
Kurosaki Maon - UNDER/SHAFT (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年12月3日 at 20:03:46

Artist: Kurosaki Maon
Title: UNDER/SHAFT (TV Size)
Source: Jormungand PERFECT ORDER
Tags: ヨルムンガンド opening
BPM: 165
Filesize: 2566kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Frey's Insane (4.75 stars, 372 notes)
  2. Hard (3.02 stars, 215 notes)
  3. Insane (4.33 stars, 322 notes)
  4. Normal (1.88 stars, 130 notes)
Download: Kurosaki Maon - UNDER/SHAFT (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1st map
Ayesha Altugle
Topic Starter

vahn10 wrote:

From M4M
你要明白一定随着难度提升 4围越来越大顶多是一样 。不可能出现越来越低的情况
KIAI 部分高难度建议跟着VOCAL 红线起没问题 打起来也顺畅
这个E有点厉害阿E的4围有点高啊 当N都可以了
强烈建议CS2 HP3 OD2~3 AR3~4 SV1.0 DS1.0
00:20:564 (1,2,3) - 不需要叠
00:22:382 (4,5) - ^
00:24:564 (2) - 最后不要放在 00:22:746 (5) - 位置上
00:24:928 (3,4) - 不需要叠
00:32:201 这段太空了 建议添加物件
00:38:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 单点过多建议一些合并成滑条
KIAI开头节奏有点错误 应该是红线起的节奏
还是一样 不需要叠 就不重复了 折返滑条建议最多2次
00:14:382 (4) - N难度不建议用4分拍滑条 其他就不指出了
00:44:215 太空建议补上物件
00:53:291 (3,4) - 造成视觉错误
CS 建议4 OD建议6
00:31:473 (6) - 太多折返了建议分2次
00:34:382 (5) - 建议用2分拍
00:59:655 (1,1,1) - 没必要用8分拍
01:22:746 (7) - NC
01:23:791 (10) - 怀疑摆错位置
00:01:655 (4) - 感觉滑条节奏有问题 建议改成个2个2分拍滑条
00:08:201 (3) - 折返太长
00:19:837 (6) - ^
00:44:019这段太空了 不适合高难度 建议BREAK掉
01:09:110 (7) - 折返太长
01:11:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 不适合连打

总的来说问题有点多._.希望有待加强吧 :)
Topic Starter

sjoy wrote:

From M4M
你要明白一定随着难度提升 4围越来越大顶多是一样 。不可能出现越来越低的情况
KIAI 部分高难度建议跟着VOCAL 红线起没问题 打起来也顺畅
这个E有点厉害阿E的4围有点高啊 当N都可以了第一次搞没调准
强烈建议CS2 HP3 OD2~3 AR3~4 SV1.0 DS1.0
EN难度变速真是作死全部改成1.0 <fix
00:20:564 (1,2,3) - 不需要叠<fix
00:22:382 (4,5) - ^ <fix
00:24:564 (2) - 最后不要放在 00:22:746 (5) - 位置上<fix
00:24:928 (3,4) - 不需要叠<fix
00:32:201 这段太空了 建议添加物件<fix
00:38:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 单点过多建议一些合并成滑条<fix
KIAI开头节奏有点错误 应该是红线起的节奏<fix
还是一样 不需要叠 就不重复了 折返滑条建议最多2次
00:14:382 (4) - N难度不建议用4分拍滑条 其他就不指出了用来代替连打的,我不是太会做EN。。
00:44:215 太空建议补上物件<fix
00:53:291 (3,4) - 造成视觉错误<大失误=A=fix
CS 建议4 OD建议6
00:31:473 (6) - 太多折返了建议分2次<fix
00:34:382 (5) - 建议用2分拍<fix
00:59:655 (1,1,1) - 没必要用8分拍其实这个地方不太会做啦,不过还是做了点修改
01:22:746 (7) - NC<fix
01:23:791 (10) - 怀疑摆错位置 有么。。
00:01:655 (4) - 感觉滑条节奏有问题 建议改成个2个2分拍滑条节奏是对了但感觉不太好打了,还是fix了。。
00:08:201 (3) - 折返太长跟着BGM来的
00:19:837 (6) - ^^
00:44:019这段太空了 不适合高难度 建议BREAK掉break掉、、我觉得这样也行,不过还是再看看
01:09:110 (7) - 折返太长虽然说不上理由但是感觉也只能这么做。。再看看
01:11:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 不适合连打还好吧。。

总的来说问题有点多._.希望有待加强吧 :)

thx for modding

黑: 普通的建议
红: 不符合规则 / 需要考虑下

在Song Setup -> Design 去掉 "Enable Countdown", "Widescreen Support" 和 "Letterbox during breaks". 这些对这图都没用的
Offset 太快了, 建议 -10


00:00:201 (1) - 弯曲的slider怎么样, 感觉一开始就僵硬的slider不好
00:04:382 - & 00:04:473 - 有音吧 可以放note啊 怎么你忽略了
00:06:019 (1,2) - 没包好
00:06:564 (2,3,4) - 这三个的间隔不同...一定要相同的
00:07:746 - 有音
00:15:837 (1,1,1) - 这个不用NC吧...
00:25:837 (1) - ^
00:48:746 (1) - 我觉得这spinner太短 建议换成slider
00:56:564 (5) - 不美


00:00:928 (2,4) - 没包好
00:10:746 (1,2) - 没叠好
00:24:019 (2,3) - 这个太靠近了吧...
00:27:473 (2) - CTRL+G? 这样比较好flow
00:44:564 (1,1,1) - 感觉不好
00:54:746 (3,1,2,3) - 没叠好...

