
Multiple colours for hitscores depending on hiterror

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +1,314
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Simple request.
Would it be possible to add another, different colour to the 100 and 50 hitscore; One for the early 100s, one for the late 100s, one for the early 50s and one for the late 50s?
Sometimes when hitting a stream off the 300s I dont really know if Iam too fast or too slow. My idea is now that there would be a, lets say, red 100 which indicates that youre too fast. If youre too slow, there would be a blue 100. (Or the other way around, red for showing you danger of being too slow, blue to show you that you could/should slow down, "cool down")
Obligatory toggle off/on


Edit: This is an OLD idea. Best thing would probably to make things skinable

Oinari-sama wrote:

Maybe make it skinnable? Some people may want custom indication colour to match their skin design.

Leaving 300s aside, maybe have these for hitting early:

Hitting late:

hit100/hit50/hit0 will be used instead if these new objects don't exist in the skin.
I vaguely recall that there was discussions on having the hit colour take on the hit error colour, but I can't find that topic anywhere...
Topic Starter

Oinari-sama wrote:

I vaguely recall that there was discussions on having the hit colour take on the hit error colour, but I can't find that topic anywhere...
Neither do I, nor recall that there had been one. Thats why Ive opened this one.
Seems like it'd be a lot of hassle for skinners for not all that much use, interesting idea but I'd say it's too much effort for what it's worth. Also, there's a hit error indicator that you can enable in the options that displays how far off the ideal timing you are, although I do understand that it's at the bottom of the screen and it'd be near impossible to keep a constant track of it during a song, but the point I'm making is that something to show your hit accuracy has already been implemented (pretty recently too) so this will probably be rejected.
Coffee Hero
Seems like it'd be a lot of hassle for skinners
El Koko
But we already have the hit error bar...

Anyway I actually like this idea. I find it more useful for 100's/50's, my 300's are transparent anyway
I dont believe too much help should be provided for people as they play.. I found the hit error up during gameplay questionable.. Its only saving grace beeing the positioning, so you could probably only sneak a peek at it for realtime adjustments if you were in a pretty simple or slow moving stream.

I keep it up and it's sufficient to let me check how im messing up some hits. Either during short breaks in the song or in the replay..

Adding something that would give you an even clearer visual input on how you're following the beat would just be a small step from adding an ingame metronome helping you follow the song.. I think too much fluff and help will take from the experience rather than expand it.
Topic Starter
I ofc know about the hiterror meter on the bottom, thats where the idea is from. Since Iam currently trying to get used to higher BPM steams I am able to check it if theres a break after a long stream - I like it for that purpose, but iam just unable to check it as I am streaming.

iaceo wrote:

I found the hit error up during gameplay questionable.. Its only saving grace beeing the positioning, so you could probably only sneak a peek at it for realtime adjustments if you were in a pretty simple or slow moving stream.
^Pretty much this.

iaceo wrote:

... or in the replay
Thats what I have to do and I dont feel like it helps me in any way, since I cant slow down or speed up when the map's already played.

iaceo wrote:

Adding something that would give you an even clearer visual input on how you're following the beat would just be a small step from adding an ingame metronome helping you follow the song.. I think too much fluff and help will take from the experience rather than expand it.
Maybe it could be handled the same as animated followpoints are? If someone wants this feature in his skin then he could just create, lets say, hit100e and hit100l for early and late- or just leave it as it is to disable this feature.
And as the experience goes; As someone whos learning how to stream it would definitely help me alot. Maybe new players would benefit too
I wouldn't mind this if it was something that can be turned on and off. Also, instead of having a different pictures for late/early, I think the hit bursts should simply change colours depending on how late/early they were pressed. So for example, the user can select any five colours they want for the following judgements: very early, early, on time, late, and very late.

If the user picks yellow/green/blue/orange/purple respectively for example, the hit bursts (including 300s) will be solid blue when perfectly on time, between blue and orange when a little late and between blue and green when a little early. Solid yellow/purple when the object is hit as early/late as possible, and otherwise somewhere in between yellow/green and orange/purple. This would allow (with some visual training) the player to receive feedback on how early/late they are without needing to make any changes to skin elements and without having to look at the bar on the bottom, while also allowing players to define their own colours which they are comfortable with.
Your Good Self

Oinari-sama wrote:

I vaguely recall that there was discussions on having the hit colour take on the hit error colour, but I can't find that topic anywhere...

