Reason: My proudest topplay as of right now with only 2x100 on this burst / stream / triples / consistency map AND global #15 on the map Reason: I dont even know what this score is. Only 1x100 on OD10.1 and #2 global on the map with some rather fingercontrol patterns Reason: It took me a lot of retries to get this SS, was really happy when i actually got it. Was the first SS on this difficulty as well Reason: Second ever HDDT SS on the map + I beat a 3mod score for some reason on it xdd was really happy when i managed to set this Reason: This score was my 1000th silver SS score. I wanted to have a special score as my 1000th silver SS, and so I did. Especially surprised how i managed to do this with PF and not get a random shit 100s at the end Reason: Super happy with this score as well, random sightread try which ended up in getting #2 global on the map and being only one of the 4 SS scores on there right now