00:01:578 Merely preference but!
This feels kind of awkward and inconsistent, because the one time you map the LNs like at 00:05:350 (5350|3,5350|0,5693|2,5693|1,5693|3) - that could also have been on the triples (as single LNs) like on 00:05:350
At 00:01:921 AND 00:08:607 you mapped these into 1/4 streams or trills (also 00:01:921 shouldnt be a double) while those are also present at 00:03:721, 00:05:864, 00:07:407
My suggestion goes until 00:12:550 but I highly suggest remapping this section! (ill add example images), more 1/4 streams and following the long sound on the triple based on pitch as well.
hoof thats a long one
i think you still miss some 1/4 notes at like 00:07:407 and the LN on the triples that indicate the same sound sound like 00:05:350 (5350|0,5350|3,5693|2,6207|2) -
00:02:350 (2350|3) - 00:09:036 (9036|1,9121|3,9207|0) - you could perhaps remove these since the sound on those notes is really low so it isnt that much noticable while playing
No, on second thought, I think it's better to make this whole structure more consistent. Personally, I would suggest that you change the notes for this early section, following the vocals and beats in harmony.
First, 00:01:579 - In this part, the LN of 1 beat comes out, followed by the single notes of 1/4 snap for 2.5 beats.
Also, the second part also seems to have placed LN at the beginning and end of the drums and vocals that are emphasized with C, and nothing has been arranged in the meantime.
If you think like this, I think you don't need to put notes on the part I mentioned above.
But I think you need to go through a lot of modifications to the latter part.
00:02:778 (2778|0) - For this note, the end snap should be replaced with the end point of the vocal, 00:02:950 - and 1/4 snap single note should be placed between 00:02:950 - and 00:03:378 -. For example, 00:01:921 - Like this part.
00:03:978 - to 00:04:236 - place single note,
00:04:321 - I suggest placing this part as below.
00:05:693 (5693|0) - to 00:06:036 -
nd 00:07:064 - Also I suggest changing this part to a similar pattern as the front part.
Then I personally think it can be completed for the first part.
00:07:064 - since for some reason you decided to ignore some 1/4 sounds, you could fill the space by following the vocals so that its consistent with 00:08:264 (8264|2,8607|3) - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15496969/b281
00:08:436 (8436|0,8521|1,8607|0,8693|1,8778|0,8864|1,8950|0,9036|1) - what is this? If you really want to have a thrill pattern I suggest you remove 00:08:436 (8436|0,8521|1) - since the repetitive sound starts at 00:08:607 -
00:11:178 should be a double beacuse 00:10:321 (10321|0,10321|1,10664|0,10664|3) - are too with the same sound
00:13:578 - I feel a little awkward about the details of these parts.
00:14:178 (14178|0) - In the part I mentioned, the sound is the same as this, but why is it expressed only as a note here?
00:16:150 (16150|0) - too.
00:14:264 - I thk its double.
00:22:321 (22321|0) - I decorated most of the parts where you only emphasize vocals with LN. LN this note, please.
im a little confused as to what you mean for 00:13:578
00:14:178 (14178|0) & 00:16:150 (16150|0) redone
00:14:264 Doesn't fit well as a double
00:22:321 (22321|0) added LN here
00:15:293 (15293|0,15293|2,15293|1,15636|2,15636|0,15636|3,15978|3,15978|2,15978|0,16236|3,16236|1,16236|2,16493|3,16493|2,16493|0,16836|3,16836|1,16836|0,17178|0,17178|1,17178|2,17521|2,17521|1,17521|3) - I dont know why these notes are suddenly triples while all the other notes are doubles with the same sound
yeah but those should be doubles since there is not even a cymbal sound, im marking those because those are the ones that are odd.
it breaks your consistency on that part as well. by those i meant the notes that are currently triples btw.
00:20:778 - I feel that this part is not compatible with the previous SV feeling.
I think I know the intention of adding SV to this part. I think you put in SV to express the excitement of the beat at the louder sound while keeping the trill from looking normal.
Well, I may be completely wrong, but let me assume that I'm right.
Simply put, the trill looked very tight and actually felt that way, but the 00:20:778 - part is not at all. If imma mapper, I would definitely put SV in this part.
What do you think about this?
You obviously wanted to express various parts of this bitmap difficulty in SV. I thought, 'Oh, this is how you expressed it.' But for some parts, I thought, 'It's too bad I didn't express it.' It's my personal opinion, but I'd like to introduce you to the parts I'm sorry for.
