
Any tablet users?

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Not me, but I know one.

mattyu007 wrote:

<BanchoBot> ZOMGGGG!!!!!! tobebuta IS OUR NEW NUMBER 1 PLAYER!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

.....even tho ur tablet ">>
same as Starrodkirby86.
not me, but I know one XD..
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An64fan wrote:

I use a tablet, although I c/v (or sometimes c/tap lol). :D
Yeah, I do a similar thing. I mapped a button on the side of my tablet (not the pen, the tablet itself) to z, and use that and tap.
I am, and I tap by tapping! =]
I'm a former mouse user and a Wacom Bamboo convert now. And I tap exclusively to the tablet, no keyboard involved.
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How do you guys rely solely on tapping? :o

I can barely keep up with deathstreams without some kind of supplement to the taps.
i'm tabletting too.But the awesomest thing is that i move my tablett with the hand wich already keeps the stylet to have better accuraçy.

i also use x/c for triplets and streams(azerty keyboard)
I usually just skip the difficulties that have so fast streams that I'm unable to tap. That being said, I can pass Marisa using only the tablet (with bazillion combo breaks and D though) and 300 combo stacks in Scatman. If I really want to combo a map and there's only some deathstream between me and full combo, I might resort to z/x. But in general I don't like to play that way, because I can better keep the rhythm together with the tablet.
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Download: Megurine Luka - _theBlue (Gio96b) [_TheLightBlue].osu
I use a tablet since I started playing osu. :D

I used to tap with the stylus, but I started fearing that I could break the pen tip (which is already kind of broken).
so, from a while ago, I've been using z/x (I'm planing on changing those keys though)

I also do the spinners with the tablet. I'm not fast enough to switch to the mouse lol.

I play with the first generation of intuos 9x12, and using the erase side to hit those notes.
bcoz I don't use that side in drawing or erase anything, so i don't care about it damage or not.

And I feel hard to do streams, bcoz handling the pen is unlike mouse or keyboard, that you can use your finger to clicking. I need to move my right wrist to 'hit' the tablet surface. Movement is much slower then finger while streaming.

160bpm tripple / stream is my maximum , lol
I play with a plain tablet, it's 10x15.
For stacks i use the x button + tablet.
I can also easily do kanbu stacks this way, I highly recommend playing like this. It does takes many practice.
wow, 10x15, its huge xD
have fun in jump
10x15 cm ^^'
I've been using a tablet for a week now. I can actually play Osu! the normal way instead of catch the beat now. The mouse hurt my hand to much.

I went up like 1,500 ranks since I started using the tablet.
this must be the third or fourth thread of this nature
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Google lies, then. Sorry for the repeat. :/ ... &sa=search

Though, the focus of this particular thread is the discussion of techniques associated with using a tablet, which would vary quite a bit from a mouse, as well as finding out who else out there used one.

Please don't kill me
I use a Wacom Tablet, I disabled the mouse clicking in options so I had to use z/x and able to keep the pen on the tablet the whole time, it's much easier that way. I also get it slanted about 45 degrees before I start, since where I usually have it's elevated from my body in a way it's hard like that. For spinners I find that making small circles with then pen works fine, and if I try I can get good bonus.

Sorry if this is too big of a bump.
Yep. I have This one
Not me, but I want :o

Derekku Chan wrote:

Yep. I have This one
Wow, your's is so much smaller then mine, mine is twice as big. But it gets the job done well.

rust45 wrote:

Derekku Chan wrote:

Yep. I have This one
Wow, your's is so much smaller then mine, mine is twice as big. But it gets the job done well.
It does the job I want it to. =) *plus the bigger one was a lot more so ew*
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I'd like to proudly proclaim that mine is both bigger and more sensitive than both of yours. :)
I have a 5.8 x 3.7 Bamboo Fun (Small) not the largest or the best ever but it works just great for me.
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Daru wrote:

I'd like to proudly proclaim that mine is both bigger and more sensitive than both of yours. :)
That's what she sa-shot-
Doesn't exactly count as a "tablet"... but I use a DS running a homebrew called DS2WIN that maps the DS's touchscreen to the mouse. I set all the screen update settings to "off" so all the bandwidth is reserved for sending the stylus movements to the computer.

I keep the stylus on the screen at all times and use the Z key for clicking.
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Card N'FoRcE
I'm a mouse player, but sometimes i use this as a tablet to have some fun xD
I'm not kidding (not my video)
it's not so bad to use, but ZX are a must.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

I'm a mouse player, but sometimes i use this as a tablet to have some fun xD
I'm not kidding (not my video)
it's not so bad to use, but ZX are a must.
Hmm, i tried ds2win couple times with osu but it was too laggy for me, but as comments say, maybe you need fast conn and computer.. It's also damn fun to to move mouse and click things while someone else is using computer :D i've fooled many to think their comp has virus on it.. Fun times, fun times.