N E 还好
感觉NC用太乱 不均匀...放得不好
排发还行 就是有些僵硬...
Topic Starter

mintong89 wrote:


黑: 普通的建议
红: 不符合规则 / 需要考虑下

在Song Setup -> Design 去掉 "Enable Countdown", "Widescreen Support" 和 "Letterbox during breaks". 这些对这图都没用的好的
Offset 太快了, 建议 -10


00:00:201 (1) - 弯曲的slider怎么样, 感觉一开始就僵硬的slider不好fix
00:04:382 - & 00:04:473 - 有音吧 可以放note啊 怎么你忽略了fix
00:06:019 (1,2) - 没包好没想包来着,还是fix
00:06:564 (2,3,4) - 这三个的间隔不同...一定要相同的fix
00:07:746 - 有音居然没发现
00:15:837 (1,1,1) - 这个不用NC吧...跟着背景的3,2,1来的,不过竟然这么说了那就fix吧
00:25:837 (1) - ^这里是个跳欸,我听人说有跳的话还是nc,暂时先保留啦我不是很懂再问问
00:48:746 (1) - 我觉得这spinner太短 建议换成slider我个人蛮喜欢这个的,和背景有个电子音也比较合拍,滑调的话拉不出好看的._.先这样吧
00:56:564 (5) - 不美就算你这么说我也不会啊;w;


00:00:928 (2,4) - 没包好没发现这里再包=A=fix
00:10:746 (1,2) - 没叠好
00:24:019 (2,3) - 这个太靠近了吧...按照ds1.2排了下(其实没多少变化啦:P)
00:27:473 (2) - CTRL+G? 这样比较好flow虽然不知道什么是flow,但是fix
00:44:564 (1,1,1) - 感觉不好fix
00:54:746 (3,1,2,3) - 没叠好...叠好的吧。。。

N E 还好其实我是想叫人帮我看看NE比较多啦因为不会做;w;
感觉NC用太乱 不均匀...放得不好我也不知道怎么放。。。
排发还行 就是有些僵硬...
Thank you for your modding(。・∀・)ノ゙
General 你可以从那里拿个clap的音效 我觉得应该不错..
这歌比较带感 用原始音效就比较平淡


怪不得我打起来那么奇怪 原来timing没对准 所有难度的offest调整成228 然后记得resnap all notes 在timing里


00:00:191(1,2)-(1)的开头加个finish 尾上加clap
00:01:645(1,2)-时间轴上位置换一下 然后(1)-add nc 排版也调整一下 音效加法和上面一样
00:20:554(1)-add finish
00:27:100(2)-把(2)放到(1)的上面去 因为之前的蓝slider有点遮挡
00:27:827(3,4,5,6)-不要放在同一个位置下note 摆开 然后不要被之前或之后的note遮挡住
00:35:463(1)-add finish

不行了..在timing不准的情况下无法mod 你调整好timing后我来recheck 然后easy很多节奏都下的不好 多跟着歌词走 需要remap一下

楼上居然还让你offest-10 是根本不懂怎么测把
我错了 是+10 打错字对不起 ;w;
Topic Starter

BakaHuang wrote:

General 你可以从那里拿个clap的音效 我觉得应该不错..
这歌比较带感 用原始音效就比较平淡好我先问下别人


怪不得我打起来那么奇怪 原来timing没对准 所有难度的offest调整成228 然后记得resnap all notes 在timing里

00:00:191(1,2)-(1)的开头加个finish 尾上加clap
00:01:645(1,2)-时间轴上位置换一下 然后(1)-add nc 排版也调整一下 音效加法和上面一样
00:20:554(1)-add finish
00:27:100(2)-把(2)放到(1)的上面去 因为之前的蓝slider有点遮挡
00:27:827(3,4,5,6)-不要放在同一个位置下note 摆开 然后不要被之前或之后的note遮挡住
00:35:463(1)-add finish
不行了..在timing不准的情况下无法mod 你调整好timing后我来recheck 然后easy很多节奏都下的不好 多跟着歌词走 需要remap一下

楼上居然还让你offest-10 是根本不懂怎么测把

mintong89 wrote:

我错了 是+10 打错字对不起 ;w;没事,我在改就好了(。・∀・)ノ゙

突然发现文件夹里有个320k的mp3 删了


00:08:955(break)-拖到这边开始break 鼠标移到break上会有拉伸箭头
00:31:864(4,5)-remove notes, add slider from 00:31:682(4)- to 00:32:228(4)-
00:44:228(1)-the spinner starts from 00:43:864-


01:18:7739(1,1,1,1,2)-在easy里不要随意改变间距 最后整张图的间距都相等
File里有个open aimod 间距问题他会调出来告诉你的


normal也是 打开aimod 看下间距问题 normal也差不多需要等距
01:00:955(1)-应该挪到前面的红线上 这边到01:05:500(5)-的节奏下法

01:08:228(5)-这里加个note 把slider移到后面的红线上

后面一段空白的地方和easy一样下法 跟着鼓点走就行 note or slider both ok


00:14:591(3,1)-这边间距太近 不如后面的slider(1,2,3,4)-的始端行成个正方形的样子
00:35:500(1)-这里不要放在前面4notes下面 有点遮挡
00:39:318(4)-add note
00:49:137(1)-add note


还有一个间距问题比较严重 刚开始的话还是开着DS作图比较好 就相等间隔的note最好放的距离也相等 这个是针对包括hard和以下的难度

稍微说了点节奏的问题 改好后我再教你排版
From my queue~
Thank you for M4M req ;)

