what the fuck is this trash cover of a classic song from my favourite anime this is absolute objective garbage and i haven't even looked at the map just delete this mapset and i will forgive you for making this mistake just this once because i am feeling merciful so you should be grateful to me and the rest of the people who uphold the quality of this game but mostly just to me fuck this garbage
oh also i forgot to mention but this cover is trash compared to the original song from the anime which is the peak of anime but don't even get me started on that
your fault for getting me started on this but vampire to rosario is an absolute masterpiece of an anime and dishonoring it's legacy with a song like this is like taking a shit on my country's flag and setting it on fire while im being forced to watch. the main character of this show is one of the best if not the best written characters in entire history of fiction and my god all of the girls from the show are gorgeous i couldn't simply pick just one i'd want to marry all of them at the same time but for that i'd need to move to a country where polygamy is allowed but since japan doesnt allow that i dont know what to do because i can't live without japan or without all of the girls as my wives man i wish i could just live inside of anime life would be so much easier but im hopeful that with time virtual reality becomes so real that i can live my dream like some of my bretheren who already got married in virtual reality speaking of which i should probably do that because that is a temporary solution for me man im a genius anyways as i was saying this song is fucking garbage so please delete the set from existance and instead make polygamy legal in japan