00:23:521 - 00:24:721 (24721|2,24978|1) - 00:29:007 - 00:34:493 - 00:59:864 - 01:03:378 - 01:07:407 - 01:07:578 - 01:12:207 - 01:12:464 - 01:12:721 - 01:27:978 to 01:28:836 - 01:51:293 - 01:56:778 -
And I think SV, which is too extreme or too radical, rather interferes with the rhythm.
if you decide to do it you should apply that at 00:24:550 - as well https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15497003/2e87
also 00:24:721 (24721|2,24721|0,24721|3,24978|2,24978|1,24978|3,25236|0,25236|2,25236|3) - could also be changed to 1/4 LNs for the bass sound
00:25:578 (25578|0,25636|1,25693|2) - I understand that this is for the weird bass sound but its better if you remove it and change it to a normal LN and add 1/8 stairs at 00:25:750 - since drums (?) are more clear there https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15497010/b558
00:26:607 - since the snap here is a bit awkward, around 1/8 and 1/12 imo. I think it would be better just to follow drums with 1/4 here https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15497020/784f
00:26:950 (26950|2) - 00:27:464 (27464|0) - 00:27:978 (27978|2) - I think it would be neat to change them to 1/2 LNs for the loud synth sound
00:28:664 I think the sounds here are 1/8, I suggest making something like this which also conveys the kick https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15618120/fb26
00:29:350 - single note LNs would work better here imo so remove 00:29:350 (29350|3,29436|0,29521|3,29607|0) -
00:30:207 (30207|2,30893|2) - if these double is corresponding to synthsound, why 00:31:236 (31236|2) - is single? all double or all single. ----and 00:30:121 - maybe missing a note; ----00:32:607 (32607|0) - why? ----00:32:778 (32778|3,32950|1) - vocal sound is short, suggest 1/4ln.
00:31:407 (31407|3,31407|1) - shouldn't this be a triple like 00:30:721 (30721|1,30721|0,30721|3) - ?
00:31:064 (31064|2,31064|1,31064|0) - 00:30:378 (30378|2,30378|1,30378|0) - 00:31:750 (31750|0,31750|3,31750|2) - should be doubles since snares are the loudest instrument here
00:32:436 (32436|2,32436|3) - should also be a triple like 00:32:093 (32093|0,32093|2,32093|3) -
00:34:836 (34836|1,34921|2,35007|1,35350|1,35436|2) - is double, but 00:35:607 (35607|0,35693|3,35778|1) - is single. all of these is same sounds. suggest single.
00:34:836 (34836|1,34836|0,34921|2,34921|3) - since these two have somewhat repetitive sound you could probably minijacks them for a better emphasis https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15497050/4280 (plus I don't think they should be doubles since their sounds is really weak)
You should still remove double on 00:34:836 (34836|0,34836|1) - .
Also I personally think that it would be better if you only focued on mapping doubles for drum sounds and triples for snares like you have at 00:40:407 - . It would make the structure of the pattern more clean because you wouldn't have to focus on high pitches synths for the doubles
00:37:493 (37493|3,37664|3,37836|3,38007|3,38178|3,38350|3) - really large anchor you can simple fix by moving 00:38:350 (38350|3) - to 2 column
00:39:807 I think you could express the "1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3" because there are not many patterns that interrupts your room for creativity.
I was thinking about something like: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15618177/add1
00:41:093 (41093|3,41264|3,41436|3,41607|3,41778|3) - 00:41:864 (41864|0,42036|0,42207|0,42378|0,42550|0,42721|0) - are some huge anchors and mainly the left one feels uncomfortable due to the streams after. I think you could base this pattern of the rapidly alternating pitch
Like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15618204/13c3 (00:42:378 is not a double, but this part has alternating pitch and yes, it plays pretty good and converts well onto the next part
00:42:893 (42893|0,42978|1,43064|2,43064|3) - since you made this pattern twice 00:42:550 (42550|0,42636|1,42721|2,42721|3,42893|0,42978|1,43064|2,43064|3) - I think it would be good to ctrl+h this 00:42:893 (42893|3,42978|2,43064|1,43064|0,43236|0,43321|1,43407|2,43407|3) - and rearange the notes at 00:43:578 - like this: http://prntscr.com/ufz6bh . I think having the pattern mirroring the one before it will be better since the sound is somewhat repetitive.
I find it very difficult to interpret what you were trying to express about this part.
