or significantly, depending on the person) with LNs. For this reason I've decided to change it to no LN, as I don't want to inconvenience players just for the sake of aesthetics, and also because the pattern is already extremely hard by itself