Your Good Self wrote:

Oinari-sama wrote:

I vaguely recall that there was discussions on having the hit colour take on the hit error colour, but I can't find that topic anywhere...
Oh it was t/130808! Thanks for digging that up :)

I'll leave this one open for time being since there's a recent duplicate. If you have anything new to add to this request now's the time :)
Really would like to see this in the game, I had a duplicate thread because I didn't know this one existed. Just bringing it back up. Support++;
This would be useful.
I give this idea zero walnuts on the walnut scale.

Reason: I enjoy not knowing if im too early or too fast, It leads to my eventual purchase of a new keyboard.

Note: There is no such thing as too much fluff.
Reason: I enjoy not knowing if im too early or too fast, It leads to my eventual purchase of a new keyboard.
By far the weirdest reason to anything I read so far.

There is no such thing as too much fluff.
And the weirdest followup I read

abraker wrote:

Reason: I enjoy not knowing if im too early or too fast, It leads to my eventual purchase of a new keyboard.
By far the weirdest reason to anything I read so far.

There is no such thing as too much fluff.
And the weirdest followup I read
I can assure you that my statement is backed up by science, and factual statements and cool stuff like that!
why add confusion?
This would be helpful and can't see it being to hard to add, Skinning the new numbers takes about 5 min to copy past and change colour so can't see that being a big deal

OsuMe65 wrote:

why add confusion?
I can see this but I was thinking more of a lighter/darker for the numbers rather than a full colour change E.g. Dark green 100s for falling behind light green for going to fast. Plus you don't really need to use them

El Koko wrote:

But we already have the hit error bar...

Anyway I actually like this idea. I find it more useful for 100's/50's, my 300's are transparent anyway
the hit error bar forces you to look down (no matter how quick the glance), 300's wouldn't make any seance (the higher the OD the less seance 300's make) because they're "perfect"
Topic Starter
That 1 year necro though.

I guess I'd still be for the idea, but only if this happens to be optional.
Maybe make it skinnable? Some people may want custom indication colour to match their skin design.

Leaving 300s aside, maybe have these for hitting early:

Hitting late:

hit100/hit50/hit0 will be used instead if these new objects don't exist in the skin.
Distinguishing between early misses and late misses would be more misleading than useful, I think, and would probably also require delaying the miss graphic in a ton of cases, which is just bad. I'm neutral on the actual request, but if it gets implemented, please no hit0e and hit0L

Redon wrote:

GhostFrog wrote:

Distinguishing between early misses and late misses would be more misleading than useful, I think, and would probably also require delaying the miss graphic in a ton of cases, which is just bad. I'm neutral on the actual request, but if it gets implemented, please no hit0e and hit0L
How would it delay the miss graphic? The "too late" misses already pop up only once you're past a note's timing window, and the "too early misses" pop up right as you click a note before its timing window begins.

As optional, skinnable elements I would really like to see this added.
Assuming "late misses" get distinguished from "YOU DIDN'T PRESS ANYTHING, YOU IDIOT" misses, the game would have to wait for you to try to press a key before displaying the hit0L graphic and even then I don't know how the game would make the distinction between a late attempt at one note or an early attempt at the next in certain cases (streams).

Actually I might be thinking about this wrong, but I still wouldn't want early and late misses to be a thing.
Why not just add a "+" or "-" after the score indicating if you are late or early?

Redon wrote:

GhostFrog wrote:

Assuming "late misses" get distinguished from "YOU DIDN'T PRESS ANYTHING, YOU IDIOT" misses, the game would have to wait for you to try to press a key before displaying the hit0L graphic and even then I don't know how the game would make the distinction between a late attempt at one note or an early attempt at the next in certain cases (streams).
A "late miss" can only be displayed once you are absolutely too late to get even a 50 on a certain note, and at that point the game doesn't have to wait for anything in either case, it can display the "late miss" right away. I'm pretty sure that's how it works right now, too. If you were still in time to press anything, it would be a 50, not a miss. "late miss" == "you didn't press anything"
Not quite true - what if you hit in the late 100 or late 50 window but don't have your cursor over the note?

