Hello, I would recommend making these changes for now so it can be Loved if it goes through voting.
Artist: 大張偉
Romanised Artist: Wowkie Zhang
Title: 陽光彩虹小白馬 (Cut Ver.)
Romanised Title: Yang Guang Cai Hong Xiao Bai Ma (Cut Ver.)
Tags: grizzlypng grizzly vektor vekt0r astronic da zhang wei cpop chinese pop sunshine rainbow white pony 人間精品 boutique of the world vol. 4 volume 太合音樂 taihe music
Good luck!
We have further discussion about the metadata of this map and consult with several native chinese speaker, and we conclude that both unicode hanzi for the artist and title should just be kept as simplified hanzi in this case.
Mandarin songs that are originated from mainland of china are recommended to use simplified hanzi because that's what almost gets used for everyday conversation for daily life and communication. Changing it to traditional hanzi will mainly deviates from that and also causing several hurdle both in searching from the native platform and accessibility for the target audience as well.
The (Cut Ver.) should be kept though in case the mapper or other unofficial people cut this manually. So basically only need to add (Cut Ver.) to the metadata, and can have traditional version of the hanzi in the tags instead.
After the changes on the (Cut Ver.) and tags, it should be fine for loved there.
i want to make sure people hear the best part after they play the map so im fine with the preview point as is :) I see why you would want to change it tho
“onetabby trash” isnt needed in the tags, since the map creator is a tag by itself, remove \o/
For the "Romanised Title", it should be "Yang Guang Cai Hong Xiao Bai Ma" instead of "Sunshine, Rainbow, White Pony".
It's Romanised Title, not Translated Title.
normal, light insane and insane have default combo colors, set them consistently between diffs
ur artist fields are conflicting between difficulties; 大张伟 is correct, reference his official social page https://www.weibo.com/dazhangwei831?refer_flag=1015155010_&is_all=1
ur titles are also conflicting; 阳光彩虹小白马 is correct, source https://www.weibo.com/p/10151501_100524460 https://i.imgur.com/aUx3L8o.png
you should apply this on all difficulties
add gders to tags, also chinese and pop for genre and language (and prefferably cut version)
I'm not sure if you adjusted timing without moving your green lines, but all the green lines before the kiai (except for the one at 61502 offset) is 1ms farther ahead than it should be, meaning that a lot of objects that should get modified by greenlines just don't. I'd make sure to go back and snap these on each diff to make sure there aren't some intentional changes that were accidentally ignored.
you forgot to apply the custom combo colors on the grizzly's Insane, Hard, Normal, and Easy diffs
This backround is REALLY low quality (880 x 553). It looks like you just used the snipping tool and cut out a bit of the youtube thumbnail so you could avoid the big "MV" icon. (context https://i.imgur.com/Z28rVy3.jpg). I found a version that didn't have that icon, so here's a much higher quality and less cropped version: https://i.imgur.com/T3qX9Nm.jpg
According to the music video (https://youtu.be/YG4iTGjuoKw), and the iTunes listing (https://music.apple.com/tw/album/%E9%99%BD%E5%85%89%E5%BD%A9%E8%99%B9%E5%B0%8F%E7%99%BD%E9%A6%AC/1372739933?i=1372739948) the metadata should be:
Artist: 大張偉
Romanised Artist: Wowkie Zhang
Title: 陽光彩虹小白馬
Romanized Title: Sunshine, Rainbow, White pony
(You also have the option of using "Wowkie Da" as the romanised artist since that's what iTunes lists it as.)
Had a discussion in-game and to abide by the RC's guideline about cuts that misrepresent the song, a new mp3 has been sourced, properly cut, and provided. Basically the current cut only included the intro, a verse, and the refrain, but the new mp3 has the intro, verse(s), the refrain, the chorus, and the outro.