THANK YOU SO MUCH @Savanox_ FOR THE 1 YEAR SUPPORTER <3333 Thank you Raids for the 1 month supporter <3 (21/04/2021) Thank you Fuma for the 1 month supporter <3 (28/04/2021) Thank you Fryl for the 1 month supporter <3 (03/06/2021) Thank you Raids for the 1 month supporter <3 (01/08/2021) Thank you Arca 9 for the 1 month supporter <3 (20/09/2021) Thank you stranger for the 1 month supporter <3 (25/12/2021) Thank you KalosZen for the 1 month supporter <3 (23/01/2022) Thank you F2P Tournament staffs for the 1 month supporter <3 (30/01/2022) Thank you Wowcake for the 1 month supporter <3 (13/03/2022) THank you stranger for the 1 month supporter <3 (somewhere in late june or early july) THANK YOU RAIDS FOR THE 1 YEAR SUPPORTER WTF (15/11/2022)
Current Collab / PFP
break from tournaments and only play when i feel like it i mostly play maimai now (add me :3 9080546803651)
dont hesitate to ask for mutual here i dont bite ADD ME ON UMA: 142 646 879 755
Global peak: 1333 (02/12/21) Country peak: 16 (01/12/21)
About Me (long read haha)
Hello. I am Venta. I am from Indonesia. I speak Indonesian and English. I've watched some amount of anime shows and I think that's very awesome (anilist). I like to farm leaderboard, country #1s, and ranked score. I would farm pp if I had more maps. I also play every mode, used to main mania, now standard and I think that's cool.
I don't remember exactly when I started score farming but I'm pretty sure I started around September 2020. I started farming score because I wanted to try something new after I found MomoHD (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE). I'm really thankful I found him because he's currently my inspiration to farm score, for example going for 1 billion ranked score a day (I did that for a few days then got burnt out lol) and because of him I found another way to enjoy the game even more (Momo if you're reading this, thank you!).
I don't know if it's just me, but score farming can grow your skillsets. Other than that, score farming is something that I think everyone should give a try. Even just for a day. Trying something new won't hurt
Words for new score farmers: Don't play too much. You can try slowly by clearing songs from artists or songs you like, then slowly play more of everything.
Current score ranking placement (30 November 2023): Global: 94 Country: 1 (Been holding since 20 November 2021)
Aricin, Informous (Speed): These two players were the players I found out about and got me hooked into playing speed. Seeing these two players play made me want to become a speed player in the first place
Doomsday (Mouse): One of the players I looked up to when first getting into standard. Doomsday inspired me to stick with playing on mouse. His image material mouse only pass will forever be in my heart
rHO (All rounder): I don't know what to say, rHO is simply the best tournament player in Indonesia and the most well rounded player in my opinion. One day I'll become as good as him
TheKushVanMan (Speed, dedication): One of the players I look up to whenever I'm grinding maps like happil and La Grand Bleu +DTHR. He is insane at what he's doing.
TheShadowOfDark (LB farming, FL): The player I look up to until now when it comes to leaderboard farming and one of the first few players to inspire me to play FL
Woey (Stupid maps): I have no words. Woey is insane at this game. I want to be the Woey of Indonesia
-GN (FL): I'm sure I don't have to say anything about -GN. I'm also sure he is the inspiration for probably 99% of FL players in osu!
_Shield (LB, score farming, stupid maps): Not very different from Woey, Shield is insanely good at this game. I want to be the _SHIELD of Indonesia
MomoHD (score farming): Now This Guy. When I first Saw MomoHD, I found out about Score Farming. I think It is a Fun Thing to Do, And It is Actually Fun. Thank You MomoHD for Inspiring me to Farm Score on OSU
TheShadowOfDark: Overall a nice person, really good player and has one of the highest dedication in the game imo, my inspiration to play fl and low star rating ss farming
Deeto: Really good at the game, really nice person and very chill. I love how this guy was a nobody then out of nowhere became Indo's best 4 digit (now one of the best in Indo overall) and a really strong tournament player (in my opinion)
Deeto, D E L O N, PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT (Nerfed Crezz), Daprin, Fop, NinjaFish, Kilgo (SWAG EZ AND FL PLAYER), AlmightyDoor, Ceress (REALLY AWESOME MOUSE ONLY PLAYER), F4UZ4N (RE4DING!!!)
