[31.08.2016] osu! first 100pp play (101pp) | nice screenshot, I know
[5.09.2016] osu! 2000pp
[12.10.2016] Taiko 1000pp | maybe taiko isn't that bad after all
[19.12.2016] osu! 2500pp & top 50k in pp
[22.12.2016] osu! all top 50 scores >100pp & all top 100 scores >90pp
[23.12.2016] osu! 99% acc | let's see how fast can I lose it ok lost it 2 days later
[26.01.2017] osu! first 150pp+ play
[26.01.2017] osu! top 40k in pp
[29.01.2017] osu! 3000pp
[29.10.2017] mania 500pp | took me a year to get a 25pp play
[3.11.2017] osu! level 100
[17.11.2017] osu! 10B ranked score | tfw you can't get pp and farm score instead
Fell in love with haitai
[21.06.2018] osu! first 200pp+ play | that took way too long
[8.08.2018] osu! 4000pp
[21.12.2018] Might be an obsession at this point; also recieved haitai mousepad <3; also FL FC lol; also 50k playcount
[26.12.2018] osu! top 30k in pp
[18.03.2019] osu! <5k score ranking and 21B ranked score
[19.05.2019] osu! 100+ 200pp scores
[8.03.2019] osu! 5000pp | this was my life goal in this game wtf
[29.04.2019] osu! 1000+ top 50 scores
[2.06.2019] osu! 2000+ top 50 scores, top 150 global and #8 PL | this was an insane-looking goal back in March when I had ~190 top 50s but I actually did it for some reason lol
[5.07.2019] osu! top 1000 in score ranking
[14.08.2019] osu! top 50 in top 50s
[20.09.2019] osu! level 101 | took almost exactly 3 years and 8 months
[8.10.2019] osu! #2 PL in top 8s | sandwiched between two absolute legends
[9.10.2019] osu! 50B ranked score
[14.11.2019] osu! 5000 SS ranks | never cared about SS count but I like big numbers
[27.11.2019] osu! top 15 in top 8s
[7.04.2020] osu! #2 in country #1s | 1 year after I started grinding for tops
[8.04.2020] osu! top 10 in top 8s
[27.04.2020] osu! top 15 in top 50s
[9.05.2020] osu! 10000+ top 50s
[26.06.2020] osu! 10000 SS ranks and 75B ranked score
Got 5000 top 8s and #8 in both top 8s and top 50s at some point
21.01.2017 1st year of osu! 336h total | 17,166 play count | top play: 146pp (Daisy NM) 4,154,523,378 ranked score | 12,113,292,617 total score
21.01.2018 2nd year of osu! 620h total | 34,263 play count | top play: 188pp (Passcode +HDDT) 10,695,764,058 ranked score | 30,111,384,756 total score 49 top 50 scores
21.01.2019 3rd year of osu! 888h total | 51,998 play count | top play: 245pp (Koigokoro +HDDT) 15,923,810,509 ranked score | 48,583,096,421 total score 159 top 50 scores
21.01.2020 4th year of osu! 1870h total | 104,424 play count | top play: 271pp (Ryuusei no Namida +HDDT) 57,477,070,431 ranked score | 151,185,478,778 total score 7068+ top 50 scores & 3174+ top 8 scores & 4170+ country #1s