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nik's Winter Tour 2019

NWT 2019 logo

The nik's Winter Tour 2019 (NWT 2019) was a worldwide 1v1 double-elimination osu! tournament hosted by nikolomara. It was the first instalment of the nik's Tournaments series.

Tournament schedule

Event Timestamp
Registration phase 2018-12-16/2019-01-07
Live drawings 2019-01-13 (19:00 UTC)
Qualifiers stage 2019-01-19/2019-01-20
Round of 32 2019-01-26/2019-01-27
Round of 16 2019-01-29/2019-02-11
Quarterfinals 2019-02-16/2019-02-17
Semifinals 2019-02-23/2019-03-02
Finals 2019-03-03/2019-03-10


Placing Prize(s)
Gold crown 4 months of osu!supporter, unique profile badge
Silver crown 2 months of osu!supporter
Bronze crown 1 month of osu!supporter

NWT 2019 winner badge


The nik's Winter Tour 2019 was run by various community members.



This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:

Placing Player
Gold crown Fish-
Silver crown loveleft
Bronze crown [Lucky]



Download the map pack here! (123 MB)


Download the map pack here! (103 MB)


Download the map pack here! (115 MB)

Round of 16

Download the map pack here! (119 MB)

Round of 32

Download the map pack here! (92 MB)

Match results


Saturday, 2 March 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Fish- 7 0 [Lucky] #1

Sunday, 3 March 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
loveleft 7 3 Liswiera #1

Saturday, 9 March 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
[Lucky] 1 7 loveleft #1

Sunday, 10 March 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Fish- 7 3 loveleft #1


Saturday, 23 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
[Lucky] 6 0 loveleft win by default
_kyuu 6 2 lokser #1
Fish- 6 4 Liswiera #1
YoshiLover456 6 2 bart6003 #1

Sunday, 24 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
loveleft 6 5 _kyuu #1

Saturday, 2 March 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Liswiera 6 4 YoshiLover456 #1


Saturday, 16 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Tuco 2 5 Menty #1
Fish- 5 1 _kyuu #1
San Diego 0 5 Liswiera #1
F1shbowl 2 5 lokser #1
Snajper 5 0 _p0ke_ win by default
[Lucky] 5 3 YoshiLover456 #1
lahwraN 4 5 Raoul #1
loveleft 5 1 bart6003 #1

Sunday, 17 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
_kyuu 5 2 Menty #1
San Diego 1 5 lokser #1
YoshiLover456 5 2 Snajper #1
bart6003 5 2 Raoul #1

Round of 16

Monday, 29 January 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Fish- 4 0 Raoul win by default

Saturday, 2 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Tuco 5 1 Xeli #1
YoshiLover456 5 4 themaster156 #1
Mayukaki 2 5 F1shbowl #1
Defectum 5 4 woobin5004 #1
lahwraN 5 0 Nentse #1
DeSconTent 0 5 bart6003 #1

Sunday, 3 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
_p0ke_ 2 5 San Diego #1
deflateddolphin 5 4 pseudophilia #1
NoVaLian 3 5 Pictures #1
Roba 5 2 Xicyte #1
_kyuu 5 2 Proioxis #1
Liswiera 5 2 Snajper #1
loveleft 5 0 Menty #1
[Lucky] 5 0 lokser #1

Monday, 4 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Kawaii Kaneki 0 5 Zertus win by default
Defectum 5 4 woobin5004 win by default

Friday, 8 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Menty 5 2 woobin5004 #1

Saturday, 9 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
DeSconTent 3 5 Tuco #1
_p0ke_ 5 0 Zertus #1
themaster156 0 5 F1shbowl #1
lokser 5 2 Pictures #1

Sunday, 10 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Snajper 5 2 Roba #1

Monday, 11 February 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Raoul 5 0 deflateddolphin #1
Proioxis 3 5 lahwraN #1

Round of 32

Saturday, 26 January 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
lokser 4 0 lahwraN #1
bart6003 4 0 Zertus #1
_p0ke_ 4 1 Tuco #1
_kyuu 4 2 NoVaLian #1
loveleft 4 0 Roba #1
Fish- 4 0 Mayukaki #1
Snajper 4 0 woobin5004 #1
Liswiera 4 1 Defectum #1

Sunday, 27 January 2019:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
[Lucky] 4 0 Nentse #1
Menty 4 0 Xicyte #1
YoshiLover456 4 0 deflateddolphin #1
San Diego 4 3 Xeli #1
Raoul 4 0 F1shbowl #1
pseudophilia 3 4 themaster156 #1
Proioxis 4 2 Pictures #1
DeSconTent 4 1 Kawaii Kaneki #1


General rules

  1. nik's Winter Tour 2019 is a one-on-one tournament using double-elimination bracket and Score V2 as its map scoring.
  2. Rank range is between #10,000 - #35,000 and we will be allowing a 1k rank buffer in case of people overranking slightly.
  3. Suspicious accounts will not be accepted into the tournament. This includes people who have really low playcount or really low hours of playtime.
  4. We only accept our Google form link as a way to register.
    • Any other kinds of registration such as: Discord Direct Messages, osu!forum posts, etc will not count.
  5. Delay toleration are explained below:
    • For a 10 minute delay you will have your roll automatically lost.
    • For a 15 minute delay you will have your match automatically lost.
    • Disrespect of your assigned referee, and/or your opponent, will not be tolerated. (Also applies for the Discord server and towards other staff members)

Match procedures

  1. At Qualifiers Stage, participants will be assigned to a lobby based on participants' availability and they will play for score, not position achieved during the match. This is because NWT 2019 staff will compare your score to everyone in the tournament so as to make it more fair. Participants will play all maps in the pool once.
    • Scores will be rescaled to be up to 1,000,000 and then added up.
    • The top 32 players sorted with their highest score summed, will go through.
    • The mappool consists of: 3 NoMod, 2 Hidden, 2 HardRock, and 2 DoubleTime maps.
  2. After passing the Qualifiers Stage, participants will be in the knockout-stage and regarding its winning conditions and numbers of map they have to bann explained as follows:
    • In Round of 32, participants need to win 4 beatmaps to win a match (Best-of-7) and will have to bann 1 map per match.
    • In Round of 16, participants need to win 5 beatmaps to win a match (Best-of-9) and will have to bann 1 map per match.
    • In Quarterfinals, participants need to win 5 beatmaps to win a match (Best-of-9) and will have to bann 2 maps per match.
    • In Semifinals, participants need to win 6 beatmaps to win a match (Best-of-11) and will have to bann 2 maps per match.
    • In the Finals and Grand Finals, participants need to win 7 beatmaps to win a match (Best-of-13) and will have to bann 2 maps per match.