Hard Warning! : someone and even "content creator" intent to make moral panic to target specific player espeicaly top player pretending it as huge threat to cause division in this game.
If someone after they did slander or harrass specific player then try to make excuse to 'I made mistake and won't do it again, >leave me alone!<" they most likely not even apology and it means they will do it again until they make people they after become miserable, ironicly they don't even play this game at all and just there for the moral panic galore. best way to solve it just play the game action speak louder than word
Contrary from what leaderboard farmer player think I'm not really into leaderboard farmer. I used to have this mindset until around 2018 I found it not even relevant anymore to care due to how fast my fc pacing hell my spinning are not even that fast unlike some of my friend often said, my spin are more of effiently (380-420rpm at best) rather than max spin possible without using pause spin exploit. due to this type of fast pacing farm, camping are not worth the time for me I just like to keep my hand on heat rather than wait few hours then login again if there is new map got ranked which in result have to warm up again (I generally take at least 2 hours to get it back on heat).
I also not care with country leaderboard at all since around that year I mention before, I never have any interest at all. It just happen I have the most country leaderboard because I play too many weird hddt hard diff or 3 mods on lower diff in old maps. I'm not that type of player that want to own and dominate other player. Speaking from expereince see how my country osu! std player mentality, the real Issue I found why most player gave up too fast just because they boasting too much rather than make some action, I've been there before it was very detrimental mindset. update: one of the biggest weakness I see player in my country tend to have (std wise) are being too nitpicky with maps, if you want to be high rate farmer like other, you have to reduce that habbit i formerly mention. There alot of big lethal mistakes I've seen that cause serveral player in my country which in result cause them burnout way too soon before they even try and one of them are being too obsessed with leaderboards, that is why I set my mindset like i mention way up there because in the of the day 'it's more matter to do your best making good scores'.
Due to all of this, the way I'm having fun are not farming/collecting ss, s and A (unlimited choke works!) because they more of routine the only part I'm having fun are play weird map well with some mindbreak moments, I'm also put my own rule for myself to not be nitpicky on maps, you can put them save for later but never try to avoid it, nf mod exist for a reason folks