  1. Kiai-Time start at 00:49:682- ?
  1. 00:30:773 (3,4) - How about this rhythm?
  2. 00:44:228 (1) - start at 00:43:864
  3. 00:49:318 (1,2) - it is better not to stack
  4. 00:50:773 (3,4) - ^
  5. 00:58:409 (6) - delete. instead the following
  6. 00:58:773 (1) - 00:58:409~01:00:955
  1. 01:08:228 (5) - end at 01:08:773
  2. 01:11:318- add a note (become difficult?)
  3. 01:12:591 (5) - move to 01:12:409
  1. 00:46:046 (3) - NC
  2. 00:47:500 (5) - NC
  3. 00:48:773 (4) - move to x:214 y:139
  4. 00:49:137- add a note
  5. 00:49:318~ SV is too high, for hard-diff
  6. 00:52:409- add a note
  7. 00:53:137 (1,2,3) - uniform angle
  8. 00:54:409 (1,2,3) - finsh don't suit
  9. 00:56:046 (4,5,6,1) - how about this?
  10. 01:06:046 (4,5) - finsh don't suit
  11. 01:08:773- add a note
  12. 01:16:409 (1,2,3,4,5) - it is better to fix awkward position. for example the following
  1. 00:16:591 (7) - NC
  2. 00:34:591 (2) - move to 00:34:682
  3. 00:54:773 (5) - NC
  4. 00:55:500 (13) - NC. Instead, remove NC of 00:56:046 (1) -
  5. 01:24:591 (15) - NC
I think that short reverse sliders are too many
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

BakaHuang wrote:


突然发现文件夹里有个320k的mp3 删了留下了作案痕迹,失误=A=


00:08:955(break)-拖到这边开始break 鼠标移到break上会有拉伸箭头太感谢了啊我就是想做这个但是不会
00:31:864(4,5)-remove notes, add slider from 00:31:682(4)- to 00:32:228(4)-fix
00:44:228(1)-the spinner starts from 00:43:864-fix


01:18:7739(1,1,1,1,2)-在easy里不要随意改变间距 最后整张图的间距都相等
File里有个open aimod 间距问题他会调出来告诉你的


normal也是 打开aimod 看下间距问题 normal也差不多需要等距
00:58:773(2)-这个slider应该拉到00:59:864- 这是跟着bg下的不是vocal,感觉暂时还是按照原样
01:00:955(1)-应该挪到前面的红线上 这边到01:05:500(5)-的节奏下法

01:08:228(5)-这里加个note 把slider移到后面的红线上

后面一段空白的地方和easy一样下法 跟着鼓点走就行 note or slider both ok

00:14:591(3,1)-这边间距太近 不如后面的slider(1,2,3,4)-的始端行成个正方形的样子
00:35:500(1)-这里不要放在前面4notes下面 有点遮挡
00:39:318(4)-add note
00:49:137(1)-add note

还有一个间距问题比较严重 刚开始的话还是开着DS作图比较好 就相等间隔的note最好放的距离也相等 这个是针对包括hard和以下的难度我以后注意;w;

稍微说了点节奏的问题 改好后我再教你排版

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~
Thank you for M4M req ;)

  1. Kiai-Time start at 00:49:682- ? yep, i think there is a problem with kiai time。but not in 00:49:682- , but 00:49:137
  1. 00:30:773 (3,4) - How about this rhythm?ur right._.
  2. 00:44:228 (1) - start at 00:43:864fix
  3. 00:49:318 (1,2) - it is better not to stacksorry i did a remap for this part, so it's completely different now. but i think ur right
  4. 00:50:773 (3,4) - ^^
  5. 00:58:409 (6) - delete. instead the followingfix
  6. 00:58:773 (1) - 00:58:409~01:00:955

  1. 01:08:228 (5) - end at 01:08:773ye, did some fix now
  2. 01:11:318- add a note (become difficult?)added now(。・∀・)ノ゙
  3. 01:12:591 (5) - move to 01:12:409sorry i've did some remap there, so it's different now
  1. 00:46:046 (3) - NCfix
  2. 00:47:500 (5) - NCfix
  3. 00:48:773 (4) - move to x:214 y:139fix
  4. 00:49:137- add a notefix
  5. 00:49:318~ SV is too high, for hard-diffeeeeeee,lot of work to do......try to fi it QAQ
  6. 00:52:409- add a note FIX
  7. 00:53:137 (1,2,3) - uniform angle
  8. 00:54:409 (1,2,3) - finsh don't suitok removed
  9. 00:56:046 (4,5,6,1) - how about this?saiyo
  10. 01:06:046 (4,5) - finsh don't suitsorry i am poor at hitsounding
  11. 01:08:773- add a notedone
  12. 01:16:409 (1,2,3,4,5) - it is better to fix awkward position. for example the following
  1. 00:16:591 (7) - NCok
  2. 00:34:591 (2) - move to 00:34:682why.( ˘•ω•˘ )
  3. 00:54:773 (5) - NCok
  4. 00:55:500 (13) - NC. Instead, remove NC of 00:56:046 (1) - ok
  5. 01:24:591 (15) - NCfinished yey. it take me whole afternoon to fix ;w;
I think that short reverse sliders are too many
~Good Luck~
thx for your modding (。・∀・)ノ゙
m4m.sorry for late mod :P


  1. you used 1366x768 BG. so check 'Widescreen support' in song setup,Design.
i can see overlaped note in Easy Diff. It's not good for Easy Player. don't use overlap.

