00:37:668 - you're kinda wasting the vocalist voice here. It's better if you follow the voice instead of the white tick. Consider to make it like this https://i.imgur.com/GhpiSBE.png (ex: https://i.imgur.com/P2ha7ks.png) or if you want the simplify it then go like this https://i.imgur.com/Mm3wDYI.png
00:30:283 (1,2) - i think it'll be better if you use two 1/2 slider instead to make it more fun to play on the "hora" voice. Make the second slider overlapped like this https://i.imgur.com/XMYJ5jw.png
00:23:591 (2,3,4,5) - as i said on 1602113#2752619 , you should nerf the distance. BUT, you can add some jump trick on this part like this https://i.imgur.com/lrQfPH9.png . Just give the jump on every strong beat part.
00:20:591 (1,2,3) - as i said on 1602113#2752622 , this jump pattern is kinda plain and 00:20:591 (1,2) shouldn't be a jump since there's no strong beat on that part. make a little jump on 00:20:821 (2,3) instead. Here's the example https://i.imgur.com/nzJQgYN.png
00:27:283 (1) - do you really need NC here? I think it's not really that useful than other part like 00:11:821 or 00:19:206
00:15:975 (1) - I think this part should be clickable since that part is where the vocalist started to sing. consider to change it like this https://i.imgur.com/QetoPwe.png or https://i.imgur.com/9R9fHwR.png . Also if you agree with my opinion, i think it'll work well if you make jump on the "ro" voice (not a big jump, just small jump)
00:13:206 (1,2,3) - i don't see any reason why you make 1 to 2 jumped instead 2 to 3 jumped since 00:13:668 has stronger beat than 00:13:437. You should make 2 to 3 jumped instead to give more emphasis when playing