OFFICIALLY TEMP RETIRED / INACTIVE After 4 years of MWC, I am taking a leave from the scene... god finally I may come back someday but probably don't count on it for now Thank you to 4KMWC2023 Indo team (aka team technical issue) and thank you to the core team members for sticking with me for the last 3 years. Y'all are insane.
Ragazine fellow mecha enthusiast and model kit builder (who plays catch for some reason) Fubukicat the cute(est ever and ever and ever and e) fox and the ultimate social observer -Homura- the 7k god JustinNF the Ultimate Speedrunner Ragnarok VII the cute canadian who just got skillboosted Evening-desu (self-explanatory) Dubsteak (yes) riunosk the tape deity (also self explanatory, very cool guy love him and his infinite collection of tapes) Antori the Ultimate Mapper Pavelow the canadian who deserves peace 3lijah the upscroll god Fresh Chicken the ultimate BEMANI mapper and many other people who had fun in these tough times with me...