  1. 00:03:137 (1) - Finish
  2. 00:27:137 (2) - try this
  3. 00:30:773 (3) - NC
  4. 00:31:682 (4) - finish on end of slider.
  5. 00:45:682 (1) - start on 00:45:318.(end time is not change)
  6. 00:52:046 (5) - NC?
  7. 01:09:137 (1,1) - so close for Newbie player.
  8. 01:12:954 (5) - NC
  9. 01:24:773 (1) - start on 01:26:046


  1. 00:00:955 (2) - clap,finish on first of slider.
  2. 00:03:864 (2) - finish on first of slider
  3. 00:23:864 (1,2) - perfectly overlap on 00:22:773 (5). :arrow: (256,248)
  4. 00:47:500 (1) - finish
  5. 00:56:591 (3) - it's maybe hard for normal player. and NC
  6. 01:01:500 (1) - remove NC
  7. 01:02:228 (2) - NC

  1. 00:38:228 (9) - NC
  2. 00:43:137 (5) - ^
ok that's all... :?
Topic Starter

TaMul wrote:

m4m.sorry for late mod :P


  1. you used 1366x768 BG. so check 'Widescreen support' in song setup,Design.done
i can see overlaped note in Easy Diff. It's not good for Easy Player. don't use overlap.try to fix this ;w;

  1. 00:03:137 (1) - Finishfix
  2. 00:27:137 (2) - try this
  3. 00:30:773 (3) - NCfix
  4. 00:31:682 (4) - finish on end of slider.ok
  5. 00:45:682 (1) - start on 00:45:318.(end time is not change)ok
  6. 00:52:046 (5) - NC?umm...maybe yes
  7. 01:09:137 (1,1) - so close for Newbie player.really (;w;)just make the spinner longer
  8. 01:12:954 (5) - NCfix
  9. 01:24:773 (1) - start on 01:26:046ummm,keep


  1. 00:00:955 (2) - clap,finish on first of slider. ok
  2. 00:03:864 (2) - finish on first of sliderdone
  3. 00:23:864 (1,2) - perfectly overlap on 00:22:773 (5). :arrow: (256,248)fix
  4. 00:47:500 (1) - finishfix
  5. 00:56:591 (3) - it's maybe hard for normal player. and NCummm...i have no idea about how normal player think;w;but NC
  6. 01:01:500 (1) - remove NCfix
  7. 01:02:228 (2) - NCfix

  1. 00:38:228 (9) - NCfix
  2. 00:43:137 (5) - ^fix
ok that's all... :?
wow thank you for your modding
Hi~ Sorry for the late ;w;

General request from


●黒崎 真音⇛ 黒崎真音
Don't create a space. This is correct for most sites.


Please to capitalize the "s" of "size". Most maps are this.


●Jormungand -Perfect Order- ⇛ Jormungand PERFECT ORDER
This is correct in the wiki.


●Add "ヨルムンガンド"
It is possible to add to the tags. I recommend that you add. Recently, many maps would have been added (Various anime).

●Add "opening"
Because it is the opening song.

good luck~ xD
Topic Starter

-Gamu- wrote:

Hi~ Sorry for the late ;w;

General request from


●黒崎 真音⇛ 黒崎真音
Don't create a space. This is correct for most sites.


Please to capitalize the "s" of "size". Most maps are this.


●Jormungand -Perfect Order- ⇛ Jormungand PERFECT ORDER
This is correct in the wiki.


●Add "ヨルムンガンド"
It is possible to add to the tags. I recommend that you add. Recently, many maps would have been added (Various anime).

●Add "opening"
Because it is the opening song.

good luck~ xD
these really helpful;D
will add it thank you so much
Hi o3o Random mod!

00:00:228 - Try this rhythm?

00:30:773 (1) - Flip it like this:
I don't like how it's reverse is being overlapped by the previous slider's tail :(
01:13:500 (2,3,4,5) - Hmm this might be a little to hard for new beginners to handle :(
01:19:500 (1) - Remove NC
01:20:955 (1) - ^

  1. Sliders look pretty fast, I'd suggest trying to lower the slider velocity to 1.20, but this is imo.
  2. AR - 1
00:44:955 (2) - Add clap to the head.
00:46:409 (2) - ^
01:04:773 (5) - NC
01:10:773 (2,3) - Stack?

Looks nice :P

00:14:773 (1) - Add finish
00:20:228 (3) - This might be tricky, but try dding a finish to the tail of this slider at 00:20:591.
00:33:682 (4) - Add clap to the tail.
00:34:773 (7) - ^
00:35:500 (1) - ^ On the head.
00:36:228 (3) - ^
00:38:228 (1) - ^ On the tail.
00:38:773 (3) - ^ On the tail.
00:44:591 (1) - Add finish
00:44:954 (2) - Use clap.
00:46:409 (2) - ^
00:47:864 (2) - ^
00:48:592 (3) - ^
00:57:318 (7) - NC
01:21:682 (5) - Add clap to the tail.
01:22:773 (1) - ^ On the head.
01:23:500 (3) - ^ On the head.

