人型の姿 見せ方 偽型 | Human form, pseudoform, simulation, imitation 似せ方も知らず光から染み出し | With no knowledge of these, they exuded from light 染み出したココロ痛みのち人成り | Pain gave birth to souls and made them human 人ならざる者の生命を謳う | Inhuman simulacrums, singing out their lives
生まれてごめん なんてね(笑) | Sorry for being born... Just kidding(w) 鏡の中の影が問いかける | The shadow in the mirror speaks to me 「さぁさ もがけやヒトのように | "Go on and struggle like the human that you're not お前はどちらにもなれぬ片影だ」 | You're neither nor, just an imperfect reflection, a shadow of a thought"
見てほら目が 合ったじゃない | See now? I'm looking you in the eyes 何を見てるかそれ 嘘じゃない | What you're seeing here before you is not a lie 「さぁさ おいでや騒ごうぜ」 | "Come on now, follow me and join the party!" 幕開きの世界 戯笑 刺さる声 | Curtains rising on a new world, playful cackles tormenting me
成れ 果て 辿るは | Where we will arrive at last is ヒトの明日 未来 | the future of humankind まぶた閉じて 見える影 | The shadow that arises when you close your eyes 誰の姿なのか? | whose reflection does it bring to mind?
you know we're not a doll !!
一夜 人の世に立ち | One night, I lingered in the human world 片欠けの身の果てを見ていた | and saw the fate of the half I lost ヒトよ ヒトよ とせがみ | "Human, O, Human" I pleaded 生きるためは この身を選んだ | I chose this form to stay alive イノチ ヒトガタ | Feel this life. It's humanoid. あらがって 泣いてもがいている | Fighting, crying, struggling with all we find イタミ ヒトガタ | Feel this pain. It's humanoid. 灰になって 藍になっていく | Burning to ash, leaving indigo behind 歪んだヒトガタ | Us twisted humanoids
you know it's naughty virtual virtualize a life alive ǝʌılɐ ǝɟıl ɐ ǝzılɐnʇɹıʌ lɐnʇɹıʌ ʎʇɥƃnɐu s,ʇı ʍouʞ noʎ
人型の姿 見せ方 偽型 | Human form, pseudoform, simulation, imitation 似せ方も知らず光から染み出し | With no knowledge of these, they exuded from light 染み出したココロ痛みのち人成り | Pain gave birth to souls and made them human 人ならざる者の生命を謳う | Inhuman simulacrums, singing out their lives
How the heck is the top diff even considered rankable, and how on earth has it been rated as a 7-star difficulty level when it’s far too easy to deserve such a high rating?!?!?!? This is completely unacceptable and utterly baffling to me. I cannot understand how the system evaluated it and concluded that it warrants a 7-star rating. The criteria for this ranking must be seriously flawed or misapplied in this particular case. It's beyond comprehension that something so easy could be rated so highly, and this decision needs to be thoroughly reviewed and corrected to reflect a more accurate assessment. The current rating undermines the credibility of the ranking system and raises serious questions about the standards and processes used to determine difficulty levels. This situation needs immediate attention and rectification to ensure fairness and accuracy in rankings moving forward.
why is literally every single map so unfun in this set can not a single person just map something fun and not either overgeneric farm or poorly made gimmick?? Please? (i am a gimmick player. I hate the gimmick stuff in this set).