But I guess what I said is only an issue if the game treats "you missed because you hit 150ms late" (possible with streams and other such nonsense) and "you missed because you didn't press any keys corresponding to this hit object" separately. To be fair, I think early vs late misses would be more harmful than useful outside of that, but not having it probably avoids the problem I'm talking about and maybe some people would like it. As long as hit0.png can count as both hit0e and hit0L for those of us who don't want early and late misses, it's fine with me ^_^

Redon wrote:

GhostFrog wrote:

Not quite true - what if you hit in the late 100 or late 50 window but don't have your cursor over the note?
Nothing happens? If you don't click on the note, you might as well not have clicked at all. It's not counted. You can can click next to a note slightly too late and still hit it if you click again on the note itself before the 50 window ends.. what would you count as an early miss then? (I thought it prevented you from being able to hit that note anymore if you did what I said, but I don't know the mechanics of that as well as I should....)
It will kind of work if 300 <-> 100 <-> 50 colours blend correctly
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

Why not just add a "+" or "-" after the score indicating if you are late or early?
That'd work with the skinability. hit100e could be a normal 100 with a simple "-" behind it then.

Yauxo wrote:

abraker wrote:

Why not just add a "+" or "-" after the score indicating if you are late or early?
That'd work with the skinability. hit100e could be a normal 100 with a simple "-" behind it then.
I would rather skin so the the "+" or "-" is in front, but based on the idea you mentioned: just add skin elements for hit100p, hit100n, hit200p, hit200n, etc..., where the"p" suffix is for positive offset and the "n" suffix is for negative offset. I would still keep the old hit100, etc sprites for capability reasons and for the glory when you hit a+0ms on a note. For the compatibility, just let the game to default to the old sprite set if the new hit sprites are not found.
drum drum
why not E or L instead of - or + as that can confuse new players
I think "+" and "-" is better to distinguish in the corner of my eye when playing beatmaps. But that doesn't matter, if the offset hitscore gets implemented as I proposed, then this question of what is better is not relevant since you would be able to skin it however you want.
Topic Starter

drum drum wrote:

why not E or L instead of - or + as that can confuse new players
After all, it could just be a "bonus" skinnable element where new players have the 100s we now have and those who want to have the - and + ones can skin them themselves.
drum drum
but the default skin would consist of - + and like i said it can confuse new players

drum drum wrote:

but the default skin would consist of - + and like i said it can confuse new players
I see where you are coming from since the offset setting works on reverse. Letters after is also hard to distinguish while playing. Maybe arrows? If you want "E" and "L" in the default, fine by me as long as it's skinnable.
drum drum

abraker wrote:

drum drum wrote:

but the default skin would consist of - + and like i said it can confuse new players
I see where you are coming from since the offset setting works on reverse. Letters after is also hard to distinguish while playing. Maybe arrows? If you want "E" and "L" in the default, fine by me as long as it's skinnable.
i mean it looks like you could be losing or gaining points

yeah arrows would work
Well if this comes in the form of new skinning elements you can pretty much make your own "cue," even turtles and lightning sign goes :)

As someone who's currently learning how to stream, I'd love to have this.
Upvoted this

All the japanese games like iidx and sound voltex have it. Why can't we.
This would be perfect for accuracy sensitive ppl. I'll support

Learning how to stream and this would be really helpful.
Essential for PF plays or streaming. Looking at the hit error bar is a sure way to fail a map (or at least break combo and get a worthless score), so this is much more sensible.
I wish this were a feature. If I was a supporter I'd vote for this, but since I'm not the best I can do is bump this thread.
I want something like this, but rather than having the same color intensity, we should make it so that there's more color intensity for hit error.

Like this, and the 3 colors would be able to be changed.

drum drum wrote:

but the default skin would consist of - + and like i said it can confuse new players
dont put it in the default skin. Have it an option for skinners. It is perfect for people trying to learn stream, know when they are over/under streaming without having to glance down at the score meter.
bump to know why i misstimed when playing with high OD

Oinari-sama wrote:

Maybe make it skinnable? Some people may want custom indication colour to match their skin design.

Leaving 300s aside, maybe have these for hitting early:

Hitting late:

hit100/hit50/hit0 will be used instead if these new objects don't exist in the skin.
t/103304, add this and put those in the override folder
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