...Sorry I can't mod this ;_;

Overall, I'd say this maps looking pretty good! :D Few more mods and it'll probably be bubbled!
Hope this helps~!
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Hi o3o Random mod!really thx to your mod゚(゚ノω ;`)゚

00:00:228 - Try this rhythm?ok

00:30:773 (1) - Flip it like this:
I don't like how it's reverse is being overlapped by the previous slider's tail :(sorry i am confused about how a such ez diff to fit a this is a bad work;w;
01:13:500 (2,3,4,5) - Hmm this might be a little to hard for new beginners to handle :(how it can be... ok fix
01:19:500 (1) - Remove NCfix
01:20:955 (1) - ^fix

  1. Sliders look pretty fast, I'd suggest trying to lower the slider velocity to 1.20, but this is imo.hmm not change cuz it will be a big work...i think 1.4 is ok(maybe
  2. AR - 1
00:44:955 (2) - Add clap to the head.fix
00:46:409 (2) - ^^
01:04:773 (5) - NC^
01:10:773 (2,3) - Stack?no cuz i think it's ez for read(if it's in a harder diff,but for normal i an not quite sure

Looks nice :P

00:14:773 (1) - Add finish
00:20:228 (3) - This might be tricky, but try dding a finish to the tail of this slider at 00:20:591.
00:33:682 (4) - Add clap to the tail.
00:34:773 (7) - ^
00:35:500 (1) - ^ On the head.
00:36:228 (3) - ^
00:38:228 (1) - ^ On the tail.
00:38:773 (3) - ^ On the tail.
00:44:591 (1) - Add finish
00:44:954 (2) - Use clap.
00:46:409 (2) - ^
00:47:864 (2) - ^
00:48:592 (3) - ^
00:57:318 (7) - NCfix
01:21:682 (5) - Add clap to the tail.
01:22:773 (1) - ^ On the head.
01:23:500 (3) - ^ On the head.
about hitsound problem all fix
...Sorry I can't mod this ;_;

Overall, I'd say this maps looking pretty good! :D Few more mods and it'll probably be bubbled!
Hope this helps~!
really helped and thx a lot. try to find more mods nowadays._.
From your request ~

00:49:137 - Kiai time should start at 00:49:682

A little bit messy =/
HP Drain Rate => 2
00:43:864 (1,1,1) - Whynot do just one slider which ends at 00:48:228 ?
01:10:409 (1,2) - Delete them for do a mini "break time" after the spinner
01:18:228 (5,1) - Distance Snap

HP Drain Rate => 3
00:09:318 (2,3) - Distance snap
00:14:409 (4,1) - ^
00:22:046 (3,4,5) - Hard jumps x/
00:26:046 (5,1) - Distance snap
00:31:046 - Add something here, to be logical with the music (and delete / move the sldier)
00:32:228 (1) - The 1/4 isn't needed
00:43:137 (4,1) - Distance Snap
01:06:409 (4,1,2) - Distance Snap

00:06:137 (1) - This spiner should start at 00:06:228
00:30:773 (1) - This slider must ends at 00:31:046
00:35:500 (1,2) - Distance Snap
00:41:500 (2,1) - ^
00:42:773 (3,4,1) - It must be at the same place than (1,2)
00:43:682 (2) - It must be placed at x:240 y:272
01:26:046 (1,2,3) - Maybe a Slider ?

00:07:682 (1,2) - High jump =/
00:15:864 (4,5,6) - Distance Snap (5)
00:22:773 (7,8,9) - ^ (8)

The rest is quite good...
Anyway, Good Luck *u*
Topic Starter

Kenterz9 wrote:

From your request ~

00:49:137 - Kiai time should start at 00:49:682hold this comment

A little bit messy =/really Q_Q
HP Drain Rate => 2ok
00:43:864 (1,1,1) - Whynot do just one slider which ends at 00:48:228 ?just follow vocal
01:10:409 (1,2) - Delete them for do a mini "break time" after the spinnernice idea
01:18:228 (5,1) - Distance Snapfix

HP Drain Rate => 3ok
00:09:318 (2,3) - Distance snapfix
00:14:409 (4,1) - ^hard for make a shape, so no
00:22:046 (3,4,5) - Hard jumps x/add NC to remind players, no change on placemnet
00:26:046 (5,1) - Distance snapfix
00:31:046 - Add something here, to be logical with the music (and delete / move the sldier)will think about it. in fact it's the best way i can do for there now
00:32:228 (1) - The 1/4 isn't neededmaybe u r right...change to 1/2
00:43:137 (4,1) - Distance Snaplong break there, so i think it's unnecessary
01:06:409 (4,1,2) - Distance Snapfix

00:06:137 (1) - This spiner should start at 00:06:228k
00:30:773 (1) - This slider must ends at 00:31:046not necessary but also ok, so fix
00:35:500 (1,2) - Distance Snapdo some fi there
00:41:500 (2,1) - ^made some change as well
00:42:773 (3,4,1) - It must be at the same place than (1,2)this is also something confused me. in the editor it is stacked, but in game it's not.the way how i pace it now can make a compeletly stack in game....idk why and how to fix this, just left it there
00:43:682 (2) - It must be placed at x:240
01:26:046 (1,2,3) - Maybe a Slider ?come on the notes fit the rhythum :o

00:07:682 (1,2) - High jump =/forgot the DS just try it and you will find it's a nice flow
00:15:864 (4,5,6) - Distance Snap (5)fix
00:22:773 (7,8,9) - ^ (8)fix

The rest is quite good...
Anyway, Good Luck *u*
thank you for your modding ._.
Hey, welcome my average mod!


Check up with AImod, there are audio lead in and break letterbox problems between all but insane.


