am i washed? no i just gotta unrust just gotta unrustjust gotta unrustjust gotta unrustjust gotta unrustjust gotta unrustjust gotta unrustjust gotta unrustjust gotta unrustjust gotta unrust
tmot4 was the only tag2 tourney in 2021 so i technically am the tag2 world champion for that year
thank you ffumiyomi for this awesome custom banner, and Alvearia for hosting the tourney, it was the best accidental job ever
THH, for a suiji tourney we had pretty good team synergy, but got speed abused
love my team fr fr
i am a belg real
shwedz koNIpaku mcy2 shdewz rusiianvaxei TADA BANRI I HATE TADA BANRI SO MUCH kailh ELON MUSK shdewz-chan GIORNO12 liwsiera USADA PEKORA (the vtuber) owo bot spazza18 Mike l Trip -innocent of D- emlru un owen was here payapppapa RYUk Cross Time !! baxei ADAMQS MY ANGEL ADAMQS (HAEN 24) akiba(KOBATO HASEGAWA) spok iezi no i am not schizo mahloola mudae MOBY DICK eau blue sirius rushia1 tainted lost kaeldori WOMEN vinnei741 spok ELON MUSK flame fucking THROWER whitecat sliderjumps ElMick (one of them) pekocambing MARZALE ELON MUSK akolibed joe lwl-chan xexxax p0ke simon fucking cowell skroutz. you are not immune from propaganda minor inconvenience papajac meernya team vitality csa quantum mechanics merrsu nyeernya meersu too i guess russainvax ie old leosia BArt (not gaming) GUN OF GAMEING 9mlce ayaser kotoko nik (greek) eau kondi and flagflayer together in pooling channel mahloola bagmlood EXTREME TITTIES log off NOW Rie Takahashi My Landlady's Piss peppy luigi's mansion luciano mrekk God himself people who make 727 jokes t0nik sylvari ragagagi chainsaw mid ms paint TOMAS GIMAGGI groomy bot lifeline Shia LaBeouf intercambing rinekik spozer ichihime Billy przegrany (LOSER) zbib WILLY (wonka) nyu nik (not OLOMARA) damarsh Bob's brain faris kaleijin ELON MUSK wolf read souljaboytellem cunnychugger Endless Eight schizo the entire tournament community shyot73 schizo's friends mimiliaa SOTARKS DSCO HALGOH YOKESPAI AMATEURRE NEILPERRY pochodna po czasie UMBRE AAAAAAAAAAA ITAI MEGAAA gwk schizo RUDYj bartek petit milady UTAMI i know you are reading this. gnahuś ELON MUSK bocchi the FUCK nopii qbittorrent ADNROS yuikonnu NIKOLOMARA_OSU gilgamesh Impossible Trackmania Shortcut Finally Done After 13 Years isekai riichi brand wagen yary yary daze launch osu necrophobia yui horie plasma brunito xxHarDCorE123xx cedru cezgru sotraks LuL nine erik saintsft Currently online egor reused reduced recycled YOUR AIM SORA XOOtynator bitch role on rmot loctav KIFO glock-17 caleb city ipod nano 2nd gen RESPRITE Bill Gates FG gROUND BOSHYLOVER456 żywiec lisseronis cat? Drzewiec THE guys who play B side on inferno windows 11 grounded tuna damlano combo scaling adder uyaz napiiiiiii bnyulikemoney peresia ELON MUSK bocchi, hitori spok (not iezi) yukigif.gif arnold 24/24 #general Tesco DASH SYLVARI kristoffer 09 yes you gorden simply nyu Rutinoscorbin russianvaxei chocolate mint just fcking nyu głupia psina ohnepixel ea tomato juice every genshin impact player in existence video on rohulk handsome tirojo r10sh1 BENREY karcher erro stop playing marc on oj get a life ayaser lifeline kolega wack jang gonarch Żylice Lemuria [Elcheer's Extra] akahito off osu 5girl wario raihoukou BARONYAA~ russian vaxei zaqqy VAC nik's trollface mug combo ELON MUSK ur cute femboy gaming prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Dąbrowski stefgast12 razer dt1 that is speed not aim granite mr x kamil bryaby Old Mold mac and cheese united states of america Rock Bottom walfried chinese culture [ master ] diabełek osubel in 2023 adolf hitler pierdol sie nexo Willly_osu buzzsliders legrendere yoshinoya-sensei straight up nyu peko dash milk tea is m luciano osu Becoming The Most Consistent stixe 4 digit world cup crespirit hexi no key triodust welder ashuri again i hate her azure Problem Children Are Coming from Another World, Aren't They? YUMEMI RIAMU (idolma$ter) CONYOh Camellia feat. Nanahira dupertion a po stół osu staff MARKIPLIER?? saiyayku willy_osu on youtube ELON MUSK JavaScript all mappoolers clam world kink dewanker CHUJAMI mastasz ten łysy Steam Workshop Linus Tech Tips JODEHH scALER children below the age of 3 shia surprise pLOX SPLITTY 3kliksphilip xooty primal aspid GreyCat boprossoff aryn please start making more thought out