00:13:757 (1,2) - could stack the circle to the slider's end to keep the density a little lower since there's nothing but hats here
00:14:694 (1) - remove nc here since there's no sound to emphasize as an NC and instead add one here! 00:15:007 (3) -
00:30:632 (1) - remove here as well since vocals don't support nc logic here
00:41:256 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - better remove the 1-2 logic here as well, since the vocals are still going the same way as the 3 sliders 00:41:256 (1,2,3) - , instead add nc here 00:43:132 (2) -
00:45:006 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - the sound you are mapping here ends before the 4, would suggest deleting the 4 and turning the last 3 notes into a triangle or something
00:55:632 (5) - this is like borderline offscreen (like literally touches on 4:3) so i would suggest moving it slightly up cus i dont think it needs to be that low in the first place. would have to move the next few notes up a bit too
01:31:257 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - relies a lot on circular flow which can be uncomfortable for some, maybe change some jump placements here, https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14991186/3d1d might work
since circular flow is sort of the main concept throughout the map I think i'll keep it as is. Also after playing it with dt and fcing it and getting other players to attempt it, they say it is very comfortable to play