00:57:318 (4) - clap
01:07:500 (2,3) - whistles don't fit
01:08:228 (3) - remove one repeat
01:23:864 (2) - ^ especially since previous slider is only two repeats


00:03:864 (2) - this is funny XD
00:34:409 (5) - grid right
00:53:682 (4) - bleh, make slider same as 00:54:409 (5)
01:07:500 (2,3,4,5,6) - doesn't flow well with rest, change slider to circle for triplet


00:03:137 (3,4) - delete (3) and pull slider to where it was, circle at 00:03:682
00:20:228 (3) - a little too over the top 0.0
00:38:228 (1) - end clap?
00:39:864 (6) - beginning clap? ^ i find it weird to stray from the hit sound pattern since it will already change at (7)
00:42:046 (1,2,3,4,1) - stack them a little better
00:57:864 (3) - breaks flow, shorten to white tick and circle at 00:58:228
01:08:773 (8) - grid right


00:37:682 (5) - whistle start
00:48:591 (4,5,6) - these jumps are a little ugly, make (5) the same as the others and leave the jump for (6)
00:53:318 (4) - rotate anticlockwise from selection centre by 4
00:55:500 (1) - clockwise, playfield 3 degrees
01:09:137 (7) - I think these should be used sparingly... i would kick this one since it doesn't fit well
01:24:046 (9) - NC?
01:25:591 (2) - delete
Topic Starter

Senbon wrote:

Hey, welcome my average mod!


Check up with AImod, there are audio lead in and break letterbox problems between all but insane.there's no any problem showed in my computer;w;


00:57:318 (4) - clap
01:07:500 (2,3) - whistles don't fit
01:08:228 (3) - remove one repeat
01:23:864 (2) - ^ especially since previous slider is only two repeatsfix all


00:03:864 (2) - this is funny XD;w;
00:34:409 (5) - grid rightok
00:53:682 (4) - bleh, make slider same as 00:54:409 (5)fix
01:07:500 (2,3,4,5,6) - doesn't flow well with rest, change slider to circle for tripletfix


00:03:137 (3,4) - delete (3) and pull slider to where it was, circle at 00:03:682ok
00:20:228 (3) - a little too over the top 0.0i think it's ok
00:38:228 (1) - end clap?cause i did some change on patterns but forgot to add hitsounds
00:39:864 (6) - beginning clap? ^ i find it weird to stray from the hit sound pattern since it will already change at (7)
00:42:046 (1,2,3,4,1) - stack them a little better)this is also something confused me. in the editor it is stacked, but in game it's not.the way how i pace it now can make a compeletly stack in game....idk why and how to fix this, just left it there
00:57:864 (3) - breaks flow, shorten to white tick and circle at 00:58:228ok
01:08:773 (8) - grid rightfix


00:37:682 (5) - whistle startfix
00:48:591 (4,5,6) - these jumps are a little ugly, make (5) the same as the others and leave the jump for (6)ur right
00:53:318 (4) - rotate anticlockwise from selection centre by 4ummm...ok
00:55:500 (1) - clockwise, playfield 3 degreesok
01:09:137 (7) - I think these should be used sparingly... i would kick this one since it doesn't fit wellyes many people mentioned this, so i will think of it
01:24:046 (9) - NC?fix
01:25:591 (2) - deletefix
thank you for your modding ;w;


先将aimod的问题修复(勾上“chenk distance snap”)
00:22:955 (4) - 试一下跟 00:21:318 (2) 重叠
00:45:318 (1) - 在 00:46:409 结束
00:47:137 (1) - 提前到 00:46:773 ,然后再00:47:318结束
00:58:409 (1) - 在 00:59:864 结束,然后在 01:00:773 加一个note
01:11:137 (1) - 意义不明
01:18:228 (5,1) - 既然是Easy了,就避免一下半拍吧

先将aimod的问题修复(勾上“chenk distance snap”)
00:03:864 (2) - 提前到 00:03:994
00:48:228 (1) - 在 00:49:137 结束,然后在 00:49:500 加一个note


00:44:591 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 可以的话,做的像正六边形一点

Topic Starter

hoshisorakiseki wrote:



先将aimod的问题修复(勾上“chenk distance snap”)一直没勾怪不得什么问题都没有0 0
00:22:955 (4) - 试一下跟 00:21:318 (2) 重叠
00:45:318 (1) - 在 00:46:409 结束我是跟vocal来的这有点不对
00:47:137 (1) - 提前到 00:46:773 ,然后再00:47:318结束不不不不太好和上面的一起用了也不太好的感觉;w;
00:58:409 (1) - 在 00:59:864 结束,然后在 01:00:773 加一个note其实我自己原来就觉得怪,不过这样该也不太好。。。总之我不会ez啊啊啊啊
01:11:137 (1) - 意义不明不小心删了几个note,fix了
01:18:228 (5,1) - 既然是Easy了,就避免一下半拍吧读作ez写作nm;w;,其实这也只是为了合拍

先将aimod的问题修复(勾上“chenk distance snap”)很多我都是按照DS来的,建议让ai mod 吃电视
00:03:864 (2) - 提前到 00:03:994这个地方跟的是鼓哦建议仔细听下
00:48:228 (1) - 在 00:49:137 结束,然后在 00:49:500 加一个note嗯做了些调整


00:44:591 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 可以的话,做的像正六边形一点没注意是六边形的说,改了

thx for modding ;w;
Hi! :) from my queue :D

i like ヨルムンガンド :D :D :D so I look forward to doing modding ;)


  1. 00:01:682 (3,4) - add Clap
  1. 01:06:046 (6,1,2,3) - use distance snap
  1. 01:11:137 (3,4) - use distance snap or overlap

  1. You should use Distance Snap all in Normal.
    I think that you should clear all it because there are a lot of points where distance is far