content piss ar8hd sexikey is it nyu there is no drama in osu belgium,gif SEIBAAA ashuri SZYLWARI nanoya bored? yes. steffy OWC 2024 Team Belgium: Hanori, 5joshi, hexi, Meersu, MetaBee, Mornis, MRB, Vinnie chiyo-chan restia osu gaming sv_cheats Shia LaBeouf Ashuri (2nd fight) v2b rzuty na tor CDawgVA rocket powered mohawk Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow RTC CONNECTING delusional subaru fro mre:zro malt fucking teaser fat Susan wojcicki daniel. eopep people who pool tech on nm3 yuru yuri san hai! pipupupu997 eternum flyquest cs2 teenagers between the age of 13 and 18 yui horie ElMick (another one) time of the day 23:23 pokemon shovel ELON MUSK sponge censorship worst hr player devn lags my fucjking game GEORGE FUCKING RUSSEL poppin party not aricin he cool sanmahjong petscop goat lover diamusx chicony LOLU chugger DIGITAL hypno WILLLY (OSU) UMBER Delirium (fair boss) Various Artists oob — Today at 12:13 You're the disrespect list goat alex Jacek Maziewski barrack obama deepnest hitomi chan (unironically) HYEOK BYEOK AND ALL OTHER YEOKS dwayne the rock johnson Stanley wódki what he doing oei RyanUk dash peko mercee ALiStaIr Tomato juice m1kel closed i think it is nyu readkatt osu reddit game Molly Sandera JUST LUCAN creator (gd) entirety of r/otonokizaka hatsune miku CWEL UTAMI swear words nongsa ELON MUSK counter strike nexon zombies SPRAE kobato (STUPID BITC) jp that stupid bitch from watamote steaming pile of trash source 2 kotomine kirei GAMER22856667936987546092376507896 blacktastic 2k5 Meow Z abread in japon DJ KURWA POP shounen anime rafał karpiak ciru MEAT osu community October the 28th lorem ipsum just mahjong in general BARONYA!! AGAIN kasai HARCORES TEAM SPEAK FURY yuuki yuuna destroyed my mental @osuguess the other alex Jake Paul kech hest Monstrata mostrata xkirito ivaxa chocopafe tim fucking kackner Zylice, xootynator, RyuK, PikaPwn, nick1324, CutPaper, Saryi, DarkKarate KUTAS kittens mtmcl RUSSIAN VAXEI kobito of the shining needle ELON MUSK Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke Randomizer miley cirus emerbee mahjong animemusicquiz sonichu fucking ateam ruining revue gacha nyanpotato metab nyu. just him tom scott aimbotcone is it a plane? is it a bird? no, it's just nyu simon whistler ramon MINHOCA LOKA ramen sonoko nogi is my wife ^_^ VIden needles in isaac chivlery sudden DETH (SD) Sakurauchi Riko young adults from ages 19 to 26 Bob (Tekken) latex ball will smith romania ESL team vitality did not deserve to win the paris major vordt of the boreal valley nm2 kokou no sousei jan matejko flaro matheush nekopara ova sweet popcorn just lucan new camellia songs rin tohsaka kys log off LATER passport inspection brandwagen aknzx akibato rektygon ELON MUSK every osu player that ever existed kamensh1k diff spikes shakugan no shana cursed eye wagamama highway real life bleui dragon alexander albon juros hejsan zaq rissian vaxei belgium chef (OSU) decaten we all know you play mouse ok cross time muraragi-san porky of porky of porky of BOLEK I LOLEK small brayn Pakistan Shizuno Takakamo - the most annoying one ramon 2 floppa children between the age of 7 and 13 idolmaster cinderella girls yeah. CS2 nyantomato punjaby kuro from prisma illya. ruined the show fruit flies isekai cheat magician Svalbard yamss hydrogen bomb sexikey artists who make ganyu's tits massive among us Otis McDonald splitty rock the bocchi Guluguluga openly shiro ELON MUSK lotus pro keypad krzzzzzzzzzzz pszemek melon fuck tymbark jabłko mięta tainted lost de_mirage myself oob fuck you oob!!!!!!!!!! iori nomizu utami, but unironically cockman Simon Whistler Awai Oohoshi fayeurs (too good on amq) watashii zoomer GOBLIN SLAYER the entire community of osubel Colombia bryan aby brzdąc Huan Xiang Xiang Di Yi Tao Guang Bo Ti Cao algebra Harue Akado loriax pepis hu tao bootleg 4th gen ipod nano grzegrzółka ramon 3 spotify zts (zts) henry stickmin kirito lewis fucmilton bocchi the cock - Nico orł biały kaoruko hanayagi fuck you bitch illya ashifgfifsnuf tomasz chic Ako Atarashi nina teru miyanaga league of legends azer's cat aragi koyomi erni linus tech tips whitecat blackdog greyhound take a shit music, all genres jerma. just kidding, i cannot hate jerma. bepis bunny extinction difficulty ELON MUSK falafel ELON