00:44:093 (44093|3,44778|3,44950|3,45121|3) -
I think it's not a vocal, beat, or any other musical element, but it's an excerpt from a part or a part of these parts, but I think it's a part that's hard to get your thoughts fully.
00:45:293 (45293|1) - too.
None of this is intuitive except that you intended it to be a rest area. If I don't understand, I want you to explain your intention. Otherwise, I wish I could hurt this section only for one factor.
ex)Bakuretsue's suggestion-
00:44:778 (44778|2,44950|2,45121|2,45293|2) - they could work in the same column as 00:44:093 (44093|3) - since they contain the same sound http://prntscr.com/ufz7t6
00:44:093 I dont know what sound you are trying to interpret here but this is my suggestion for this part.
00:45:807 (45807|1,45978|1,46150|1,46321|1) - there is a bit of a large anchor here that doesn't resemble anything to be one
00:45:807 (45807|3,45807|1) - 00:46:493 (46493|3,46493|1) - 00:47:178 (47178|2,47178|1) - 00:49:236 (49236|0,49236|2) - 00:51:293 (51293|0,51293|1) - These doubles should be triples because they have the exact same sound as 00:35:178 and 00:36:550 for example. it interrupts with the consistency
00:46:664 (46664|1,46664|0) - this should be a single note, it doesn't contain any drums or snares that you established in the part before it 00:45:464 (45464|2,45464|0,45807|3,45807|1,46150|2,46150|1,46493|0,46493|3) -
00:47:864 Maybe you should remove 00:48:293 (48293|0,48464|2) - and make 00:48:550 (48550|3,48550|0) - a triple for the intense sound
I had something like this in mind ^^ :
https://gyazo.com/4daa798418443e4dd4bde42279c31744 (also i played around with the LNs with the part for the higher>lower "DJ!" sound)
00:49:407 (49407|3,49578|0,49750|1,49921|3,50264|2,50607|0) -
If these LNs symbolized and used vocals, I think this part is generally wrong.
00:49:493 (49493|2,49578|1) - I don't think we should just express these two parts, we should express them.
00:49:750 - 00:49:836 - 00:49:921 - no express
00:51:293 Like on parts as 00:48:550 you didn't add triples, which is supposed to be for each double in this section. if you feel uncomfortable for how to do this maybe follow something around this
(trill right after a triple with 1/2 space) https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15614429/2169
00:55:064 (55064|3,55407|2,55407|3,55750|2,55750|3,55750|0) - for same strength sounds, this is not allowed for rank.
00:56:950 (56950|1) - I think this should be a double rather than 00:57:036 (57036|3,57036|2) - since it has a much stronger drum sound
00:57:807 (57807|3,57893|2,57978|1,58064|0) - this sound is not full 1/4. You should follow the floute here with LNs at 00:57:807 (57807|3,57978|1,58064|0) -
01:00:721 (60721|1,60721|0) - ctrl+h so that its in the same column as 01:00:207 (60207|3,60207|2) - since they contain the same sound. If you accept then you should probably ctrl+h this as well 01:00:893 (60893|3,60893|0,60978|1,61064|3,61150|2,61236|1,61236|3,61236|0) - to avoid a stack on column 4
also 01:01:064 - should also be a double like 01:00:893 (60893|0,60893|3) - http://prntscr.com/ufzbjy
01:03:807 (63807|2) - should be the same as 01:03:636 (63636|3,63636|1) - since they are a the same sound
01:06:721 (66721|0,66778|1,66836|2,66893|3) - 01:07:064 (67064|3,67121|2,67178|1,67236|0) - what did you exactly follow with 1/6's here? I don't hear anything that could support it
01:07:750 - my main issue here is how you limited yourself with only doubles here when you could have easily mapped snares with triples. It just makes this section really bland http://prntscr.com/ufzfzk . So just remap this part using doubles for drums and triples for snares, it will be far more clear what you are actually following
01:14:607 (74607|3,74607|2) - move to col 23? I think it's not as intense as 01:13:236 - til 01:14:264 - , so you can at least stop the anchor (on col 4) there
01:17:350 (77350|2,77693|3) - i think you should swap these
i think you followed vocal and the vocal's pitch is decreasing
01:50:007 (110007|1,110093|0,110178|1,110693|1,110778|0,110864|1) - swap them to avoid col 2 anchor
01:54:721 This one is slightly different, because the notes before that are doubles, you can leave the double before that out and focus on the triple. something like you've done at 01:01:064
something like this https://gyazo.com/0b695617fc706dd9dda649648db5a3b3