  1. I suggest that you change Grid Level from 3 to 4.
  1. 00:42:228 (2,3,4,1) - overlap
  1. 00:43:137 (1,2) - do it symmetrically
this way
overlap terminal and 00:44:591 (1) -

  1. 01:06:773 (1) - I suggest that change it in this way
this way
change 01:07:682 (4)

 01:08:228 (7) Ctrl +g and overlap initial point and 01:08:046 (5,6)

  1. 01:10:773 (2,3) - use Distance Snap

  1. I suggest that you change Grid Level from 3 to 4 too.
  1. 00:04:409 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - display these carefully using Distance Snap
  1. 00:44:591 (7) - change new combo
  1. 01:05:318 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -display these carefully using Distance Snap
  1. 01:08:228 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
  1. 01:11:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^
  1. 01:24:591 (7,1) - do it symmetrically

End modding in this. :)
Let's do our best to do ranked each other! :)
Topic Starter

EnixYuki wrote:

Hi! :) from my queue :D

i like ヨルムンガンド :D :D :D so I look forward to doing modding ;)


  1. 00:01:682 (3,4) - add Clapsorry i don't think clap make sense :(
  1. 01:06:046 (6,1,2,3) - use distance snapok
  1. 01:11:137 (3,4) - use distance snap or overlapi used,but ai mod warn me :( but yes you are right , change to DS set

  1. You should use Distance Snap all in Normal.
    I think that you should clear all it because there are a lot of points where distance is farΣ( ° △ °|||)︴umm...Σ(`д′*ノ)ノnoooooo....( >﹏<。)ok will remap this

  1. I suggest that you change Grid Level from 3 to 4.ok
  1. 00:42:228 (2,3,4,1) - overlapthis is also something confused me. in the editor it is stacked, but in game it's not.the way how i pace it now can make a compeletly stack in game....idk why and how to fix this,just left it therewill ask others about this
  1. 00:43:137 (1,2) - do it symmetrically
yes nice idea
this way
overlap terminal and 00:44:591 (1) -

  1. 01:06:773 (1) - I suggest that change it in this way
this way
change 01:07:682 (4)

 01:08:228 (7) Ctrl +g and overlap initial point and 01:08:046 (5,6)

  1. 01:10:773 (2,3) - use Distance Snapi used QAQ

  1. I suggest that you change Grid Level from 3 to 4 too.
  1. 00:04:409 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - display these carefully using Distance Snapdont mind this >.>
  1. 00:44:591 (7) - change new combook
  1. 01:05:318 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -display these carefully using Distance Snap=A=
  1. 01:08:228 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^too lazy to move _(:зゝ∠)_
  1. 01:11:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^面倒_(:зゝ∠)_
  1. 01:24:591 (7,1) - do it symmetricallyfix

End modding in this. :)
Let's do our best to do ranked each other! :)yeh lets fight :)
Fushimi Rio
From queue

有些间隔不久的滑条的弯曲度不要差太多,比如00:20:955 (1,2) - 两个滑条弯的程度不一样看着就有点丑 多用ctrl+CVRGHJ


00:00:228 (1,2,3,4) - clap蛋疼 如果要保留的话把4的clap去掉
00:21:318 (2) - 这在easy里有点难了
00:24:591 (2,4) - 有重叠 不好看
00:50:591 (3,1) - ^
01:02:773 (4,2) - ^
01:17:136 (3,5) - ^
01:23:137 (1,2) - ^
00:52:046 (1,2) - blanket没做好
00:25:682 (4,1) - 建议4和1做blanket 当然需要微调4和前面的note的位置
00:43:864 (1,1,1) - 这仨应该等长啊 奇怪
00:58:409 (1) - 在01:00:409 - 结束如何
01:17:136 (3,4,5,1) - 4和1叠好 5和1ds不对 总之建议把这里重做


00:15:137 (1,2,3,4) - 做个方形怎么样
00:52:591 (2) - 不要用reverse
00:58:228 - 差个音
01:02:955 (2,3,4,1) - 这里音乐是这样的吧
01:07:864 (5,6,7,8) - 感觉不是很好
01:11:318 (3) - ds
01:22:409 (6,7) - 叠好


00:15:137 (1,2,3,4) - 234都叠上了1却没有 统一一下
00:27:864 (3) - crtl+g
00:57:500 (2) - 1grid left
01:04:409 (2,3) - ……3居然不是红线起
01:04:955 (3,4,5) - 叠好
01:12:046 (6,7) - ^
01:18:228 (1,2,3,4) - 可能会花点工夫 但还是^
01:12:955 (1,2,1) - 难读


00:01:500 (3,5) - 叠好
00:09:500 (3,2) - ^
00:18:046 (2,3) - 可以多一个reverse
00:26:773 (1,2,3) - 从右上方开始是不是好一点 比如交换一下1和3的位置
00:32:955 (2,3) - 有点空 后面都塞满了啊
00:42:591 (1,2,3,4,5) - flow有点怪
00:47:864 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 难读
00:49:318 - 为啥这里总是slider尾 不舒服
00:49:500 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 感觉和音乐有点错位 不过梗本身好评
00:51:864 (2) - 00:52:046 - 有个音
01:03:318 (4,5,6) - 调整一下5的位置吧
01:11:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 这也太随便了吧……
01:15:318 (6,7,8) - 感觉五连比较好
01:15:318 (6,2) - 叠好

有的地方很不错 主要还是新人感有点强 注意一下美观(比如没叠好)和flow 加油
Topic Starter

Eggache0 wrote:

From queue

有些间隔不久的滑条的弯曲度不要差太多,比如00:20:955 (1,2) - 两个滑条弯的程度不一样看着就有点丑 多用ctrl+CVRGHJ


00:00:228 (1,2,3,4) - clap蛋疼 如果要保留的话把4的clap去掉我也觉的蛋疼啊但是mod说要改,找到理由改回去啦(。・∀・)ノ゙
00:21:318 (2) - 这在easy里有点难了
00:24:591 (2,4) - 有重叠 不好看
00:50:591 (3,1) - ^
01:02:773 (4,2) - ^
01:17:136 (3,5) - ^
01:23:137 (1,2) - ^
00:52:046 (1,2) - blanket没做好
00:25:682 (4,1) - 建议4和1做blanket 当然需要微调4和前面的note的位置
00:43:864 (1,1,1) - 这仨应该等长啊 奇怪之前听不懂,今天听出来了把节奏改了
00:58:409 (1) - 在01:00:409 - 结束如何hao
01:17:136 (3,4,5,1) - 4和1叠好 5和1ds不对 总之建议把这里重做重做了;w;以上没备注的也都改了

因为nm remap过了所以建议就调着看了
00:15:137 (1,2,3,4) - 做个方形怎么样
00:52:591 (2) - 不要用reverse感觉空了。。。。不是很会下简单的节奏
00:58:228 - 差个音fix
01:02:955 (2,3,4,1) - 这里音乐是这样的吧就算你这么说我也不知道是什么样啊0 0
01:07:864 (5,6,7,8) - 感觉不是很好嗯找时间改下
01:11:318 (3) - ds
01:22:409 (6,7) - 叠好


00:15:137 (1,2,3,4) - 234都叠上了1却没有 统一一下
00:27:864 (3) - crtl+g这是ds的选择
00:57:500 (2) - 1grid leftk
01:04:409 (2,3) - ……3居然不是红线起remap
01:04:955 (3,4,5) - 叠好fix
01:12:046 (6,7) - ^
01:18:228 (1,2,3,4) - 可能会花点工夫 但还是^。。。。我已经尽力了
01:12:955 (1,2,1) - 难读这是按照ds来的。。。一般这种情况应该怎么搞说是话我也不太会,先暂时这样吧


00:01:500 (3,5) - 叠好
00:09:500 (3,2) - ^
00:18:046 (2,3) - 可以多一个reverse这个地方严格来说我是更了背景音了不过节奏下的太蠢可能remap掉
00:26:773 (1,2,3) - 从右上方开始是不是好一点 比如交换一下1和3的位置
00:32:955 (2,3) - 有点空 后面都塞满了啊跟的是vocal。。。感觉还是不乱下其实是没梗
00:42:591 (1,2,3,4,5) - flow有点怪之前有人说漏音了,改了下改蠢了,现在改成方形
00:47:864 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 难读麻吉。。。这我要好好想想
00:49:318 - 为啥这里总是slider尾 不舒服
00:49:500 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 感觉和音乐有点错位 不过梗本身好评我试过和音乐合拍,那时候的感觉是还没这个好打
00:51:864 (2) - 00:52:046 - 有个音 fix
01:03:318 (4,5,6) - 调整一下5的位置吧
01:11:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 这也太随便了吧……都怪串难摆_(:зゝ∠)_有空改了这不改问题不大吧
01:15:318 (6,7,8) - 感觉五连比较好保留
01:15:318 (6,2) - 叠好fix

有的地方很不错 主要还是新人感有点强 注意一下美观(比如没叠好)和flow 加油
thank you for you modding ;w;

Easy have different combo colors is there any real reason for this?
Guides you should read:

SV is too high for easy
15 sec break after 5 sec play on start is frustrating, consider to map something here
00:22:955 (4) - if you map with snapping to lyrics map with snapping to lyrics, end this on 00:23:500 (5) -
00:49:137 (1,2,3) - clean this pattern (remove overlaps)
01:15:864 (1,3) - ^
01:18:228 (5,1) - ^
01:23:137 (1,2) - ^
01:11:864 (3,1) - try to make blanket from this
I don't like this easy, SV is too high, rhythm is not that simple, some patterns looks messy.

00:48:228 (1,1) - this rhythm will be better to play and more natural
00:58:773 (5,6,7) - fix blanket here
This diff is alright.

00:56:773 (6,2) - unstuck this
01:13:500 (1,1,1,1) - remove nc spam
Some patterns are way to clunky but rhythm is good. And this diff also plays good.

Nothing really wrong, plays well

That's all. Good Luck.
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:


Easy have different combo colors is there any real reason for this?
Guides you should read:
sorry as for i am a brginner of mapping, i have no idea about these

SV is too high for easy
15 sec break after 5 sec play on start is frustrating, consider to map something here
00:22:955 (4) - if you map with snapping to lyrics map with snapping to lyrics, end this on 00:23:500 (5) -
00:49:137 (1,2,3) - clean this pattern (remove overlaps)
01:15:864 (1,3) - ^
01:18:228 (5,1) - ^
01:23:137 (1,2) - ^
01:11:864 (3,1) - try to make blanket from this
I don't like this easy, SV is too high, rhythm is not that simple, some patterns looks messy.
k, i will remap the whole staff later

00:48:228 (1,1) - this rhythm will be better to play and more naturalfix
00:58:773 (5,6,7) - fix blanket heredone
This diff is alright.

00:56:773 (6,2) - unstuck thisok remapped there
01:13:500 (1,1,1,1) - remove nc spamfix
Some patterns are way to clunky but rhythm is good. And this diff also plays good.

Nothing really wrong, plays well

That's all. Good Luck.
thank you for modding :)
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