MUSK wacom ctl-472 miyanaga teru EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE amq music quiz me: holy shit it's bocchi bocchi: the rock kamil nico yazawa blgbglblgbgblgblgb brzdąc gemini home entertainment just old monstrata nautss erroticlube Dream_MInecraft shimon Himematsu High School: Suzu Ueshige (vanguard) Yuuko Mase (sergeant) Hiroe Atago (lieutenant) Kinue Atago (vice captain) Kyouko Suehara (captain) fuck them all. i hate them they did NOT deserve to win over senriyama. Ted Kaczynski enri tainted jacob shipping fees from america SANS loric a secret box res soa the entire continent of Africa blue balls ELON MUSK redavor vaxei from russia yui hirasawa #general ninja batman dorcelessness achiga if you reached this point in the list, it's a good time to talk about our sponsor for the day, raid shadow legends. raid shadow legends is a free strategy, fantasy RPG game on Android. the game has terrible graphics, even worse gameplay, and it's simply a waste of space on your mobile device. billy_osu thank you raid for sponsoring our list. now back to the hating: haramura nodoka hydrogen bomb 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 mieszko kamimashita rapis toursament seaside ya boy kongming is not safe from my wrath kuso szdews YOSH murderers pewdiepie lexu2s she mon mister bro ELON MUSK lucky outside of brackets default discord avatar broccoli mustard gas made from pennies Warsaw russian vaexi Wirtual meow numero zer0e or whatever he's called the entire island of reunion as well tomato juice szymon arata sagimori RLC alice from aria (season 1) aika from aria (season 1) nekopara OVA girls und tankers chika fujiwara beans trojo Pingu in the City the coed killer de_dust2 HORNY FRENCH thighs addikt @bitch where are my shoes from aliexpress pomocy aretna aetrna atrena naerta raenta eartna door Agiri dumbbell children between the age of 3 and 7 ELON MUSK grupa operacyjna Mr Beast gay lesbians yukari fat bitch cursed eye Donkey kong coughing baby vs. France first 5 episodes of Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei Herz! chugger's mappools auschwitzpaku puchimas haters spotty fy 2nd place farmer PHYSICAL COPY hypno ZUTOMAYO people who rated madoka less than 9/10 dsco kobato again VARVALIAN (Black) koni's mappools Simon Clark litterino Blue Zenith lexonox windowlicker sorry i meant windowlife shdewz stop meowing DUDE rasputin other krzysztof ibisz gżegoż ELON MUSK carbon monoxide kizuna ai LASSE kore wa zombie desu ka? Sonic The Hedgehog a fucking giraffe?? saddam hussein and... YOU ELON MUSK
Aricin - the only speed player in the game that actually plays speed 8 ] - a regular on ezhd leaderboards on every single map, god damn they are committed Gabey - cool gimmick scores, strong hidden, worth looking up to big snag - unreal dt/hr scores like god damn, also good mapper with good music taste chicken_10 - best player in the game Bonk - also best player in the game Riviclia - he made me want to learn ez mod Kamensh1k - absolute beast, total respect for his owc`23 efforts
01.04.2016 - first 100pp play (102 on FLOWxGRANRODEO - 7 -seven- -TV SIZE - [Insane] 98.63% FC) 22.04.2017 - joined 3000pp club 29.06.2017 - first 200pp play (224 on RADWIMPS - Zen Zen Zense (movie ver.) [Extra: Mitsuha] 100% FC) 18.01.2018 - joined 4000pp club 17.02.2018 - joined 1000pp club on !mania 13.04.2018 - switched to tablet 04.12.2018 - joined 1000pp club on !taiko 01.02.2019 - joined 5000pp club 01.02.2019 - first 300pp play (303 on Komiya Mao - (can you) understand me? [heh]) +HDHR 99.8% FC) [nerfed to 281 lol] 01.06.2019 - joined 6000pp club 20.06.2020 - joined 7000pp club 23.06.2019 - fcd loveless world which will be my best score for a long time about a year 25.06.2019 - got to 4 digits 27.06.2020 - first badge won 02.07.2020 - first 400pp play (403 on Numakura Manami, Seto Asami, Fuchigami Mai - Justability [Amamiya Nathan's Shooting Star] 99.41% FC) [nerfed to 389 lool] 22.02.2021 - switched to keypad 22.02.2021 - joined 8000pp club 25.02.2021 - got below 5k global 11.03.2021 - top100 completely sotarks free 20.05.2021 - first 500pp play (504 on Shin Hae Chul - Sticks and Stones [Insane] +DT 99.76% FC) [nerfed to 472 lo ol] 11.02.2022 - got 100pp score in every game mode 30.03.2022 - joined 9000pp club