Laptop is Quite Crap Mouse: Logitech G102, 800 DPI, 1.75x ingame sens (used to be 2x, then 1.85x) i lied its 1x now when i use mouse Tablet: Wacom CTH 480 (THANK YOU SO MUCH WOWCAKE YOU ARE SO WOW AND AWESOME!!!) 60x40 area i dont use 3rd party drivers Keyboard: SAYODEVICE O3C Headset: dbE GM500 Mousepad Thank you Fryl
First 6* FC: 23/5/19 (Hitorigoto -Instrumental- [Insane]) First 7* FC: 23/12/19 (Padoru Padoru [Anzei's Another]) First 8* FC: 12/2/22 (Flashback (TV Size))
First 200pp: January/19 (Harumachi Clover [Kana's Light Insane] 100% 255pp) First 300pp: 4/9/19 (Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan [Sky Arrow] 99.2% 341pp) First 400pp: 22/12/19 (Sidetracked Day [Infinity Inside] 99.19% 1 miss 435pp, 500pp choke) First 500PP: 5/12/20 (RAISE MY SWORD [A THOUSAND FLAMES] 503 PERFORMANCE POINTS) First 600pp: 24/9/23 (Cecilie, 630pp)
First 7* Pass: 28/9/18 (Airman lol) First 8* Pass: 17/6/19 (Kyouran Hey Kids!! [Cataclysm ft. Reform]) First 9* Pass: 5/10/20 (Happppy song [i am a blessing to the world.]) First 10* pass (FL): 23/11/21 (Save Me [Nightmare])
5k pp reached: 15/7/19 (I Bet You'll Forget That Even If You Noticed That [Akitoshi's Extreme]) 6k pp reached: Around 29/9/19 (Don't have screenshot) 7k pp reached: 22/12/19 (From Under Cover [Akitoshi's Extreme] HD 99.07 385pp) 8k pp reached: 21/7/20 (March of War [Relentless Brutality] 98.5% 1 miss 407pp) 9K PP REACHED: 3/12/20 (THE VIOLATION [PISHI'S EXTRA] HIDDEN, HARD ROCK MODIFIER 95.96% 2 MISS, 486 PERFORMANCE POINTS) 10k pp reached: 31/10/21 (Junpaku Study Time (wafer mapset)) 11k pp reached: 22/2/24 (King Sandybutt's Tomb [E X T R E M E] +HDHR 595pp)
MY FAVORITE MAP This map is simple, plays, and syncs perfectly. No other beatmap has ever got me this hooked up before. Everything in this map is perfect except for one thing: IT IS THE SHORT VERSION NOOOOOOOOOOO
MY LEAST FAVORITE MAP I don't know where to start. I thought this map was going to be another generic bocchi map but when i played the normal diff and i saw ar 6 base, i already knew this map wasnt going to be fun and guess what i was right. what i think is funny, the normal and hard diffs are decent to say the most, but the rest of the mapset is SOOOO BAD. the map has no consistency. when i played this i didnt know what this map was synced to because it jumps from one instument to another very frequently. at one part i knew this part was synced to the drums, then a few beats later it jumps to the vocals, then it jumps to the guitar like be consistent please. another thing is, part of the map isnt even synced to anything, so youre clicking on nothing. now what i think the FUNNIEST part of the map is that THIS IS MAPPED BY A BN (BEATMAP NOMINATOR). lastly, i think ranking that map was a way for BNs to crap on the players and this map gives the impression of "because theyre a bn they can do anything" which i hate. if this map can get ranked, that means EVERY SINGLE schizo map ive made is rankable
Lowest UR: 63.45
My Scores
This is where I put my personal favorite scores (this is VERY outdated, if you want to check more go to my youtube channel, link is at the bottom of my me page)
My top 10 pins are my top 10 scores of all time, the rest are my favourites