00:02:153 (2,3) - I don't see any point to add the slider kick on blue tick because there is no prominent sound there. Also it contradict with your melody emphasize such as 00:05:153 (2,3,4) -
It would be better to make it like 00:05:153 (2,3,4) - that follow melody (https://imgur.com/2kc4bLu) so it will consistent throughout the diff.
00:03:411 (1,2,3) - same as this. You can try same rhythm that I pointed above to follow melody better.
to fix 00:18:508 (7) - when applying this, move just after the sliderend of 00:17:733 (3) -
Adding more spacing on 00:27:411 (4,5) - would be better because currently your strain on 00:27:798 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1) - isn't comparable with 00:27:411 (4,5) - and make the high pitch melody less contrast than it should be.
You can try to nerf the stream spacing but I think the easy solution is adding more spacing on that melody sound
00:28:959 (4,1) - switch NC would better here to keep in line with your concept that always NC in new pitch sound 00:28:185 (1,1) -
00:39:217 (2) - This kick sound doesn't deserve a big spacing like that. It would be
better to decrease the spacing so your snare can be emphasized well.
00:49:862 (1,2,3,4,5) , 00:51:411 (1,2,3,4,5) - I suggest using the same pattern as 00:48:314 (1,2,3,4)
Maybe no, i make 00:48:314 (1,2,3,4) patern like that to make the player calm down for a moment after played previous part
00:59:540 (4,5,6,7,8) - weirdchamp emphasis, you space more (7) than (6) even tho (6) is a kick and (7) a filler rhythm
01:00:508 (9,1,2,3) - Bad rhythm, listen a bit closer, and you'll here that there's a sound on 01:00:508, 01:00:604, 01:00:701 and 01:00:798 but none on 01:00:895 (3) (you can keep (3) where it is to simplify the rhythm)
01:03:798 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Build up here is too overspaced. It would be better if you nerf the spacing a bit so the emphasize between that part with 01:03:217 (7,8) - doesn't feels the same.
Also you can try to decrease the spacing on 01:03:411 (8) - if you want make the build up more contrast. It's up to you
maybe i'll balance the spacing on 01:03:217 (7,8) - only to have the same distance with 01:03:798 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
01:12:508 (1,2) - ctrl+g??, I don't like the sudden decreased gap