And i'm mouse player.. been wanting my hands on tablet for long time, though.

heintsi wrote:

Hmm, i tried ds2win couple times with osu but it was too laggy for me, but as comments say, maybe you need fast conn and computer.
That's pretty simple to fix, just press start in Virtual Desktop mode and set all screen update options to "OFF" because why send the monitor to the DS screen when you won't be looking at it anyways. If possible, turn the frame limiter off too.

Though I already mentioned some of these on Page 2...
aah of course.. why didn't i think of that
Another tablet player here (and yeah, I've posted in like two other threads like this but they were all just "WHO PLAYS W/ TABLET LOLOL").

I tap with my tablets for the most part; my accuracy is only good with the tablet. For 1/16th notes, if there are only two, I tap them. If there are three or more (i.e. a stack) I use z/x. I also find spinners much less destructive on your wrist than a mouse because I can just make tiny circles around the pivot of the spinner rather than flailing my mouse around. I also never use z/x and tapping in conjunction (i.e. a stack of 5 will either be 5 tap or 5 z/x alternations; never anything else).

Tablet or mouse, I suck at jumps either way.
I do not know how you people can stand stand tapping, for me, it's tough to hold the stylus over the tablet so the computer still gets the input and then I have to tap, I tried tapping once and swore off my tablet. Then I heard about z and x and how you can disable mouse clicks so I started playing like that by just keeping my stylus on the tablet, it is much easier for me and I can keep the rhythm much better.
You get used to it after playing Ouendan and EBA enough.

rust45 wrote:

I do not know how you people can stand stand tapping, for me, it's tough to hold the stylus over the tablet so the computer still gets the input and then I have to tap, I tried tapping once and swore off my tablet. Then I heard about z and x and how you can disable mouse clicks so I started playing like that by just keeping my stylus on the tablet, it is much easier for me and I can keep the rhythm much better.
That's me. :P

My driver's screwed up. It keeps switching between "working with Vista, but not osu!", and "working with osu!, but not Vista". And when I say working, I mean being able to disable taps via mouse button disable in options. :(

Xiaounlimited wrote:

You get used to it after playing Ouendan and EBA enough.
Oh trust me, I played plenty of EBA back in the day, I still play it now, the problem I have with tapping on a tablet is being able to keep your stylus close enough that your computer gets the input and you can see the cursor move on screen. And when I keep the stylus on the tablet my movements are much more tight.
I just tried disabling clicking, then dragging the stylus using z/x instead. I failed maps I'd normally S or SS. ಠ_ಠ Way too confusing for me.

Thing is, I can resize my tablet's active size both on the tablet and the screen. I use an area that's about 1.3"x1" with an active screen area that only covers my osu! window. I can plant my wrist down and never have to slide it around which means I never lift my stylus around 1cm off (which is the detection area). I also find it helps with jumps immensely since I don't have to fling my hang around, the dragging would be way too slow IMO and I can't play with the mouse to save my life.

To each his own, so they say.
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Hm, I don't really have that problem, with my tablet sensing my pen.

My pen is tracked until about a centimeter off the surface, and it's set to pen mode. Since it's in pen mode anyway, I rely half and half on the cursor on the screen and learned movements with my hand in accordance to a certain position on the screen.

What model tablet do you have?
I have a Wacom Intuos 3. It's also rather big, 6.5X8 inches.
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Hm. I personally own a 9x12" Wacom Intuos3, though I never noticed any issues with the distance.

But then, I had been using my Wacom since a few months prior to joining Osu! for CAD and CG work, so it may be that I'm just used to it. :|
Well as I said before, I also have trouble with controlling the stylus, it's not just making the computer getting the input.
So, any good brands/models for a good tablet for osu! ?
Something not too expensive, since it will probably only for osu :)
EDIT: My new Bamboo tablet works fine :)
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lol, #osu was bitching at me telling me tablet is easier than mouse and told me to start playing with a mouse

I have no tablet, i just use my mouse =]
z/x = for LoOseerzzz..
Mouse only for the win :3

Gladi wrote:

I have no tablet, i just use my mouse =]
z/x = for LoOseerzzz..
Mouse only for the win :3
What are you doing here? D:

Xiaounlimited wrote:

lol, #osu was bitching at me telling me tablet is easier than mouse and told me to start playing with a mouse

They're jealous of our sexy tablets.
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