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Dead comments XD🗣️🗣️🗣️
background art sauce?
воу,,, я терь обожаю эту песню^-^
lagu touhou favorit euy
poto lol
suck,with dt
this is soo gooood
Aliens from Outer Space will this be the End of Justin Biber and the begin of Lady Gaga?
hella old mappu......
the only ranked map today ? :p
> Artist: Eru
Title: Jazz
Best map 2016
Best map ofc
Awesome ♥
wow, didn't think I'd see vass_bass maps in 2016
also speedrank LUL
Reiji is greatiest mapper and my favorite mapper.
galaxy collapse´s lost sister
oh ffs
Pretty Ugly
Nice meme!
your avatar
dem saya kah